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The Photography Thread


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So i posted this same thing in the camera thread....well because not many people check the camera thread.


Anyone own a gopro? or any camera of that type?

I'm going on a trip to Ecuador where i will be doing some snorkeling, lots of mountain biking, surfing etc. and I also snowboard every year and mountain bike etc so i can always use it. thought this would be awesome to capture with a gopro. I've seen a lot of videos on youtube and they look pretty great and you can do a lot of different things with it.

Any tips for accessories to buy? any reviews?

I have looked up reviews on google but i always like to hear from people on here.



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Nice. Would be great if the aidience wasn't that sharp all the time


i have shot a pocket pns exclusively for the last year (s95 ftw)...dof is what it is, but i suppose i could do it in ps with some masking. i would prob dodge n burn some things too.




How on earth did you catch the other guys flashes two times?


i have learned timing and body mechanics. at this stage in my photography i choose shots better than i used to. for ex this lapse... i snapped at two moments that i deemed important and caught two ringside pros side by side both flicking/flashing in seq. frames (they each chose alternate moments while i chose them both). nothing beats practice.

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Great stuff here as usual! That snowboarding one....GREAT, must spread rep.


Just got back from Ecuador, that country is awesome! I haven't even looked through all of my photos yet but this is one of my favourites! This used to be a volcano and it erupted a long time ago and collapsed in on itself and created this crater filled with the most beautiful water! Feels like you can touch the clouds how high you are!

enough talk!





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