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Hua Guofang

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Everything posted by Hua Guofang

  1. Yeah, nuts. Glad Abbott is history but wish his inbred brother Dutton was too. Can't beleive the ALP got turfed after swapping leaders but the LNP survived. I reckon if you had a different leader the ALP would have gotten up. Meh, I like neither of them anyway, I just want the social conservatives to be kicked out no matter which party they're in. OPH had a 'super-booth' where anyone from any electorate could vote. It was my wife's first time voting (no, she's not THAT young, she just became a citizen) so I felt it was a pretty profound place to cast her first ballot. The pic of the tent embassy was for you as well. It's grown a fair bit in the few years I've been here.
  2. Election Day, democracy sausage, etc. that root system is a hop plant and was just a single rhizome about 4 inches long without any roots 8 months ago.
  3. Ha, they look horrendous when blown up to that size!!
  4. Some workplace silliness whilst doing some post-prod editing.
  5. Whilst I miss a constant feed of new work, like we used to have here, I'm satisfied that I don't IG. Deleted FB recently as well, for multiple reasons. I still have to run the corporate Twitter account though, unfortunately.
  6. Elbowmack, WTF are you doing in the toy thread anyway?! Your stuff belongs in the sketch thread, no two ways about it. Yeah, dyskyse is either a troll or a kid with psych issues. If he’d listen and play along, or if this was a place for caring and empathy, he’d be fine. But neither of these things are true. Plus, the average age of this forum has to be pushing 35-40 these days.
  7. Absolutely is dyskyse, same charos, same toy pieces, same language, talks about dyskyse, etc. i actually dont want him to leave, I just want him to go with the flow and stop trying so fucking hard. Be a toy in the toy thread and all will be fine. Stink the joint up by dribbling shit all over the forum, get lynched. This place can’t afford to look like shit, it’s hanging by a very thin thread. Plus, I get a sour, petty thrill out of negging the fool!
  8. I'll even stop neggimg you if you stay here.
  9. What's with the cyalume on the lids up the page where the guys look rigged for a static line jump?
  10. I think actual size might even be irrelevant for me. proportionality and prettiness is the measure. I'll even admit to checking out some BBBBW with interest!
  11. I like proportioned fat chicks, with pretty faces. Lol - pear v pair.
  12. Had to be said/\ /\ /\ Thick is nice, bizarre pair-shapedness is not. Proportion matters.
  13. I’m expecting Bernie to start with the same dementia induced nonsense that Trump’s been dribbling any day now. Forget bum fights, bring on senile old white politician fights.
  14. Um, didn't they resign because they couldn't get the bill through parliament, a couple weeks out from a general election..., not because the actual system failed? The govt resigned because it could live up to a promise in the legislature, right?
  15. That steak looks perfectly cooked. The sunset pic I took looks like fisheye as well but it was actually the pano setting. Came out pretty cool.
  16. Trash but get growth hormone hookup first.
  17. So tantalizingly close to being done. I intend on clear lacquer/varnishing but am afraid that it will make the paint streak. Thinking of spraying a layer first and then brushing a few layers on. Any advice would be welcome.
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