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Everything posted by topfloorbasement

  1. dudes shirt says it all pimp ride couple more randoms bikes i want this next one piggy with wings self portrait homie being a himself.. haha shots at the end of the night thanks for watching. make sure to tune in next time.. peace..
  2. this old school beatle was ruff. more ruffness some ill sculptures stop back at the truck for a refill n'at.. flame throwers cars next...
  3. i was seriousely feel'n the flat black / rust look.. this was a PA Drifters annual car convention.. there were literally 100's of cars in this style... decided i will def own a bad ass whip like one of these someday.. talked to one guy and he said i could probably build something pretty badass for about $5000... aquiering currency, disregarding everything else... haha
  4. thank you! i'm usually pretty good at remebering shit like this and or using spell check.. wake n' bake oner
  5. gangsterr ride (wish i had gotten better pics of this one) eddie munster mobile these two were clean as hell nice funeral car (can't think of what their called) and some other randoms barbed wire grillage aight, i gotta actually do some werk at the job.. will post more later... more cars and a flame thrower competition.....
  6. props all around... went to this rock-a-billy car show last weekend.. city of champYINZ an my iced coffee shoe pic? mural my homie painted for another homies bar heads rock-a-billy-ing? first badass car that caught my eye. the hood ordiment(sp) was insain too be continued when i get another minute..
  7. Stopped here for $3 PBR on tap. So fucking cold that it gave me brain freeze.. $3 draft pbr? was it a huge ass mug? cuz otherwise that sounds a lil steep for pbr draft. that shit rahn here is like $1 or a $1.75..
  8. that tag'n people shit is crazy... the whole post is just more evidence that stans life is def way more interesting than my own... props on the ill pics.
  9. *fuck the shit, fuck fuck the shit* hahaha.. props sent
  10. MrThree: yea, all my stencils.. they sell, they're easy to make, an they're a good waste of time.. lil_spenty: def some ill cats posted up.. good people too, not that i know any of em.. haha
  11. been a min since i posted.. here's tues - fri of last week.. starting late tues night, city of champyinz kitty said g'nite already slept, werked 8 hrs, pigeon take'n a nap, mutha flip'n traffic. fuck'n tag'rs fuck'n shit up.. haha relaxe for a min outside till dark. pabst n jameson all day erry day. slice, cut, cut. test print oner thurs: hung pieces at lounge, went to see girlie dahntahn. later played shuffle board. homie thought he was ill friday: show at lounge. some ill cats. raps n dancen shit wordsworth FIN.
  12. some good pics in here.. but uhhhh, this thread will vanish like all the rest... jus say'n..
  13. bump the fuck outta the nsf crew.. 16 years in the game an counting...
  14. that sov & rams roller at the top of this page is dope.. bumb nsf cats do'n their thang dahn there...
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