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Everything posted by topfloorbasement

  1. uh huh, you now what it is.... brack n rellow brack n rellow brack n rellow...
  2. geeked about the stillerz game. time to start drank'n...
  3. Re: **2010 PHOTO HUNT THREAD** i've failed once again.. gonna get this next one, honestly. nice list r1char..
  4. drinking by myself on this 2 degree ass night. listening to: think i'm gonna try n clean my studio.
  5. ^ too f'n funny.. sneeze/cough more boogies on dudes lame slipperz.
  6. anyone else having trouble ordering. download: google chrome http://www.google.com/chrome/intl/en/landing_chrome.html?hl=en or firefox. http://www.mozilla.com/en-US/firefox/ all ordrering problems solved... i think...
  7. order placed. i'm a dumbass and just needed chrome. thanks for the help. always like get'n good ish in the mail aka will be looking forward to mon or tues.
  8. ok.. thanks.. downloading "chrome" now.... i'll let you know if i've actually placed 1000 order using IE... guess that what i get for slacking with updating shit... the shirts look dope. can't wait to own one or two.. (hopes girlface is ordering one for me now as well)
  9. nah, internet explorer whatever.. vista version... bout to lose my consumeristic erges..
  10. bout to punch the computer over this checkout button not working for me...
  11. WTF.. i don't get it and can't afford multiple orders...
  12. place order button not working for me.. wtf? did anyone get a confirmation email on their actual email account or any kind of confirmation number.. my internet connection sucks, but i don't wanna place multiple orders or some bullshit...
  13. life's ok for the most part. girl an i could be better. could be more productive. could be looking harder for a job. could, should, would, whatever... only thing that bothers me is debt hanging above my head.. doesn't really affect day to day life, but i know i gotta take care of it someday.. those seriously struggling, keep yer heads up... they say it gets better....
  14. went to this group art show i participate in. project 50/50. basically every couple month they pick something for us to paint and we paint it. this was the one year anniversary show and the object was a skate deck. some heads beard man she looks pissed got hella drunk an murdered someone.. that was the end of my night.. here's a pic of a hawk that was chillen outside my window that morning i forgot to post earlier.
  15. my saterday the essentials black n yellow black n yellow black n yellow simple man, simple breakfast feed these guys she's ready to go out get to the chill spot to watch the game ate pissed, saw these guys had been there my girl snuck a pic of me..... nah, this guy kept stare'n at my girls tits trying to be sneaky about it. tense times STEELERS WIN! too busy high five'n an do'n shots to take pics. leave that spot. seen these fuck'n guys had been there. MORE
  16. whoah.. i just spent 30 mins reading 8 pages of this thread.. and i still do have a clue about wtf's going on..
  17. Re: **2010 PHOTO HUNT THREAD** really good posts everyone. must spread rep for smxxl an squirrel.. really gonna try to get mine in on time...
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