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Hua Guofang

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Everything posted by Hua Guofang

  1. @ SS, well, obviously, yes, smasharoo @OMB, maybe when she's not competing and just a little less lumpy.
  2. +1 Your work belongs in the sketch thread
  3. I don’t dislike the word, nothing wrong with that. Just not a fan of the way you were writing it. Time and practice, time and practice.
  4. Don’t think we’re doing travel threads anymore so I’m dropping these here.
  5. Agree with the above, go simple and perfect that. I don’t think any of the letters in the tag have any real style, they just exist. Cool that you do your own thing but unanimous advice here is that it won’t be appreciated by your peers.
  6. Could be worse, he could be hitting his wife from behind and call out your name.
  7. Willie Nelson - 2018 Julian Assange - as soon as possible
  8. Quick sketch as the work computer boots..., looked a lot better in my mind's eye. I also think it might be some one else's style that I've bitten here as it's quite different to what I'd usually come up with. Sorry if you're that person!
  9. Don't have to understand BTC to know that this is a dumb move. Unless there were other motives at play that are not disclosed: 'This is horses--t': Bitcoin investors blaming a Tokyo 'whale' for recent price slide Oscar Williams-Grut http://www.canberratimes.com.au/business/markets/this-is-horses-t-bitcoin-investors-blaming-a-tokyo-whale-for-recent-price-slide-20180308-p4z3jd.html Angry bitcoin traders are railing against bitcoin sales by the trustees of funds from collapsed Japanese crypto exchange Mt Gox. Mt Gox was launched in 2010 and was one of the earliest cryptocurrency exchanges. It grew to become the world’s biggest exchange but filed for bankruptcy in 2014 after being hit by a $US450 million ($578 million) hack. Its remaining funds have been placed into a trust to help pay back creditors. Bloomberg reported on Wednesday that Nobuaki Kobayashi, the Tokyo attorney and bankruptcy trustee for Mt Gox’s funds, disclosed in a creditor’s meeting this week that he has sold $US400 million of Mt Gox’s bitcoin since last September. Kobayashi is in charge of liquidating Mt Gox’s funds to pay back creditors of the business and controlled a pool of more than 166,000 bitcoins as of March 5. Matt Odell, another bitcoin investor on Twitter, wrote:“They panicked and sold the bottom. Market absorbed it well.” But other bitcoin traders and investors have expressed anger at the fact that such a large amount of bitcoin was sold into the market at a time when prices were already under pressure. After hitting a high above $US20,000 in December, bitcoin crashed below $US10,000 in mid-January. The cryptocurrency, or the wider market, hasn’t recovered since and is trading at just under $US10,000 as of the morning of March 8. The most popular thread on the Bitcoin sub-Reddit on Thursday links to an article accusing Mt Gox’s trustees of trying “to crash bitcoin” and the highest rated comment says: “Just give the people their money in BTC and let them decide what to do with it. This is horse—t.” A follow up comment from the same user said: “It’s definitely having the effect of causing the price to drop with each sell period.” Another member said: “Why didn’t he sell the BTC at auction like other assets often get sold during bankruptcy? If he sold on the spot market only an idiot would think you wouldn’t suffer slippage.” A separate thread on the Bitcoin sub-Reddit makes the same point, saying: “Is there a way to ask this Mtgox trustee guy to use an OTC desk next time (or do an auction like the FBI did with Silk Road’s 144,336 BTC)? And to NOT do market dumps?” A comment on that thread reads: “For the sake of Bitcoin survival somebody gets a hold of the trustee asap to use a better mechanism to distribute those coins!” All the comments suggest traders are concerned that such large sales of bitcoin from the Mt Gox trustees are negatively affecting the price of the asset. Kobayashi still has $US1.9 billion of bitcoin to offload, suggesting this theory could see further scrutiny. Any proceeds left after Mt Gox’s creditors are paid will go to Mark Karpeles, the founder of Mt Gox. This quirk of Japanese bankruptcy law has angered many in the bitcoin community who think that Karpeles, currently on bail from prison in Japan where he faces embezzlement charges, shouldn’t reap any benefit from the collapse of Mt Gox.
  10. WRB gonna smash ya Dudes used to fear WRB and BHS back in the day. Probably all myth when it came down to it.
  11. Nice, I'm always keen to see pics, historic or not.
  12. I want to see the story behind it though. I actually think it might be a photoshop of Angelina Jolie.
  13. I can't think of many two party democratic systems in the world today where both sides don't suck. Sorry, back to podcasts.
  14. I have a plan for my first AG brews and that is to go as simple as possible to learn the base malts and the hops to be able to better make more complex beers in the future. I've done one Maris Otter - Cascade SMaSH and today did a stout that was as simple as possible, 7kg Maris Otter and 500gm Roast Barley (I would have had 1kg oats in there too but fucking forgot them.....). just 15gm Magnum for FWH and 30gm Pacific Jade at flame out. Once there's space in the fridge I'll do an American Ale - Mosaic SMaSH and possibly another stout but with oatmeal, Dark Crystal and CaraSpec 1 (was given a whole lot for free so that's what I'm using). After that I'll probably do another smash, just with a 2 row pale and probably Simcoe and a simple porter. Once I have them out of the way and understand what the foundations of these beers are I'll start to experiment and try a few different things. I've also moved out of the kitchen and am working with a robobrew single vessel system. It was either that or BIAB as I coudn't be fucked going 3 vessel (especially given that the one vessel is actually 2 as you still need an HLT for the sparge).
  15. In saying that, the second one is pretty simple. Make sure that the bars on your letters are all a uniform size. the L and the I are upright but the F and the E are on a lean. The E isn't balanced at all. Try for a while choosing an established typefase, like something with serifs. Get used to drawing them text book clean but add shadows or 3D. Dont' bother trying to make up letters at the start, others have already done that for you. Pick a typeface and master it. Then start to make them lean, or curve, then you can think of adding the funk, etc.
  16. Same advice as almost all toys - start simple, stay simple. After that, keep doing simples. Everyone's problem - as was mine - was trying to get too tricky too soon. Go back to doing simples and straights until they are clean as a whistle. If you get board, just make them lean a little or something very, very basic. Only after people tell you that you have simples down should you start even thinking about extensions and connections. Go back to doing simples and post them.
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