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Hua Guofang

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Everything posted by Hua Guofang

  1. I stopped going to zoos for that precise reason. Could not possibly agree with you any more. Last one I went to was in 03 and I decided it was best for everyone if I just waited elsewhere than subject them to pain on behalf of the prisoners....., I mean animals.
  2. LIttle dude hanging out in my backyard this morning as I was getting out my bike.
  3. Now winter is beginning to thaw I’ve thrown my hops rhizomes in the pots to go in the garden bed in front of the deck. I’ve got cascade, chinook and a mystery batch. Only problem is that I forgot to mark which strain went into which pot, god damn it. And i I enjoyed my first all grain amber ale. Took the photo with a potato....
  4. @DropDeuce those simples are a very solid platform to work from, I like where they are going. Id focus on them for a while longer before doing anything more complex and I’d also work on that ‘o’ a bit as it could be taken for a ‘u’.
  5. Fucking devil cat up there! 3:57pm Friday afternoon down here
  6. when Meetings go longer than needed and have ugly people participating in them.
  7. Not sure it's a burner but it's pretty impressive.
  8. I use my beer brewing kit so I can keep the temp within 1 degree of target range. Regards caramelisation of the meat, fo sho. Has to be slightly charred, which is why I will chuck them on the BBQ for a minute either side on super-high heat before serving. This time it was done in a cast iron pan as it was cold out tonight.
  9. Quality. Would love to see a finished shot.
  10. Chillin in the workshop after cleaning my brew gear, tweeting on the work account. My feet are freezing.
  11. granpa's trousers, grandma's hat.
  12. You got no place posting in here, get the to the Sketch Thread!
  13. You need to improve your 3D, it’s a bit patchy with uneven widths.
  14. Great post, Schniz. Really prescient messages
  15. Hua Guofang


    I simply never leave my bike anywhere, it comes into the office with me, the shops, whatever.
  16. Best yet. Good spacing, getting some balance and flow to it. Keep doing this over and over until its as sharp as a razor, dont try to progress until you have this one in the bag.
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