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Everything posted by topfloorbasement

  1. -at teh office, lifted from the wake n bake solo session. -interweb'n. -listening to bad religion. -not looking forward to having to measure a clients house this afternoon. -trying to kill this day so i can relaxe on the boat tonight and tomorrow.
  2. -waiting for girlfacekiller to get ready. -thinking it's about time for some whiskey. -not really looking forward to dnb night that i'm going to cuz my girl wants to, just so she doesnt get harrased by douchebags.. and not looking forward to seeing ex's and haters and said event.. -enjoying my beer an greenery..
  3. - just waking up.. yes i know it's 4:30 in the afternoon. -drinking iced coffee. -bout to put some music on.
  4. Re: **2010 PHOTO HUNT THREAD** good shat..
  5. -green. -retard jay leno -showered -bedtime? -feel'n old..
  6. as retarded as this is; it's as good if not better than most of the shit on the radio.. plus it get bonus points for making me laugh...
  7. Re: **2010 PHOTO HUNT THREAD** aweful? c'mon, they used the "super" S!! TWICE!!! hahahaha... good shit everyone, fer reals..
  8. -making my 700th post. -bout to go grab beer n cigs. -sweat'n my balls off.. -listening to this:
  9. Re: **2010 PHOTO HUNT THREAD** A DAY LATE AND A DOLLAR SHORT.. 1. music 2. purple 3. animal - apparntly, alaskan snow crab have teeth on the end of their claws.. 4. aweful - job to have. 5. three - x3. 6. abandoned 7. something new - made myself a new wallet 8. shadow 9. nite 10. the devil 11. paint 12. sculpture bonus: * pervact ** something (kinda) ch. 0 related..
  10. Re: **2010 PHOTO HUNT THREAD** must spread repage.. good stuff spicey. i should have my pics up later. gotta couple to grab still.
  11. the only way to drink.. get's ya drunk faster..
  12. -downloading pigion john albums. -slacking off at work. -waiting for girlie to pick me up so i can go do flips n shit off the boat..
  13. -sitting at the office "working". -sip'n some iced coffee.. -wishing i was still in bed...
  14. i'm out doggie... don'y know her, don't care too. but, there is a difference.. not tryna insult you or whatever man.... sorry u mad holmes..
  15. tru... good "pricey" shit, i don't roll... unless other heads are throwing dahn... otherwise, it's in the glass piece...
  16. it's funny that every thread "vaj" or "vag" (i can't remember the spelling) starts, is mad pages deep asap... mother fuckers ride'n her dick.. (or va jay jay) real real hard, always it seems)..
  17. painted flat black classic cars... yea, i'ma own one real soon...
  18. -maybe get'n some head. -coffee an cigs all day erry day.. usually ain't hungry in the morn anyways...
  19. adding tobacco to good herbs is stupid... PERIOD... you're paying for taste and quality.. why fuck it up with tobacco taste????? mids an swage, if you poor an tryna conserve, sure, why not add a lil tobacco to help it last longer... jus say'n.. i pay that extra for flavor and quality..
  20. if tryna scheme - self check out forever.. oops, i accidentially the whole thing, 99 cent cans instead of rusto or krylon.. but, my general opinion is the big company is trying to replace some retard with a computer.. what's that retard supposed to do for work now??? i support everyone needs a job.. fuck a computer doing what a human was put on this earth to do... support your local retard having a job...... /mytwocents
  21. Re: **2010 PHOTO HUNT THREAD** def a good job on that post smxx!
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