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Everything posted by topfloorbasement

  1. "motha fuck'n birds need to go back to their little tree and shut the fuck up". hahahahahaha
  2. tonight: Out for drinks with girlie an her friends.. sat: on a boat mafuckas get'n drunk during the day.. dive bar afterwards sun: either lowkey rooftop party at my spot or a huge barge party on the river with a 50/50 splite of people i wanna see an most likely my club of haters..
  3. -already buzzed off the beers n whiskey i started drinking at 3:30pm. -watching my girl passed out on the couch, bout to move her to the king sized bed n air conditioned bedroom. -think i'ma go check out my homies spinning funk n soul at the dive spot n have a jameson or three...
  4. at first i was like "hahaha" then i was like "c'mon son"... shit got old real real quick... my 2 cents n that's it...
  5. i don't know any canadians or anything about poutine... but i endorse getting drunk whenever for whatever...
  6. an a few days later. fire up da grill mmm steaks. beer of choice. 'rogies. girlie was not impressed with steakface... relax n eat.. FIN
  7. aight, i'ma post a couple days of crap.. gross habit. mess'n rahn. start a project. walking down these is much more fun than walking up em.. mission accomplished. failed smoke sesh, but good convo anyway.. next day art seat show. ok mr. potatoe head.. wtf? i fucking hate crowds.. wait'n to piss. blurry.. dude prolly doesn't want his face on blast anyways.. went to a roller jam afterwards. couldn't get a good shot but whatevers. dope vintage honda outside.. dude said he only paid like $500. lucky bastard.. sleep ensued..
  8. -wake n bake. -chocolate glazed donought coffee. -what the fuck to do today??
  9. you ain't got "$wagg".... or maybe you do have that brown ass crappy weed i used to buy back in like 8th grade, i donno... sorry to feed the troll..
  10. dude's 24, his girl's 30.. my girl was sleeping and they were drunk as fuck slam'n doors n shit.. i put an end to it real quick.. anyways: -just got back from a long ass walk with dogface killa.. -crack'n first brew of the day. -roll'n some doobage.. -trying to figure out what to listen to.
  11. -considering kick'n my brother and his 6 year older than him girlfriend both in the teeth...
  12. ummm.. no lolz... have a few dead peeps due to idiot drivers.... as for the song, yea, it blows......
  13. Re: **2010 PHOTO HUNT THREAD BITCHES** dohhh.. didn't think the last one posted..
  14. Re: **2010 PHOTO HUNT THREAD BITCHES** aight, 07/12/10 it is.. no excuses peeps.... that's plenty of time...
  15. -drinking beers. -wishing i had some treeage to smoke. -and as always, waiting for chica to get ready....
  16. Re: **2010 PHOTO HUNT THREAD BITCHES** ok, got yinz n'ats items.. here it is kids: 1. recycled 2. billboard 3. natural 4. spin 5. essential 6. iced out 7. rust 8. hot mess 9. free 10. punk 11. paper 12. robot or robotic bonus: pervact(sp) and suspenders get crackin.. and whata ya think, due monday 07/05/10 or monday 07/12/10?
  17. Re: **2010 PHOTO HUNT THREAD BITCHES** i got my 6 plus bonus.. i wanted to read some pages i missed so i'm not repeating anything an waiting for yinzs list.. will post em up a little later.. text'n dude now.
  18. Re: **2010 PHOTO HUNT THREAD BITCHES** whatevers clever..
  19. -waiting for chica to get back with the grub n case o beers. -drinking a fucking coors light cuz that's all she had in her fridge. pretty sure her roommate bought this water beer. -reading up on low light photography tips. -watching "pimp my ride" for the first time in years an laugh'n at these ghetto ass mother fuckers.
  20. Re: **2010 PHOTO HUNT THREAD BITCHES** motha effers better participate this time arahn.. fer seriouseness...
  21. i can feel this.. i'm a big loner myself these days.. i have an amazing girl who's got her head on straight an works hard.. myself, i'm unemployed and spend most of my time fucking around in my apartment not doing much of anything.. typical day consists of me waking up around noon. drinking a coffee to get the wheels rolling. as soon as the coffee's done, i switch to beer. smoke trees. sketch. take pics of whatevers interesting. paint. whatevers.. if i do go out, it's to some dive ass bar where i'm pretty sure i'm not gonna see anyone i don't wanna see.. all i'm looking for is a seat, and some cheap dranks... got a few friends, hundreds of associates and what seems like an army of haters in this city.. actually looking forward to moving to san fran where i don't know anyone but my uncle.. but fuck it, i'm a happy dude an can be bad all by my damn self....
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