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Hua Guofang

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Everything posted by Hua Guofang

  1. That’s actually what I expect, either by sheer negligence or design. Why take the trouble to off him when he’ll do it himself?
  2. Not old school, just people writing weird shit on the streets of our nations capital.
  3. yeah, I know I missed the boat here, neck deep in work on RWE and online communities, which eats hours better spent talking shit on forums and drinking home brew. FML right now
  4. “If you aren’t doing the @Mercer and planning you exit strategy, you’re a dumbass. Just saying” apologies, @misteraven I understand your position but misinterpreted the above comment from the political memes thread to mean you figured something was coming. Either way, I think the risk is higher now than for recent decades due to the polarization of a distrustful and armed population (distrustful of each other, which is the most problematic part), a situation that is being fueled and encouraged by domestic actors such as politicians, media and influencers, as well as foreign actors who don’t have American interests at heart. This thread also displays some of those dynamics, people being led by dodgy information they find on the net (seriously, that Clinton body count list is just fucking stupid. Have you looked into it, questioned your sources of information and considered the plausible alternative explanations? That shit just screams conspiracy idiocy) and those same people point at the MSM as unreliable. Dudes, they’re all unreliable, you’ve got to view everything critically and not let your imagination run away with you because it allows you to feel smarter than others because you can “see what others are trying to hide and the general public are too gullible to work out”. Take a step back and consider your own biases and motivations before you come to conclusions. And my position on this Epstien case? There’s just as much chance that this was a murder as it was mismanagement. I say that for two reasons: firstly because both situations are highly plausible (I love on one hand how people argue that govt is inefficient and clumsy yet when something like this happens they jump to a conclusion that it is some kind of highly efficient operation of coverup instead of the low quality and clumsy product of government they would otherwise complain about)). Secondly, because none of us us here have anymore info than what’s public, if you did (@kults) you wouldn’t be mentioning it in a place like this. To come to a conclusion based on the chaos that’s swirling about now says more about your biases than your understanding of the situation. Biases aren’t always wrong, though. But when they are right it’s usually by chance than for any other reason (mountains of research on this, do the reading). Just as people shouldnt be led by the politicized and biased commercial MSM, they shouldn’t be lead by rumors by anonymous names on internet websites. Be critical of everything, trust nothing, wait for the dust to settle. And yes, @KultsI agree with others, you often come across as acting like you have some kind of sensitive info that gives you deeper insight than most others but you never really come up with the goods. You probably don’t mean to come across like that as you’re otherwise reasonable enough. But that is the way you sometimes come across. Back to the arguing...,
  5. @misteravenhas said a couple of times that the end is nigh and if you’re not prepped you’ll perish. For reasons different to his, I actually think the risk of some serious breakdown of social stability is quite high. The US has seen bad times like this before and has pulled through. But the risk was high back then as well and just because things held together before doesn’t mean that they will for ever more. I dont think things will turn to absolute shit but the plausibility is there and the likelihood is climbing.
  6. This is a more likely explanation. Many people would want this guy silenced. He was apparently suicidal, so remove suicide watch and let him take care of it himself. Why would anyone want to make it anymore complicated than that?!
  7. Lol, I’m in Australia and don’t buy cable. I don’t watch CNN. Im also tipping that they actually don’t anyway.
  8. Yeah, I’m across the ifs and buts of it as I’m working on RWE, internet communities, etc. I also don’t think that that nuance is consequential as 8 Chan had become known as an echo chamber that fueled RW violence and became too hot to handle. Its also irrelevant as 8 Chan went down before Epstein died.
  9. You gotta stop acting like people who disagree with you are all dupes of MSM and are just drones that do nothing else than watch CNN. That’s actually the naivety you’re accusing others of suffering.
  10. So, people actually believe the Clinton body count thing? Sensational. @Kultsif you’re referring to 8 Chan getting the axe, didn’t that occur days before Epstein offed and because the El Paso shooter posted his manifesto up, which I think was the third shooter to do so. *Awaits some one to ask if I really believe that there was a shooting in El Paso.
  11. Currently Lolling my arse off at the #clintonbodycount lunitards that are jumping out of their skin. Loving the Qanon crazies too. No doubt something dodgy has occurred but I’ll bet my magical third testicle that it had nothing to do with the Clintons.
  12. Hua Guofang


    Yep, the cop in Florida. I might have spelled the name incorrectly as there’s heaps online about it - I went down the rabbit hole a bit last night trying to figure out wtf. Best I can judge is that he felt he was doing some social justice/cleansing as there may have been a little bit of white trash profiling going on.
  13. Hua Guofang


    That Zach Weston story blows me away. What on earth was his motive?
  14. Hua Guofang


    I most definitely prefer fixed blade for everything. I don’t need EDC in my daily life though.
  15. Best audio book I’ve ever done was Tale of Two Cities by Charles Dickens. The woman who reads it is fucking sensational. Check it out on librivox.
  16. Sympathy for the Devil ”I rode a tank in the general’s ranks when the blitzkreig rained and the bodies stank...,”
  17. Issue 3 is still my fav and one of only two mags I still have in my possession. You put that Twist cover on a T, I buy it. I lurked on this website, on and off for about 5 years. It was only when I actually picked the cans up again that I made an account.
  18. I remember the Vapours Project like a partially recalled dream.
  19. And PS - that root system was a bastard to pull out of the ground in tact!!
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