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Everything posted by topfloorbasement

  1. -just watched the latest episode of dexter. -bout to watch the last two episodes of weeds. -beeers n more beers.. i think i'ma chugg a couple to try an up this buzz.
  2. -been cleaning the fuck outta/organizing/re-arranging my apartment all day. -listening to "the beat diaries of victor von doom" by achromatic residue. -pabst tall cans all day erry day.
  3. -trying to motivate my girl to go out. -drank'n n smokin.. -just connected my tables to the stereo for the first time in years. --->going thru tons of old rekids..
  4. damn cali, busy.. -trying to figure out what kinda trouble to get into tonight. -happy hour right now.
  5. Re: **2010 PHOTO HUNT THREAD** i'm slack'n, sorry.. got about half the list so far. going on a photo mission tomorrow during the day so i'll post sometime in the pm. who ever wants next, take it... also, props to everyone posted already..
  6. wake n baken. think'n it may be about time to crack a beer. trying to motivate myself to get some shit done today.
  7. -getting blazed. -bout to watch Invictus. -pabst tall cans. -listening to the dog snore.
  8. -girlie's cooking some kinda stuffed chicken that's smell'n propper. -drank'n. -editing pics n shit. -interweb'n.
  9. props to dude for sparkin up on tv while discussing the politics of it.
  10. co-signed.. also, google sketchup is way easier for 3d drawl'n.. http://sketchup.google.com/
  11. -killing last beer for the night. -waiting for the last bit of this show i watchiiing online to load. -wishing i had reliaable fast interrwebs instead of stealing it from neighbors.
  12. Re: **2010 PHOTO HUNT THREAD** here's the new list: 1.inside/outside 2.symbolic 3.broken 4.something holloween related 5.busy 6.typical 7.unexpected 8.hometown tradition or something yer city is known for 9. living/dead 10. glass 11. urban plant/weed/tree/whatever 12. twelve bonus: *perv *turkey
  13. Re: **2010 PHOTO HUNT THREAD** aight.. i'll post a new list this afternoon.. unless that slacker ass slacker yinz n'ats wants to finish up his list?
  14. -waiting on girlface to show up with my sweet 'stache for my costume tonight. -i'm going as this guy. -pre ma fuck'n game'n. when we get to the party (of a bunch of her friends i've never met), i'm gonna pull the "oh shit, i didn't know this was a holloween party, i'm just in town from NY".. i really hope i offend someone tonight...
  15. def looks like a dope trip.. too bad i can only see like half the pics on the last page, but proppages.
  16. delivered after my pizza.. -prob just chillen tonight. sketching or whatever. -might walk accross the street to the bar for a shot or two later.
  17. -just ordered a pizza. -trying to decide what to do tonight.
  18. -a little drunk n high.. -still drinking and smoking. -thinking my king size bed, nice warm electric blankets and sleeping nekid girl are calling my name..... ehh, maybe another round befor smash'n n crash'n..
  19. "i'm the head of the motha fuck'n states, nigga" i laughed pretty hard..
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