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Everything posted by ndv

  1. So, I am taking it, you'll have to replemish the rocks after all the soap build up from over time. The thought of this makes the set up impractical imo.
  2. Looks like an expensive video. Thats insane though.
  3. I now have to log in to remove safe filters to generate naked Ta-tay images? Whats up with that hotpot?
  4. ndv

    Current View

    Haven't seen a Type R interior in a while, but that makes sense.
  5. That entire thread is nonsense. A while back some douche tried selling Be Someone merch. From what douche told me, he had an anonymous cease and desist placed against him but he claimed he challenged it by which his counsel instructed him to take it to court as this would have to reveal the writers identity. He goes on to tell me, Union Pacific was very interested in the case as well because they would to press charges for what ever they claimed graph had ruined the property and the expense it cost to clean up. Short story long, the douche selling the merch, his website is gone.
  6. ndv

    Current View

    Civic, Accord, Type R ?
  7. Don't the leaves have that transparent looking fuzz? It's like the plants defense mechanism, yeah?
  8. Houston is referred to as the Bayou City, Space City, The Mecca of Oil & Gas, or simply, the 4th Largest City in the U.S. But now, by our own accord, we are now known as, 'City of Snitches'. https://www.click2houston.com/news/local/2023/12/21/ask-2-how-can-i-report-an-uninspected-out-of-registration-vehicle-to-houston-police-department/
  9. I thought @KILZ FILLZ had a thread about stuff like this. Anyhow, this has to be part of the pinnacle of nonsense as it gets. https://www.click2houston.com/news/texas/2024/02/08/fbi-foils-2022-plot-by-militiamen-to-start-a-war-at-the-texas-mexico-border/
  10. I had the same thoughts as well, what happened to Google Glasses? I figured that would have taken off for LE considering facial recognition would possibly a big help in tracking fugitives.
  11. CNC, although I have been offered a Pantagraph, just haven't taken the guy up on the offer. But if you mean freehand and in sketch, chisel and mallet. No, that's an art I do not do. Although, there is a guy in my area that does, and he is considered one of the top 3 engravers in the world. Pretty impressive work. Took a Rolex and added 10k worth of engraving on it.
  12. I feel you on this and couldn't agree more. For me, it's more so I have the money to blow on some crazy new tech. Senseless in a way.
  13. Not meta, probably never will, but apple on the other hand seems enticing to buy and I may get one later in the year after the hire wears off a little. I am sure Microsoft, Google, and Samsung are not too far behind.
  14. ^^ I forgot all about that stuff. Thanks for the reminder.
  15. Other than the military and blue angels, planes do not fly in formation or in groups for that matter. So how is that gonna save on fuel as for study of birds. I am confused by his reasoning - which makes it more suspect.
  16. I have to agree with you. Although, way before neuralink or even before Elon was known. I did ponder the thought of how cool it would be to download chemistry, mathematics, law, engineeering, coding or perhaps multiple languages with other general educational programs. It was a day dream I suppose. But the thought of control and hacking immediately told me it's a bad idea. Not to mention the moral programing that could potentially used as harm.
  17. So spatial computing and neurolink is the new Blue Ray / HD DVD race.
  18. The local dealer has on of these sitting in its lot at the moment. After seeing it in person, I still dot know what to think of it which is pretty interesting with in itself at the moment.
  19. ndv


    Those are clean!!
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