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Everything posted by topfloorbasement

  1. Raels is always clean an i see his shit locally.. an i've always been a fan of Mecros..
  2. - revising floor plans for an old school we're converting into 70 loft style appartments in s. side. - sip'n coffe out my stillers mug. - plotting elec. plans for a small house addition/remodel. - interweb'n.
  3. "i gots what i gots and what i don't gots i gots no need for". or something like that
  4. Re: ANIMATED GIF HALL OF FAME SUPERTHREAD real funny ya fuck'n dickheads.. i'd like ta fucking punt their stupid ghetto asses... *edit* dooh, i was slow on posting...
  5. ^^ that scan sticker appeared on my car one day mysteriously(sp).. donno what i did with it..
  6. good post absentia but clean ya room holmes.. haha, play'n...
  7. ILL FLICKS YINZ! that lexus event looks pretty swank-tastic, props for landing that.. "ninja", haha... must spread the reps so sayz the 12oz gods...
  8. thanks homles.. she was hot, but the hot ones always got crazy issues... an yea, we shoulda kicked it.. do'n laundry at girlies spot over on that end of the field today.. might be dahn to hit up sonies later.. i'll hit ya up..
  9. that "oh shit son" was at yinz's post... shaolin, there's always greener grasses... trust.
  10. ish from last weekend. measured this spot for work. their "bar"... i like their mens/womens signage. grimy ass can / professionally dressed self myspace pic... haha nh. elec. boxes either the "rapper" or a fan's got wack hands son... seen the "rapper" perform at this venue befor an this was on the balcony.VIP section, soooo? gheeeeeto bathroom.. aight that was werk bullshat.. next day: bloomfield n'at... this sign actually sucks compared to what they painted over.. RIP original welcome to bloomfield bbt mural. :( made a turn at that last pic an saw this.. think some dude on here painted it.. haha.... shoe shot(kinda)/volumn at blast... some good. bad. and ugly... should say "welcome to sliberty" crap pic i tried to take while driving of another homies mural. some doggies. liked these: w/ out flash. w/ flash... bonus pic of ex chica jus cause...
  11. Re: ANIMATED GIF HALL OF FAME SUPERTHREAD ^this.... show's it pays to be able to handle your own.... dude said "fuck yer boys, bring it motha fuckers"
  12. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: an jugzer: i've been extremly skepticle of anything she says or does since being informed of this information...
  13. filtypeterpbt Rookie Embrace her life style by becoming a juggalo. jugzer go get tested for teh herpes, as well as rabies. im surprised you couldnt tell, the stench of mountain dew and cheetos didnt give it away? hahaha, yinz are funny... flithy: ain't gone happen.. jugzer: she's actually a preppy/hipsterish type girl with a professional/respectable job.. she runs daily, eats healthy shit i wouldn't even touch, no visible juggalo stuff anywhere, an lives in a pretty spotless apartment..
  14. umm, i just kinda found out the girl i've been dating is/was into ICP... i was pretty thrown off by this information.. 12oz'rs, what should i do?
  15. i posted a couple 412 JESSE throws in the pittsburgh thread.. pretty sure they've been posted here already, but whatever.. someone steal em an post 'em here if not... Uuuge props to JESSE.. def a head i look up too..
  16. was in philly two weeks ago.. didn't get to see much, but south street was dope.. saw more fine females (of every color/style/shape/size) than i have in a long time... yinz scrawls is nice too... props... will be visiting again soon... tell the ribshack guy it's not nice to try an attack heads with swords over writing on the wall... hahaha. peace
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