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Everything posted by grd

  1. grd

    Dear ________,

    Dear watchseries, what the fuck did you do?! You spoiled a perfectly good site, that's what you did. Cunts. imad Dear cunts banging on about the snow at every opportunity, shut the fuck up. istillmad Dear nephew, proud doesn't even begin to cover it. A fully fledged Oxford educated Doctor...with a prescription pad. I love you way more than I did last week. me
  2. Re: I wanna see your...........PETS! She's going through a phantom pregnancy right now and she's playing the martyr like a champ. She also keeps stealing towels from the bathroom to make nests around the house.
  3. Stilton and grapes, Lego LotR on xbox and listening to the dogs snore. And when I finish this smoke I'll go back to doing just that because, my fucking insomnia is back.
  4. They're all real streaming links on those ones, granted alluc can be a bit of a pain with the search system being a bit shitty but they're solid links. PM me your email and I'll send you the invite for torrentleech.
  5. I don't get any viruses from the sites I posted. I use Chrome with adblock and poper blocker though. If you ain't already got them you're kinda daft, kiddo.
  6. So Xam's still killing it... Heath Preheim Chad Koeplinger
  7. I have some torrentleech invites, if you're a dick who doesn't seed though don't bother, you'll get kicked quick smart. I've barely torrented in ages. Clicky Clicky and Click for all your streaming needs.
  8. This is my only day off, other than Christmas day, for the next two weeks. I SHOULD be wrapping presents, finishing putting up the decorations, making sure I got all the presents I needed to, food shopping, cleaning the house, ironing and a host of other crappy stuff. Instead, I'm sat here on oontz, drinking tea and smoking while I wait for my friend so we can go get tattooed. Fuck Christmas.
  9. grd

    Dear ________,

    Dear you lot, Y'alright? Tell me stuff innit. lots of love grdinnit
  10. Yeah, gonna have to agree. Make with the filth, hubby dearest. (I only had time to read the first instalment but I'll come back to it tonight. Keep 'em coming.)
  11. granny smith with stilton is the best kind of apple with cheese, not at all weird. People scoff at my Marmite combinations...until they try them. Marmite and honey on toasted fruit loaf or a toasted hot cross bun and Marmite and Dairylea in a sandwich or on toast are my two favourite snacks. Pickled onion flavour monster munch dipped in strawberry milkshake ist rad too. Realism, is it you with the weird quesadilla filling?
  12. grd


