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Everything posted by topfloorbasement

  1. Re: **2010 PHOTO HUNT THREAD** late as usual.. 1.teeth 2.long exposure 3.brick 4.entrance 5.dizzy 6.macro (kinda, not really) 7.foreign 8.crystal clear x 9.glutteny x 10.domestic bonus xxx but here's a random niiice new list SMXXL i'll try n be more on time...
  2. wow... i feel much dunber after reading the last 5 pages.. at least i had some laughs.. "LO"? hahahahahaha
  3. wishing my interweb was faster so this dexter episode would load faster. dethawing after taking the dogcow for a walk an playing in the snow..
  4. finishing up one stage of this drawing for $$$$. about to commence drinking lots o beers.
  5. Re: **2010 PHOTO HUNT THREAD** i should be posted by wednesday. /yesimslack'n
  6. i got that same camera last year.. got this on my christmas list: Canon EF 50mm f/1.8 II Lens review/info: http://www.the-digital-picture.com/reviews/canon-ef-50mm-f-1.8-ii-lens-review.aspx shits only $100 an is highly recomended..
  7. watching season 2 of sons of anarchy. beeeeers. bout to order some chinese foodz.. mmmmm chinese.
  8. decided it was beer 0'clock. working on this floor plan drawing i'm getting paid a grand to draw. as usual, waiting for girlfacekilla and her half cow half dog half pig animal to come over.
  9. i helped my mom n dad get their tree home and set up this afternoon. no pics. my girl wants to help them decorate next weekend.. whatever, i'm getting old and actually like chill'n with the rents. i'll post a pic after that's finished.. don't think i'ma get myself a tree this year. instead i'm just going to decorate the 8 foot palm tree i aquired a few weeks ago. tropical style tree in cold ass pixburgh..
  10. beers. interwebz. forever waiting on girlfacekilla. can't wait to re-unite with my homie jameson later..
  11. Not Sayers Freinds hahahaha just play'n.. bump all the homies in this thread..
  12. hahahaha.. this thread turned real funny...
  13. greens and tall cans. national geographic about dog being awesom and smart. writing the same word over and over again.
  14. just killed the last brew in my house. smoking hopefully the last cig of the night. scott ppilgrim vs the world on the tv. - shit's pretty funny. listening to the dog snore loud as hell. going to join my girl in bed soon and enjoy her body heat an my electric blanket on this cold ass night. stillerz tomorrow @ 1pm so i gotta get up by 1130 to get my drink on.
  15. friday night home chillen. girlies passed out from waking up at 6am to go shopping. snorting some unknown pill. drinking.
  16. Re: **2010 PHOTO HUNT THREAD** better late than never.... i guess. 1. bathroom tile 2. fire 3. football related 4. car damage 5. hand painted sign 6. old video game 7. chips n salsa 8. bird(s) 9. police 10. metal 11. security xxxx 12. tweenty one (had to mirror this one to cheet) no bonuses.. love this thread an all who participate. nh sorry i'm such a slacker lately..
  17. listening to blockhead - music by cavelight. cigs, brews, herbs. trying to get my last couple shots for the photohunt thread. late as usual. day dreaming about turkey day..
  18. the homie emailed me some links. nicer (pics from clout):
  19. my brother is 7 years younger than i am to the day... dude messed with pogs. i thought pokeman was the same time period, cuase he had that shit too.. anyway. all that shits lame, period.. star trak ass dungon and dragon ass ---> being forced to play outside > being lame with some retarded card/chip game.....
  20. the other day a girl in front of me in line at the gas station dropped a small bag of weed. i just kneeled down like i was tying my shoe an snagged that shit.. shoulda said "excuss me miss, but i believe you dropped your marijuana". last week some jagbag started screaming at me that i was an asshole because i pulled out into traffic in front of him as he was pulling up on a red light.. this dude was very visably upset. so i proceeded to block traffic for a good two minutes making crying faces at him and telling him to get the fuck out the car.. he didn't.. they say you stop mentally maturing at whatever age you started smoking weed.. i started blazing on the daily when i was 14.. so basicly i'm in my early thirties with the mentality of a fourteen year old adhd having bi-polar retard..
  21. couple pics from sunday night disapointment.. down to the nitty gritty stillerz clyde monster
  22. -watching jaws 2. -interweb'n. -ate a pain killer an drinking brew. yes, it's 10:15am
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