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Everything posted by topfloorbasement

  1. living room view one: i fucking hated the day this douche got up and i had to look at that that forever... still trying to borrow a paintball gun from someone... living room view two: bridge n'at living room view three: dahntahn back deck: this is just one shot. i have a 180+ degree view back there..
  2. just read this... really bizarre.. don't really know what i think about it...
  3. listening to johnny cash. beer. looking into truck driving schools. (thinking this would be a decent way to "see" the country while getting paid) left over pizza on the menu for later.
  4. drinking. just had a 2 hour long text war with my most likely soon to be ex girl.. getting my buzz on to hit up the free HERT benefit party. FUCK i hate getting heated over stupid bullshit female caused drama....
  5. Re: sooo.. my first threesum ended up with me getting punched in the face... damn holmes.. disregard ex, aquire new tang... and i have no comment or clue as to what the fuck you were thinking..
  6. i stay looking out my windows... i'll contribute when i decide to go thru some pics..
  7. black beenie cap. black "HATE" shirt philly "love" park style. grey n black flannel. dark blue jeans. grey n black dunk mids. gotta say, yea, i'm style'n on most bout now. hahaha, play'n..
  8. last bud, not like the beer but the one that makes you wiser. pabst tall cans. interweb'n. thinking i'ma go out tonight.
  9. left that spot.. streets already messy walk across a bridge, whats up stadium liked this waiting for the bus i saw this freak'n guy had been there.. love their signs wasn't mad at this "street art". note to self: pick up new pentel. black IN yellow ok get to the bar to watch the game this guy wins... i don't know what he wins, but he wins for sure... dear in headlights look creep'n big ray all geeked after a touchdown yea, we lost... sure we'll be back again next year. saw these fucks got in a fight with my lady over some drunk bullshit and ended up walking home.. across a bridge and over the hill.. not many pics as i was pretty pissed off and drunk.. fell like three times on the ice and brused a knee, twisted my ankle, and fucked up my elbow as well.. dope little tunnel near my apt. mooooooose. got home and passed the fuck out.. END
  10. pics from sunday wake up an get my head right still haven't fixed the shower head, so baths it is. my cat's funny gear get downtown love this alley down to catch subway/trolley have a nice day crossed some bridges was too busy inhailing food to get better pics, but this spot was nice. the food dope lil donut machine. MORE
  11. Re: so because i didnt use the gay trendy excuse of adding 2011 in my thread title umm, to answer the op's question: no, that shit is not thread worthy and neither is this one.. this thread only has one of the elements needed to be a success. TITS.. next time add more arrowz, owls and hip hop quotes... kthx
  12. drinking beer and smoking like a chimney. trying to focus on editing pics for day in pies from yesterday. broke up with my girlfriend and packed all her shit up earlier. she was supposed to move in at the end of the month.. donno how i feel about it....... i do know one thing: i'm getting drunk as FUCK tonight...
  13. started a day in pies this morning. will post up in the next few days... STEELERS SUPER BOWL SUNDAY
  14. chocolate glazed donut flavored coffee. blueberry herbage. interwebs. bout to watch the rest of machete that i missed due to passing out last night..
  15. oh... "i heart vandalism is a registered trademark and service mark of also known as department of profiteering and urban decay". werd.
  16. "limited edition 1 of 1 rockit airforce ones" hahaha. i heard they're super SIK, bra...
  17. wearing the one i bought today and my girl surprised me with my early valentines day present.. *she got way more stickers with her order than i did with mine... i see how it is 12oz, hook'n orders going out to females with more extras... hahaha, play'n..
  18. rogerthedoger just received his 4th tampon.. haha.. bite'n wiz's Black an Yellow is weak as hell grandson.. *only time i hear this song is if i play it off youtube befor the game to get geeked.. /neverlistenstotheradio.oner
  19. ahahhaha.. nice.... i'll most likely be on butler or liberty after the game celebrating with all the other jaggoffs. was on carson in 2009 an that shit was too much.. as far as cops n bullshit.. plus i'm not trying to catch a dui on the way home... errwegohstillerzerrwegoh
  20. ^ouch.. finishing the first beer of the day. enjoying the sunshine coming thru the windows. getting more and more geeked about sunday.
  21. i would think that getting paid well to skate or paint would be pretty dope..
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