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Everything posted by ndv

  1. Kinda entertained the thought about this off and on, wondering if the US was invaded by China, we wouldn't really need to have a draft as I am sure people would be firing from the homes defending their neighborhoods. I could see it now, dudes in Rapters driving around with the American flag flying from the bed picking off as much of the enemy as possible. Just the thought of this alone, makes sense for the 2A as it made sense in the future from the founding fathers.
  2. Wasn't there a video of pretty much the same thing, but with racks of parts that was toppled over like dominoes from a forklift operator?
  3. It's was something about clone a willie. Idk, I didn't watch it. Just tooke the title for face value factuered Moogle in the mix and backed out.
  4. Anyone use/have used/know someone used/using StepN?
  5. I love schmucks like this. This were I act all enthusiastic about it making them think I am going to show up and forget all about it.
  6. Just checked using Tor and the video plays under this browser. did you shoot that in 4k?
  7. The .mov files never load for me on my mobile. I have to download an extension for brave to support the format.
  8. I think you just nailed it.
  9. It is, but more so a suckling pig. Like a delicacy of some sort. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Suckling_pig
  10. @KILZ FILLZ have you looked into StepN GMT? Looks like a worth while investment or potentially could be. All time high back 2022 was $4.90 but currently hovering around .43 cents. Looks like the NFT in sneakers may be the route to take for diamonds hands. In the mean time GMT makes feel its a good buy do to the potential it has for what it is. My concern with it is from .10 to $4.90 looks like that was its IPO stage and leveled off at its current price but could raise to new highs if an athletic company endorses StepN.
  11. I'll let dark knight slide, as he is probably under some thick Latina booty gasping for air but enjoying it too much to send out an SOS to his 12oz fam for help.
  12. Idk, I figure when someone goes hiatus on here where it is apparent they got pissed. I chalk it up as they got busy.
  13. Bro has a Deine Mudder shirt on. This has to a fake, a video though. Smoking crack with hunter. C'mon. edit: still funny tho
  14. I completely agree with you on this, and it's simply this thought that also makes it tough for me to agree with prosecuting most of these people. It's as if they were punished for being American. I mean, it would have been the same if George Washington punished everyone who participated in tossing tea in the Boston Harbour. The difference the botson tea party and the insurrection, is one had purpose and the other was an act without a meaningful outcome there was no foundation that was beneficial as the tossing someone salad. I mean tea. Imo. But yes, none the less both were as American as it can be. Or at least one was the the start of what it is to be American. This day in age, the only thing that could be equal to the Boston tea party as far as being the pinnacle of what American is to be. Would be to would be doing the exact se thing that happened on Jan 6th but the purpose of intent is to arrest, remove from office, and convict politicians for their crimes.
  15. That was my take away it too. Looking back at these videos when the they entered you could see the confusion and what to do next in most their body language. It's this confusion imo I think shows proof they were led on by a central figure with intent. As if what to do we do next? As if anything they did before or after was going to be validity to a steal. It was pretty cuck imo.
  16. January 6th is always going to be National Cuck Day or Happy Cuck Day. I do agree with you, we should observe January 6th a governmental subversion day. Maybe Macy's van have a parade too, imagine the large floating Trump and Tucker Carlson followed by a sweating Juliana with die running down his face. Seriously though, Jan 6th should be governmental subversion day. Perhaps it may just be a purge.
  17. Truth. I had to throw that one in there.
  18. @T4M* Did you get the rave bundle?
  19. ^^ how come I thought this was Trump
  20. Second this very strongly.
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