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Everything posted by ndv

  1. 2024 may be the year Gen Alpha is gonna be the generation that adopts speaking with a flamboyant lisp as the new cool.
  2. https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/world/balenciaga-s-new-trash-bag-dress-sparks-comparisons-with-dead-russian-soldiers-video/ar-AA1lGvBR
  3. https://metro.co.uk/2023/12/28/putin-unleashes-wrath-rapper-wore-sock-almost-naked-party-20032580/?ico=read_full_story_videopage
  4. Naw, I d9nt smoke grass it's been since, I think, 2013/14 ?
  5. He's good. He just found out there was mustard in something he ate a while back.
  6. I though about placing it there, but the meme is too good it has to be released into the wild
  7. You wrote it and i agree, when i first read your comment i laughed out loud. So I had to give credit where credit is do
  8. That's what I was kinda thinking. From what I have spoken with a few people working with bots in manufacturing regarding safety, the bots are programmed to do a specific task, anything outside that task it will shut down meaning something g in the way, or a sensor fails. The robot arms are a little different which are very dangerous from my understanding. Getting smacked with one of the arms in motion can kill.
  9. That was my first thought. I am not saying this doesn't happen, but I am interested in the credibility of the Tesla suspension components failing in the other thread. But as for this story I wonder if the robots behavior has any correlation with Ai and neurolink. Wouldn't surprise me, just asking.
  10. This seems much better. I mean, it's not like the dentist that charges 35k isn't going to not do the same. I mean when my parents told me their quotes, all I could say was, "I understand his wife wants an s class, but let's be real here."
  11. Have you talked with your cousin about getting probono work. Like, isn't there a thing for people who need dental work and students need to get hands on exsperience? IDK, I thought there's setting like that. Sire beats 35k
  12. I figure his weed pardons are a last ditch effort, roll of the dice to find as many votes possible. I guess this time it's good to be a republican pot head.
  13. Dude, the dentists are getting ridiculous. My parents were quote 50 and 45k each. I am not sure where they are pulling these prices from, but not everyone has insurance. Even if they did, a couple hundred bucks a month, the math doesn't add up.
  14. As funny as this looks, its just as disturbing 🤣 If I looked in the mirror and saw this, I don't think I would go outside.
  15. ^^ if that's real, that is the dumbest toy ever made. Definitely wouldn't buy it for me kid. Thanks for the review!
  16. Idk @mr.yuck I am not sure the world can place the Carters and Kennedys in the same class. The Kennedys had influence to a certain degree, however, the Carters have/had superficial influence to a certain degree which had a Hollywood self life that quickly died faster than JFKs presidency, (no pun intended), but let's be real here. Although, I believe in a sense you're on to something correct. JFK Jr. is the last alive as Nick. Both share a common anomaly where there careers did nothing ( or at least for me, far as I know), and every few years or so the both may do something to make themselves feel relevant to society because they have faded away from the public eye and memories are all they have left to make them feel alive.
  17. Cucumbers and Shrimp? That's not what makes it worse. What is worse is the pizza looks wet.
  18. I hear ya - give a couple more seasons amd you'll get used to it. The thing you'll probably not get used to is all the gift buying. I still forget a few of them and buying gift cards at the last minute. But your holiday experience is a little different than most with additional family included that is not direct - that's something I would always feel awkward too year over year.
  19. Looks just thike the Christmas my inlaws have. In the similar fashion your inlaws celebrate Christmas.
  20. @KILZ FILLZ This right here looks interesting.
  21. I don't know, I've never had a Detroit style pizza although I am sure I had something similar in the past but must have not been all that great since I can't remember if I have or haven't. I guess thats me saying regardless of the pizza style, the baker determines the level of quality. I could be wrong, but considering how much HTX boasts themselves about being the nation's leading eatery, I find it odd we lack in the pizza department. There are a handful or places that can bake decent pies but I wouldn't put them in the same ring as some of the top places in Detroit, Chicago, and New York. It would be nice to find a place that can bake all three types great to be agreed by natives to represent their city to sample them all at once to understand each that makes them different and why. Basically the history of the pie types in relation to city. Unfortunately, with pizza everyone claims they have the best style pie and HTX is not the place that can represent that. The only two recommendations I could give someone in HTX is Spanky's and Star Pizza. But these places are just pizza to me.
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