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Hua Guofang

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Everything posted by Hua Guofang

  1. I started from a rhizome cutting. Based upon my reading, first year rhizomes give approx 30% yield, second year 60%, and so forth. Ive got 6 growing, 4 had flowers, 2 that were of substantial volume. Shit smelled amazing. I vac sealed a bunch last night and this was in the bottom of the bowl afterward: pure lupulin golden goodness.
  2. Hua Guofang


    That would be sick for park and downhill.
  3. Fashion is for those without style.
  4. Last two are fucking Klingons and share forehead genes. So i guess its just a handy handy and a purse snatch for me.
  5. Progress shots. Kind of wish id done Homer Simpson’s skull now.
  6. @Fist 666that looks like it would lead to a great spot.
  7. lol, yeah, sure, you nailed it, Bob.
  8. Holy shit, this thread is getting inspirational again! Like what I'm seeing from Auf, Fast, EBA.
  9. Doesn't take much for a triggering these days....
  10. Oh wow! Looking forward to seeing what you've been sketching over the last 22,000 days.
  11. I’m greatful that their dead.
  12. Having a tidy up tomorrow before some mates come around tomorrow night for beer and some colour.
  13. Plan is to use brush to do the bulk color and poscas to do outline and detail, leaving the negative space raw wood, to be clear gloss lacquered. Poscas bleed on pine, though. So so what you can see above is the concept and the sealer/undercoat, prepping for colour. Never done anything like this before, so a bit of trial and error. But, weekend nights chilling in the workshop with home brewed IPA, greatful dead and the brushes has been one of those golden moments that Will smooth out the rough days for a good while.
  14. I’m keeping up that end, I got told to pull things back last week after drunk posting every Friday night on the corporate twitter account, for like 4 fucking months. Pussy academics had a whinge. Anyway, some progress shots of my keezer lid in the making.
  15. ...., and he’s back with a new username. IP ban?
  16. I reckon she'd have a hairy back. Smash.
  17. Stout fermenting, will be conditioned just in time for winter. Street. Saturday night cook up.
  18. Twitter is reaching new lows after Trump said the fake news took the intel chiefs out of context...., referring to their live telecasts of submission to Congress. The Trump haters jumping all over it like it’s some kind of victory and MAGAtards either not understanding, straight up denying or laughing at the “”triggered” libtards. Fucking circus...
  19. It’s also the second account for that dyskyse fool.
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