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Hua Guofang

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Everything posted by Hua Guofang

  1. lol, don't even recall posting that. Time is my biggest factor at the moment, not so much motivation.
  2. That seems a very strange thing to ban him over. His rants were quite entertaining though. That meme he posted looks pretty fake to me. If you're interested in understanding the influence operations that happen on twitter have a look at this website and have a quick read of their methodology: https://dashboard.securingdemocracy.org/ It's pretty interesting how quickly they pivot on matters and how they play both sides to increase animosity and division..., which I'd expect that pic above to be doing.
  3. Wikileaks was a top notch idea that he fucked up due to his own ego and need for attention. Now he's refusing to believe that he has been utterly played and all those ideals that he lectured to the world about have done a 180 given that he's a puppet being played by people far worse than the govts he used to rail against. He was always weak, that's why he's ended up in the embassy of a state that doesn't want him there, up on sex assault charges and being used by authoritarian govts for their political gain.
  4. my hops vines have sprouted. Looking forward to seeing what beer I can make with some home grown ingredients. Bit it of art with a cool Hunter S Thompson quote. And check out out how close this fucking idiot parked to me today.
  5. this weekend, im gonna draw. come what may..
  6. More time in the toy thread, dude.
  7. Canberra, just opened a couple of weeks back. And it may not be obvious in that pic but that is a line up out the door and onto the street..., on a chilly evening.
  8. The BBC and MTC down the bottom look good. I love bottom of page pieces as they remind me of designing panels back in the day.
  9. Yeah, I listen to CSIS curated discussions or the Cold War podcast if I need a lullaby.
  10. @Schnitzeldefinitely remember Meggs. The local tough guy in the comic was Tiger Kelly and he reminded me of my local tough guy, Trevor Dixon, who hung himself in Boggo Road after getting done for rape and attempted murder. Ah, the good old days.... Fucking loved the dodgems too. Best ride at the whole show.
  11. She chops all that garlic manually as well. I had a side of beer. Shut up, colon.....
  12. lol, doesn't actually so great in pics! Taste fucking good though....
  13. Dinner in: Wife had prawns an scallops while I had 5 hour brisket
  14. Two good pods out this week: Intelligence matters with the Dir. of National Counter Intelligence - https://itunes.apple.com/au/podcast/intelligence-matters/id1286906615?mt=2 National Security Pod about election security in the US and Europe - https://www.policyforum.net/national-security-podcast-securing-elections-fighting-fake-news/ Regardless of what you think regards the efficacy of voting, there's some pretty interesting shit going down around elections throughout the world and both these pods go into it.
  15. Boss wants me to read this, no idea why as he’s a genius machine and this book (35 pages in) means sweet fuck all to me.
  16. The Lincoln one and the anal beads. Holy shit. Although, more seriously, I'd like to know how many of these and those like them are being made by provocateurs inside of Russia.
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