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Everything posted by ndv

  1. Now that is dynamic pricing
  2. I am sure there is some knuckle head out there that would pay 3 hundy easy on ebay
  3. Burger King's response to Dynamic Pricing
  4. I would've scooped that up quick!
  5. I belive they were using metrics from the time btc was available and going from there. I hear what you're saying and I take all investment metrics pertaining to the future as a grain of salt. I just figured I'd ask.
  6. I can't seem to find the site when I go back looking for it, but any how it was a crypto calculator. Basically it was implying if you invest 5k BTC up front and 100 dollars every month for the next 10yrs, you should have roughly 164mil. But like any invesent there are uos and downs. @Mercer can you better explain this? This is a pretty huge gain for so little investment in a short time, no?
  7. This Wendy's thing I get it but is still wack.
  8. That is interesting.
  9. My bad. I chose to do it that way so in case the site ever goes off line we would have something to fall back on.
  10. It knows you, it knows your ip
  11. Dynamic Pricing is just an educated way of saying income inequality.
  12. Smoke & Mirrors like 703
  13. HP must own Dymo because this label writer is retarded.
  14. Yeah, Texas is about to get there in heat in the next couple months. Colorado is sweet, I enjoy it. The last time I was there it was 89° at base, but 12,000 feet later the snow flurries were blowing around. Be pretty cool if Colorado had a coast.
  15. @mr.yuck ^^ I am sure dh_vipmall can get you plenty of 45s and 47s Ask him to make you a custom Proud Boys black and yellow color way and add serial number 46
  16. I came across some hot honey but slept on it. Now I wish I hadn't. Will do next time.
  17. I don't mind the migrations. I mean middle class America has taught the "you don't wanna flip burgers your whole life" so some body has to do it as well as blue collar work is looked down on specially one being who is gonna build our roads. Although, I believe most of the Californians leaving Cali are heading to Colorado and some of them are going as far as Austin.
  18. Told ya, just hold off a week or 2 and dh gate got you for 3 hundy.
  19. I hear you on that, but if we come up with a medium norm, that lowers California a buck or 2 but raises ming a few .10cents to a dollar I would be all for it.
  20. How was the hot honey? How was it on the pizza?
  21. I never noticed dynamic pricing at the pump. It's an interesting practice to say the least. I would think Starbucks is next to follow if not already practicing it. Idk, I don't Starbucks. Back to gas prices though, I firmly believe there should be a national set prices on gas.
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