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Hua Guofang

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Everything posted by Hua Guofang

  1. Still playing around with this one, still not happy with the M, still cheatin on the edges ;) Mao49 Bubbly Flow 2 by Walid Jumblat's conviction, on Flickr
  2. Haha, cheating, that's an interesting take on it! It's a habit from childhood where we used to design stuff for window down panels, kinda the same way a lot of freights are done these days. I really gotta branch out and do a different background than just bubbles as well. Just can't break outa that old school groove....
  3. Ran out of space for the M, which looks a little bit too Rime-esque as well. Reckon I'll be giving this one another shot soon.
  4. I tried to pull something like that off a few years ago, the 1950s style geometric shapes behind atomic era letters and so on. Unlike those guys, though, I sucked at it.
  5. That Mesh up there is just ridiculous ^^^^
  6. Re: Yo DAO Reading this thread makes me feel awkward.
  7. holding the door open with your foot as the train left the station prepping for hangouts.
  8. The shit. That smell of brakes. I really miss the rattlers. Those old door handles, big bouncy old bench seats and squeaky-as-fuck wheels. Rode a Ridger when I was up there about two weeks back. Glad I got to do that before they're history.
  9. sick depth on that top one, Nov. Cheers, Perts. I've been using these Sakura Gelly Rolls, which are actually pretty good for the price. But that pentel you're using looks heaps brighter/vivid.
  10. Nice one. You using a gel pen for the highlights? If so, which brand you on?
  11. Ok then, straight up, they are nice but not at the level one would expect in this thread. This is for the best of the best (which is why I don't post mine) and I don't think your work meets that standard.
  12. Thread is coming back alive again [/url] Maoista down by Walid Jumblat's conviction, on Flickr . Think I'll be asking Santy for a new camera....
  13. Dang, need larger res of all those pieces. Hard to get too much Sye, IMO.
  14. lol, that was my first drunk post on a forum in years ^^^^ I'm not taking up paper mache, that was the beer talking.
  15. Solid. Fuck you mek, I'm taking up paper mâché Makin easy kills simple.
  16. Got impatient Maoismo Lizard Mountain by Walid Jumblat's conviction, on Flickr
  17. I reckon that's in a pretty good place, the N could be fattened to balance the word out a bit and the bar width on the E could be tweaked some but all the important shit is in place and that's what I like about it. Although using a ruler for straight lines is cheating, in my books :) I have exams next week and once they are done I plan to destroy a ream of paper over the break. Looking forward to bombing this thread soon. I'm also fully stocked with paint and just bought a new all mountain bike. This summer is going to be bullshit awesome.
  18. lol. And that Jurne is seriously reefuckingdonkulous. How much funk can be crammed in to a single word?!
  19. I love the letters in ACHE and sometimes wish I'd taken that rather than MAO49 or FASHN. I never even thought of letter structure and flow when I grabbed those words. But MEK is right, it's what you make of it.
  20. I think the prize should be related to the forum clock.
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