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Hua Guofang

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Everything posted by Hua Guofang

  1. Wow, that post reminded me of my dream lat night. Dreamt i was playing pinball and the first ball of each game was multiball, like 15 balls. However the machine I was playing had a borked right flipper - you could only flip with it, you couldn't hold it up. I played a pinny about 2 months ago in a furniture store that had a borked right flipper. Brains are funny old things.
  2. One person I'd like to see back here is MEK FUA (add ouija to that as well). He used to post a lot in Brick Slayers and Paper Chase and was one of the best artists on this website, IMO. I don't have any contacts for him though.
  3. SMLdoubleXL (think I have that right) was a cool chick, she sent me a bunch of stuff when I was living in China. Would be good to see her around again.
  4. I thought @50millionwas a chick?
  5. @SukiSukiNow Recently did a trip to ROK courtesy of MOFA where I was overdosed with bibimbap, kimchi and some decent craft beer. Thimk I may have posted these pics somewhere here already but chucking a few up again to assist with your appetite: *Dang it, sorry, not supposed to link to pic storage websites and I'm not going to go through uploading them all again here. Sorry, look here if you've got nothing better to do - https://seefar.imgur.com/all/#3
  6. @EBAthat bottle is fucking crazy. Thanks for posting, hope things are holding up for you mate.
  7. 100 pages into this at the moment and pretty happy with it. Give it a go if you like geopolitics.
  8. This is THE 12OZ thread for me. So glad to see it flowing again.
  9. First time posting pics on the new format, don't think we're supposed to use imgur and whatnot now so sorry if I screw it up. Pic# 1 is the workshop, Pic #2 is the workhorse, a 2013 Trek Remedy 9. A really great bike but it's in the shit at the moment as I ripped a hole in the rear tyre, a $60 Ardent that still had 75% tread on it, as I was hitting some trails on the way to work and the hole was too big for the silicon to plug. As I was trying to fix that I also noticed that a pedal that had developed play was stripping the spindle - NFI how or why but I'm now up for some new pedals as well. That's about a $200 day right there. Pic #3 is a Cannondale 1FG. You may have seen me post this under another username around 07-08. I took that bike to China with me when I lived there for a while and did more laps around Tiananmen square than I can remember on that thing. Was single speed for 8 years but at 45 my knees are getting more and more delicate by the year so it has gears now and is relegated to bike path commuting duties when I get up late and don't have time to take a detour on the trails. Pic #4 is my sentimental fav, a Cannondale Chase. Rode it as a trail bike, commuter, street bike, dirt jumping, downhill, you name it. This thing is fucking bombproof. I'm about to bring it out of retirement for pump track duties soon. Pic #5 is a DH bike I bought, rebuilt and sold without ever riding it. It was a bargain but in all reality too small for me. Didn't lose any money so easy come easy go.
  10. This is new but talking to some pretty interesting people (I also know some of the folks involved and they have access that most others don't given their connection to the national security community) http://www.greataustralianpods.com/2018/07/the-national-security-podcast.html The one on Terror is pretty good and I know that they're talking to the 3A Institute about doing something interesting on the future of disruptive tech and national security, which I'm keen to check out when/if it drops.
  11. Hua Guofang


    Depends on the riding you do, mate (and how good/bad you are at it!). Get a lid, for sure. Maybe some light neoprene knee guards an gloves. That bike isn’t made tor downhill trails but will be good for XC, flow and some all-mountain duties - none of which need heavy protective gear. Once you start bombing the faster runs you might think of a full face and neckbrace. I just sold my DH bike...., mixed emotions.
  12. Good to have some sneke back in here.
  13. That ^^^^^^ is a fucking gold mine. Thanks for posting.
  14. Dude on my twitter feed that I respect recommends this book. It's about human augmentation, robotics, machine learning and the ethics of, etc. etc. It's funny, a large amount of the work I do in my day job is on futures forecasting but instead of reading books like this and The Punch Escrow I find myself reading about history instead. Weird.
  15. Heard he went tight pants hipster and now lives on reddit discussing the evolution of aquatic life to land mammals back to aquatic life.
  16. The lasagna was pretty shit, though. How do you fuck up lasagna?!
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