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Everything posted by topfloorbasement

  1. -just walked the de o gee. -cracked first beer of the night. -packing up the greeneries. -think my girl wants me to go holloween costume shopping with her in a little bit. [insertloudfartnoise]
  2. -still up drinking. most likely because i didn't get outta bed till 5pm when girlface came home from work. /nocternalashelloner
  3. Re: **2010 PHOTO HUNT THREAD** ok, i know my last post was shit-tastic and lazy, but i didn't mean to kill this thread.. what's up with a new list? or the rest of this one?
  4. really good thread idea. great first post to start it off mayormenino. all i can pretty much do is co-sign what everyone else is saying. props.
  5. i moving moving back back to cali cali...
  6. -smoking a cig. -interweb'n n watching some movie.
  7. art, like life, repeats itself.. kinda. /endthread.
  8. -counters/table tops cleaned. aka kit. & bath counters + 2 high tops and desks. -recyclable cans n shit bagged. -living room organized... kinda. -studio straightened.... kinda -bedroom still a mess.. -8 or 9th tall boy pabst of the night. -it"s about grren o'clock. -bad reigion "how could hell be any worse".
  9. -just got back from fetching some crunk sushi. -consuming said sushi. -bout to do some cleaning -pabst n herbs is a 24/7 thing, i prob shouldn't even mention shit anymore.
  10. -annoying my girl by repeating "i'm Pat Toomy, and i approve this message". -wheel of tuna on TV.
  11. -wake n bake'n after only sleeping for like four hours. -thinking i may need some chocolate milk in my life real soon... maybe orange juice as well.. -thinking about the shit i should get done today. -watching "lets make a deal" on my non-cable TV.
  12. topfloorbasement


    played Ready 2 Rumble on my 64 for about an hour tonight outta pure bordom. new game systems have too many buttons and are complicated as hell.. gimme a direction pad and a "A" and a "B" button and i'm god..
  13. english was and is my worst subject. shit, i just learned how to spell "wednesday" like last year.. wensday. haha. i'm pretty good with the whole "your" vs "you're" bullshat since becoming interweb literate(sp). still can't spell worth sheit tho. i'm convinced it's genetic.
  14. smoking a cig as i type this so i def failed on quiting smoking. unemployed and collecting unemployment (and loving it) so career/school advancement is out the window. still in pixburgh, wanted to move to the west coast. looks like it's gonna be summer 2011 befor that happens. drinking less, yeah fucking right. i drink more everyday. fail fail fail fail.. but i feel i win at life, so it's all gravy.
  15. -sketching. -listening to some blend/scratch mix homie made. -yes, still drank'n them pabst. -bout to run across the street for squares.
  16. -just finished eating some perogies. -drinking pabst, as mother fucking always. -considering going dahn the bar.
  17. lazy friday night. -pabst, nothin new. -listening to Roc Marciano. thank you V.I.P.. haven't downloaded new GOOD hip hop in a looong time. -green ass green turning to smoke in the air. -waiting for girlface as usual. gonna be a while as she's get'n her hair did..
  18. Re: THE "HOLY SHIT I FUCKING HATE CHILDREN" THREAD............ i'm enough of a kid, i don't need a younger & crazier version of me fucking up my life and making me be an adult...
  19. Re: **2010 PHOTO HUNT THREAD** lazy contribution stop. yeild. go.
  20. nah dude, they live in a 3 ft by 5 ft house. thats all.. i like the bear getting lifted at the end..
  21. i've slept on this thread for like 63 pages. have checked it every so often and found lots of laughs. funny thing is, i have BSM tat'd on my arm. it was the first tat i got and was the click i used to do ruckess with.. got it when i was like 17 in old english letters, thought it was gangster. we def thought we were a bunch of thugs. stood for Blue Stone Mafia.. yeeeah. anyway, continue on...
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