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Everything posted by topfloorbasement

  1. HB _BLANK_.. trying to decide what i'm gonna grab for lunch.. i'm thinking a chipotle turkey pretzel sandwich..
  2. ^sorry to hear about yer homies Oh Snafu... all you can do is write em letters and drop some cash on their books.. what am i doing? drinking COFFEE while sitting at my desk still picking the sleepers out my eyes..
  3. two of mine.. The Ramones - Somebody Put Something In My Drink (i donno whats up with zip in this video) The Misfits - Where Eagles Dare (i ain't no god damn son of a bitch)
  4. bought this because i couldn't find a new one of these
  5. they say "if you can make a girl laugh, you can make her do anything"....
  6. in my tahn, we drink, fight, fuck and don't play lame retarded games.. yes, i have a tahn.
  7. good reads.. working security would be pretty entertaining.
  8. "working" aka interweb'n while printing drawings.
  9. sorry, i thought you asked for frog pics.. a smile/compliment/something funny is your best bet... don't listen to these herbs telling you "i'ma fuck you" line bullshit...
  10. wanting one hour and 8 minutes to pass by real real quick so i can get out of this office and onto the boat an enjoy the rest of this day....
  11. at work... hoping the next half hour flies the fuck by so i can get outta here...
  12. gonna try an get crack'n on this list as well..
  13. Maybe a problem with the Flux Capacitor?
  14. and NOES: i have no clue about travel time as i've never been to boston.. pittsburgh to philly takes about 5.5 hours..
  15. oh word.. OTB bicycle bar is blocks away from where i am right now.. i gotta piece of (f)art hanging on the wall in the back i can see in that pic.. you gotta buy 6 packs from bars or like pizza shops.. fat heads at carson and 18th has a dope section of beers / make your own 6-pack type deals.. or you can buy cases from distributers.. there's one on 20th or 21st. others bars in s.side to check are or at least the ones i can stand are: dees - between 13th and 14th on carson. smiling moose - same block. ruggers pub - on 22nd, 2 blocks off carson towards the river.. lave lounge is kinda cool too - between 22 and 23rd on carson. there's also a bike trail along the river you can access from 18th street..
  16. ^ cat looks like what i wanna be doing.... i'm at work, wishing time would pass much faster than it is. day dreaming about being sprawled out on my bed, in my boxers, smoking a bowl and chill'n the fuck out watching a movie..... yea, fuck a friday night happy hour and all that bullshat...
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