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Everything posted by ndv

  1. @LUGR this you - ships from Florida - so its' gotta be you
  2. It gets even better. lol
  3. YO! The Message Merge is ballin!! That's what's up!
  4. I think there is one photo I came across under Google images he had on some sneakers with a suit. The only pic I ever seen if I remember correctly. I didn't dig too deep into who made the shoes, but chances are came from a Nike factory in Vietnam. But if Ye wasn't involved, that's was his first mistake, if he had Ye involved he could have sold them for 3 times as much for the get go. Looks like a bunch of douche bags beat him to it on ebay. lol 95 hundy for some gold hightops .... ROTFL
  5. 399 per pair of 1000 pairs total. Ridiculous. As a business stand point, doesn't make any sense for a 399,000 return before ebita on some Bootlicker 3s. Either its true what they say it is about his inflated networth or he truely is horrible in business at this point. The only thing that looks about right on the Bootlicker 3s is the hide looks buttery smooth which wants to tell me he used kangaroo hide. I think a designer like Balenciaga should trol his shoe and come out with something similar but price tag them at 3k and make twice as many just to see them out sale the BL3s
  6. ^^ somethings that are absolutely correct which never go viral by major media as they should. This is one of those posts. @MOOGLE?
  7. Raven, I am completely stoked on your endeavors. Congrats on the strive as it seems to being paying off - or as it already had. ^^ this right here though, is exactly the experiences of entrepreneurial success. Definitely a "if it was this easy, everybody would he doing it". Congrats again on your success and I hope it keeps coming for you.
  8. ndv


    Other than my Boy @Mercersporting these kicks, who else is getting these Trump Sneakers?
  9. Lol right? I'll have to check it someday.
  10. @DETO your kid is probably the coolest in school with all those fresh kicks
  11. Well, the burgers were a suggestion but shot down by the fiancé, so Vietnamese won and the Beef Phó was on point.
  12. Perhaps redbull had https://www.apocalypse6x6.com/ modify the 4 runner or the likes.
  13. Good eye. I kept looking at the front which looks a lot like the tesla truck
  14. All of these burger posts got me craving for a burger now. Searching burgers here locally and Burger Slut came across my maps.
  15. Doesn't surprise me for campaign clout. *facetious speaking; if some of the political elite want to get rid of the 2nd ammendment so bad why don't they just put Jr back in office and let her fly planes into fire arm manufacturer buildings. it worked the first time to obstruct and destroy liberties. don't know why it can't work again 🤷‍♂️
  16. Where's the collective and media that rages about banning assult rifles at calling on banning superbowl parades as if there wasn't a parade there would have been no dispute.
  17. All 355 million of them and the other 83 million that have already fallen.
  18. Learn a kickflip. Nah. Go tag something Ok! The tag...
  19. That's insane - they put in work.
  20. I agree, I felt Usher had every intention to make it the best performance, but I thought it was week, redundant, wasn't sure what I was actually watching, underfunded, and sound quality could have been much better. 49ers had it. Unfortunately, they made a few very small mistakes that cost them big time. I'd like to see a rematch - not necessarily next year but at least in the next 3 years before it quickly fades to distant memory. The best part of the whole entire thing was all the people who placed bets on Kelse proposing to taxpayers that didn't happen.
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