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Hua Guofang

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Everything posted by Hua Guofang

  1. That's the kind of discussion that is THE problem. Either side of the debate can't see that they're acting the same way because they're too busy trying to destroy the other side. They're both different sides of the same coin, more about their dislike for the other side than the problems they want to solve.
  2. @Dirty_habiT- the shit we see in the street is the extreme end of it. And I don't think it's just your Antifa idiots that are the violent ones, it's on both sides and I think Charlottesville was a good example. But that's the extreme of the extreme. If you look at a lot of the social media and mainstream media its just attack attack attack from your ideological position. Pragmatism is being rolled back for hard positions based on spiritualism (as in left, right, etc.). 12OZ is a bit of an oasis, people in here are much more often open to discussion and I'd say that a massive chunk of US population is the same. But the polarisation is increasing and ideology is becoming the anchor of social discussion, which itself is increasingly becoming about beating down and belittling the opposition rather than convincing them. @KultsI don't think I agree at all that parts of that report were classified to protect the IC from embarrassment. I think that's a position that is based on political attacks from people that don't want to admit that there was interference because admitting might mean having to admit that the that the election result MIGHT not be valid. The IC are overprotective when it comes to info, they are risk averse. But that's their nature as their whole reason for existing is to reduce risk. Sure some people are corrupted, weak and failing, that's life and we are all human. But to say that the IC just made a bunch of shit up and that the leaders of FBI, CIA, ODNI, etc. are all in on it is the stuff of crazy town. Not to say that the IC doesn't get things wrong as well - 2002 is a huuuge example how how badly fucked up things can get. The difference with Iraq and today is that there is no political pressure from the White House to find evidence of Russian interference, this finding by the IC is based on what was picked up before any of the politicians got involved. The Mueller investigation is a completely separate thing. That's about collusion with a foreign power. The ODNI report is what Russia was doing regardless of what the Trump team were doing. Russia has a VERY clear track record of these kind of operations, read about what they did in Ukraine before moving into Crimea, Donetsk, etc. Anyway, back on Tila Tequila being a genius.
  3. Sure, that's fine. What part of the report did you disbelieve? Obviously talking about the public report rather than the class reports given to the congress and the press and pres elect.
  4. Yeah, I actually don't get CNN. I'm not in the US. If you've got good evidence that argues against Russia attempting to undermine politics in the US - just as the US does in Russia and other countries, I'm keen to see it.
  5. Hahha, holy crap, way to swallow the Trump line whole heartedly, dude! Just because he is not a fan of the current admin does not make him 'left'! His security clearance has been threatened because he is alarmed about the way the Russians involved themselves in the 2016 election and the way Trump tries to deny what the intel community knows as a fact because he fears it challenges his win in the election. The Intel community has never said once that it impacted the outcome and they argue that there is really no way they could ever measure such a thing anyway. Clapper (and the intel community in general) is far from loved by the left. and seeing things as so 'left and right' is a major part of the problem in the first place. That shit is just stupid.
  6. I was able to sit down and have a one-n-one with Jim Clapper, the former DNI yesterday and this was his biggest problem/fear about US society today, the inability to compromise and not see the other side of the argument as 'the enemy'. Was an interesting chat.
  7. Never liked his music, never gave a shit for anything he said. Far from convincing in my book. Tila Tequila? Now that's a genius I can get behind!
  8. Advice has been offered and you've ignored it. People have been polite in that you're not even close to the standard to post in this thread. You've ignored that too and even gone as far as to criticise dudes when their simples burn your...., whatever you call the shit you post. So, now it's coming to you blunt: You are a toy, you need to go back and start from scratch by posting ONLY in the toy thread and accepting the advice you've been given.
  9. Seriously, you’re a toy and you don’t deserve to be posting horrible shit like that in this thread. Fuck off to the toy thread and stay there until you start accepting the advice we’ve given you.
  10. Yeah, my raised eyebrows and deadpan voice and facial expressions probably aren’t communicated very well via text.
  11. You might want to pay closer attention to the part where I say “If for nothing else”, which indicates, quite explicitly, that I was not giving props for kicking a woman. And if you read into what was implied in the comment, it was backhanded, pretty much the opposite of condoning his actions.
  12. Lol. Did he actually kick her or just her camera? if for nothing else, props on him for 100% not giving a fuck!
  13. I rarely go to Goulburn, actually. We used to take a coffee stop there on the early morning drives to Syd but struggled to find anything but shit coffee. The Paragon in the Blue Mountains being closed was a catastrophe for me. It used to be a handmade chocolate shop that was a fantasy world for me as a kid and my mum used to go there as a kid too. Nothing stays the same forever though, just got to be thankful that I got to experience it when it was around. Yep, wedding was in Murrurundi. Quaint little place with some artist and muso joints starting to grow up naturally. Will likely be a cool place in a few years, something like Berry or Kangaroo Valley. Heaps of horse studs around so there’s money there, weekend money from what I could tell. Avoid Musswelbrook at all costs. That place is like a town of living dead. Absolute hole!
  14. You need to talk less and listen more.
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