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Everything posted by topfloorbasement

  1. wake n baken. think'n it may be about time to crack a beer. trying to motivate myself to get some shit done today.
  2. -getting blazed. -bout to watch Invictus. -pabst tall cans. -listening to the dog snore.
  3. -girlie's cooking some kinda stuffed chicken that's smell'n propper. -drank'n. -editing pics n shit. -interweb'n.
  4. -killing last beer for the night. -waiting for the last bit of this show i watchiiing online to load. -wishing i had reliaable fast interrwebs instead of stealing it from neighbors.
  5. Re: **2010 PHOTO HUNT THREAD** here's the new list: 1.inside/outside 2.symbolic 3.broken 4.something holloween related 5.busy 6.typical 7.unexpected 8.hometown tradition or something yer city is known for 9. living/dead 10. glass 11. urban plant/weed/tree/whatever 12. twelve bonus: *perv *turkey
  6. Re: **2010 PHOTO HUNT THREAD** aight.. i'll post a new list this afternoon.. unless that slacker ass slacker yinz n'ats wants to finish up his list?
  7. -waiting on girlface to show up with my sweet 'stache for my costume tonight. -i'm going as this guy. -pre ma fuck'n game'n. when we get to the party (of a bunch of her friends i've never met), i'm gonna pull the "oh shit, i didn't know this was a holloween party, i'm just in town from NY".. i really hope i offend someone tonight...
  8. delivered after my pizza.. -prob just chillen tonight. sketching or whatever. -might walk accross the street to the bar for a shot or two later.
  9. -just ordered a pizza. -trying to decide what to do tonight.
  10. -a little drunk n high.. -still drinking and smoking. -thinking my king size bed, nice warm electric blankets and sleeping nekid girl are calling my name..... ehh, maybe another round befor smash'n n crash'n..
  11. -just walked the de o gee. -cracked first beer of the night. -packing up the greeneries. -think my girl wants me to go holloween costume shopping with her in a little bit. [insertloudfartnoise]
  12. -still up drinking. most likely because i didn't get outta bed till 5pm when girlface came home from work. /nocternalashelloner
  13. Re: **2010 PHOTO HUNT THREAD** ok, i know my last post was shit-tastic and lazy, but i didn't mean to kill this thread.. what's up with a new list? or the rest of this one?
  14. -smoking a cig. -interweb'n n watching some movie.
  15. -counters/table tops cleaned. aka kit. & bath counters + 2 high tops and desks. -recyclable cans n shit bagged. -living room organized... kinda. -studio straightened.... kinda -bedroom still a mess.. -8 or 9th tall boy pabst of the night. -it"s about grren o'clock. -bad reigion "how could hell be any worse".
  16. -just got back from fetching some crunk sushi. -consuming said sushi. -bout to do some cleaning -pabst n herbs is a 24/7 thing, i prob shouldn't even mention shit anymore.
  17. -annoying my girl by repeating "i'm Pat Toomy, and i approve this message". -wheel of tuna on TV.
  18. -wake n bake'n after only sleeping for like four hours. -thinking i may need some chocolate milk in my life real soon... maybe orange juice as well.. -thinking about the shit i should get done today. -watching "lets make a deal" on my non-cable TV.
  19. topfloorbasement


    played Ready 2 Rumble on my 64 for about an hour tonight outta pure bordom. new game systems have too many buttons and are complicated as hell.. gimme a direction pad and a "A" and a "B" button and i'm god..
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