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Hua Guofang

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Everything posted by Hua Guofang

  1. AC/DC brought out their own line of wine in Aust a few years back. Maynard from Tool makes his own wine as well. Sometimes, rarely, it can be real. Tonight I bottled by first brown ale whilst drinking my first stout. Quietly happy with both - each are very, very basic and stripped back recipes that allow me to understand the grain, hops, yeast and water (been doing the same with lighter beers as well) and are surprisingly comparable to your more complex beers with a mosaic of grains, hops and adjuncts. The stout is simply a base grain with roast barley for the grist and a simple European style hops (Styrian Golding as I couldn't source EKG or Fuggles) and it's really fucking good. I'll likely replicate the recipe at lower temp for higher attenuation and higher booze points but add some oats to keep a solid texture to it. Might to that and a deep, hearty English IPA for winter next weekend.
  2. My life is relatively routine in terms of imagery. so here are some taps and a font that I picked up recently for a home setup: And a friend of mine who hit the wall with impeccable timing:
  3. I wouldn't mind a ti frame either! I bought that bike to get back into downhill racing. Best laid plans and whatnot....
  4. Selling my bike, that I never ended up riding. Come to Australia and buy it. Or I will fight you Meth head style Which cannot be defeated.
  5. Great colour choices. Thread is coming back again, great to see EBA still out and about.
  6. Burnt the oats I was roasting for a brown ale. house smells like scorch.
  7. Thanks a lot for that. Will read later tonight.
  8. Can anyone open/copy/paste this article? I've already viewed my one free gig this month. https://www.the-american-interest.com/2018/04/11/americas-sign-language/
  9. I’m on Restless Empire. China and the world since 1750, by Odd Arne Westad. More annoying than not after 100 pages. Little referencing, non specific dating and unsubstantiated claims. Big name historian, possible hubris.
  10. It was one time that I was actually happy to see a dude not fire up and give us lols with his reaction. He was cool about it and was just as amused as we were.
  11. Yeah man, public health systems are awesome. We have a pretty decent one here as well and it's a national treasure. Glad whatever happened to you is finished now, mate.
  12. Oh fo sho, there’s not an ounce of morality, ethics or ideology in her agenda. All finance, and that was easily a 5 figure gig with 60 mins.
  13. Lol, yeah, that’s more where I was going with that. Or maybe offed by some Trump nut - a la “I’m gonna shoot up a pizza joint because of some stupid fake news story” kinda dude.
  14. Yeah, it was pretty dang good. The US is easily the leader in craft beer styles and I guess IPAs are the most open to variety given the many different kinds of hops and malts these days. The US also having different climates and cultures from coast to coast probably generates very different styles, like the huge difference between west coast and northeast IPAs. I actually prefer an English IPA in winter as it has a danker type flavour to it. As othe countries begin to cultivate their own strands/breeds of hops I reckon you'll see more localised styles of beers - like from New Zealand, Canada, Australia and possibly even Africa given they exist in the right longitude for growing - as other areas respond to the shortage of hops in the world and less replication of US styles. The Korean beer of Choice now is Cass, it's everywhere and THE standard for swilling. It's basically a miller/Bud or for Australian, Toohey's Dry, Carlton Cold, etc. It's shit but at least it's not offensive.
  15. Lol, I don't recal Ace, Gene and Paul being that buff. OMB - regards the question about beer in ROK, it's a really big beer culture over there, I was pleasantly surprised. We get a goodly amount of US beer over here, and even more locally brewed American style beers, so it's not a new thing to me. I just bottled an American PAle Ale last night that had been cold crashing in my fermenting fridge whilst I was away. Craft beer was huge over there, which I was surprised to see. Not hard at all to find an interesting place to hang out at. What was extra-sweet was a chance meeting. I had lunch with a bunch of jounalists as part of my trip and one of them happened to be "Korea's top journalist for beer" who was annoyed at how often she'd be sidetracked in having to cover less important issues such as North Korean nuclear tests and the daily dumbness of Trump. When I discussed craft beer and brewing with her she quietly got in touch with some boutique brewery outside of town who only sells cellar door for freshness and had them courier 12 man cans of their best kit to me at the hotel. That's the 12 cans you can see stacked up a few pages back. The beer was excellent. I'm not a big pilsner drinker but their was top notch - almost a pale masquerading as a pilsner. But their best was a NEIIPA. It wasn't overly soupy and the hops were perfectly balanced. The way that journo got into beer was living in Ireland to learn English but ending up learning beer instead. It was a great meeting and an excellent way to top off a trip that was otherwise dealing with ugly shit like nukes, Trump, KJU, etc.
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