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Everything posted by topfloorbasement

  1. -waiting for girlfacekiller to get ready. -drooling about where we're going for diner. -missing an art show dahntahn that sounded interesting. -drinking beers. -waiting on my brother to leave for work so i don't gotta share the last of my herbs = badbotheroner. -deciding on what movie to go see.
  2. -just got into the office. -sip'n iced coffee. -listening to blockhead "uncle tonys coloring book".
  3. Re: **2010 PHOTO HUNT THREAD** i'll be at that "art of battle" yinz n'at.. glad this thread keeps me outta my own head sometimes an busy.. an like yinz said, next list??
  4. -about to start working on these floor plans again. -sipping coffee. switching to beer ina few minute. -not looking forward to having to walk down and then back up 4 flights of stairs to aquire more beer... fuuuu.. i'm lazy.
  5. -just crack'n my 5th beer since 5:30. -packing a fresh bowlery. -"working" on some floor plans for the jobby. -bout to wake my girl up from her nap -> possible suprize secs.
  6. Re: **2010 PHOTO HUNT THREAD** ok, finally post'n.. sorry for the delay.. 1. arch 2. copper 3. inconvenience, but nice plate. 4. ticket - found this while cleaning/organizing.. this show was deeeope.. 5. drink. 6. scar - shitty pic. 7. bar. 8. lettering. 9. ignited - complete with cracked finger nail. 10. ballon 11. neon. 12. chaulk - not really.. bonus: * pervact ** ch. 0 related - was lifted and looked like an evil rabbit.. how that's ch. 0 related, i don't know..
  7. Re: **2010 PHOTO HUNT THREAD** i'm slacke'n hardcore here yinz... gonna be another day or so.. i kinda failed.. thought this list was more difficult than past ones.
  8. ^drizzznuuuunk.. -bored. -go'n to sleep..... -think'n boat chill'n/day in pies tomorrow..
  9. -just finished rip'n some vines outta the pine tree at my girls house = manly shit.. hahaha -drinking beers. -bout to get some drawing done for work.. -get'n paid right now as i type for the above mentioned drawings..
  10. Re: **2010 PHOTO HUNT THREAD** good stuff so far posted.. i'ma be a day late most likely..
  11. i enjoy some good nugs, but could care less about it's name, origin or thc content or whatthefuckeveeerr... if it tastes good and gets me lifted, werd... and i can appreciate a good roll of tape.. shit's usefull as hell, especially to tape the mouth shut of some idiot get'n all super smart about how great his herb is.. good thread. would read again..
  12. -watching a lame ass movie. -enjoying my beer. -bout to smoke a lil doobie... -looking forward to my girl taking me out for dinner.
  13. find an authentic cuban spot. order a cubano sandwich. thank me later.. other than that, try not to melt from the insain humidity/heat.
  14. -pre-game'n for a game that i don't know exists. -listening to: company flow - funcrusher plus. -watching the idiots out my windows.. -trying to figure out what kinda trouble to get into tonight.
  15. ^hahaha.. eww.. -at work, lifted. -drank'n some iced coffee. -interweb'n -get'n paid for some draw'n.
  16. i think about: -bills i gotta pay. -how much herb i got left and when i can meet up with homie. -do i need to stop and get beer on the way home or if i have some left in the fridge. -how lucky i am. -saving money and moving to CA... or anywhere near the beach where i can get my edjumacation finished up so as to make better money..
  17. eh, my boss wouldn't approve. was listening to the artifacts - between a rock and a hard place.. now listening to the exploited - troops of tomorrow.
  18. -at the office. -obviously working hard. -drinking coffee. -wishing i had remembered to bring in my good headphones.
  19. damn, that a shitty birthday night.. yer lucky about the organs and whatnot.
  20. i'm 31. my last five girlfriends ages have been: 18 (dated her for a summer, she left to go to school in NY. half asian/american, 4'9" tall), 21 (had her living with me for like two years, she was bat-shit crazy but looked like haley berry, half jamacan/italian), 31 (dated her for almost a year, punk rock tatted up white chic), 24 (dated for like 7-8 months, young suga momma aka good job an had tickets for any event, owned a house and car etc.) and 29 (currently and hopefully wifers).. this is over the course of the last 3-4 years.. sure, the older ones were more mature, easier to get along with and still had super tight bodies.. but if you can smash them young'ns, then goddammit SMASH.. you only live once.. btw, is is true that if you don't use it, you do lose it..
  21. -eating leftover fajitas. -listening to some clssic blues. -editing some pics. -considering doing some cleaning or painting or sketching or just about anything that'd get me away from this computer...
  22. GREAT THREAD IS GREAT.. i gotta dslr in january.. here's some of what i've been doing.. feedback, photo/editing tips welcome.. PROPS TO ALL POSTERS IN THIS THREAD! def inspirational...
  23. -waiting for that five double zero to roll around on the clock so i can bounce with 8 hours under my belt... -gonna go smoke a cig for the next 10-15 mins..
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