    This is awesome, you should totally do this. Not just do it, take it to some whole other level and dominate that fucking league. We don't have dodgeball here but if we did, I'd be all about it. Will there be a kit? Do you get to have your own kit? Will you put a unicorn on it? How many on a team? Is it called a team? Will you get to name said team? If so, what will you name your team? Can we choose the team name?
  13. 90% of my instagram is pictures of the dogs and I think one of the back of Realism and Decys head. If that shit excites you...and frankly why wouldn't it? Have at it. #groundedinnit
  14. Re: I wanna see your...........PETS! You got a puppy?! What did you call it? He or she? Will you be making it a halloween costume? Whatever, it's all kinds of cute. Jack Russell's for the mother fucking win...if only they didn't moult so damn much. Alfie chased down a rottie in the park the other day because he was jealous of him playing with Ruby. I've been making a patchwork quilt and got bored of the squares so I made the dogs some bandanas... I can't believe Ruby is gonna be 1 next month. This is my friends Presa, she's two weeks older than Ruby, twice the size but Ruby is top dog. There's a lot of rambling there but I've taken a few valium and it's late, my bad. Any of you have any raw food 'recipe' suggestions for the dogs?
  15. When I see that .gif, in my head, all I hear is pew pew pew. That's all I have to say about this thread. That's a lie, Pfffft's girl is adorable.
  16. You say that like it wasn't the best thing that ever happened to you. How many other drunk girls will happily watch Star Wars in bed whilst telling you gossip?! Four? Six and a bushel of apples, dude.
  17. Well yeah because every Welsh person has British roots, what with us being British 'n all but, anyone 'Welsh enough' to have "Pleidiol wyf i'm gwlad" which means I'm true to my country and our national flower, then a Union Jack in there is a bit confusing. I dunno, maybe only a Welsh person would get it. As far as I'm concerned the flag of my country has a dragon on it. Also, it has a fucking dragon on it. Dragons are always gonna be cooler than crosses, innit. Anyway... Xam Max Kuhn Alix Ge Heath Preheim
  18. Hiya Injury!! We already play this game except he wears a gimp suit and he tries to surprise me; much like The Pink Panther films, he's Kato and I'm Jacques Clouseau...but with more of a sinister undertone. Finally, someone thinks I'm funny.
  19. Most everyone has heard of the mysteriously ghoulish "things that go bump in the night." For one South Carolina woman, that "thing" was her ex-boyfriend, who she found living in her attic more than 12 years after they had broken up. Tracy [last name withheld], a Rock Hill, S.C., resident and single mother of five, says she heard a thump from up above and saw nails start popping out from her bedroom ceiling Saturday, Yahoo! News reported. Around 2:30 a.m. Tracy felt as if “something just ain’t right," she told the Charlotte Observer. When she heard noises in the attic and saw nails popping out, she thought “there was some poltergeist stuff going on." It wasn't the devil dancing on the ceiling. It was her ex-boyfriend, who had been living in her attic for about two weeks since he was released from prison, according to WCNC. The two had broken up more than 12 years ago. She never considered getting back with him, despite him claiming in letters he sent from jail that he had changed. She thought he had gone to Charlotte after his latest arrest. Her adult sons and her nephew found him asleep in the back of the attic. "They found a man. He had packed all the old coats and jackets into the heating unit and was sleeping in the heating unit," Tracy told WCNC, saying that her ex-boyfriend ran downstairs and out of the house before police got there. They found several "Route 44" Sonic cups filled with feces and urine, according to Local 8. They also saw that the ex-boyfriend had rigged the ceiling vents so he could look down at Tracy in her bedroom from his spot in the attic. The only access to the attic is through a door from inside the home, in the hallway that connects her children's bedrooms, according to Local 8. “It’s got me flabbergasted,” Tracy told the Charlotte Observer. “How can you look at someone through an air vent?” The suspect is still at large. He is described as a black male, 5 feet 6 inches tall and weighing 170 pounds. By the looks of that silhouette she should be pleased she found a guy who's willing to commit.
  20. Pleidiol wyf i'm gwlad!! I din't get why there's a union jack in there but, rad none the less.
  21. Re: 12oz's current state makes me sad/pissed I'm not sure there's one thing that's to blame. yeah it's annoying and tedious when threads disintegrate into wind ups and posturing or become a stream of idiotic pictures, yeah the ads are bothersome but, people grow up, get jobs and relationships, move, get new interests too. The complex media bar really annoyed me but the worst was when that social networking thing was forced upon us. Does anyone actually use it? The whole login process now is a joke, even being able to login it just directs you to that page. I have all the social networking in my life I want, shit I voluntarily sign up to. I don't need more crap forced on me, it makes me dig my heels in. I agree with the whole social networking taking over, most of the people I actually like from here I keep in contact with in other ways farcebook/gplus/email whatever so, when I do check 12 out and there's not much going on I think fuck it and dip. You only get out of something what you put in. If people can't contribute due to login errors there's nowt we as members can do. If people are put off by all the ads, there's nowt we as members can do. If people communicate in other ways now because of the problems, there's nowt we as members can do All we as member can do is try and post stuff which might interest someone enough to login(if they are able) and join in. Put up or shut up, innit. I will try and make an effort, I'm not posting tits though.
  22. a navy low cut vest with 6 buttons, three of which are undone. It's sunny enough to display cleavage, hooray red lace, AP bra dark beige chinos red lo pro vans an awesome, messy ballerina bun I has lunch date, oooh.
  23. Don't say it isn't him, if it really is Casek he'll post your name, address and social security number as proof. Welcome back brother man.
  24. grd

    Dear ________,

    Dear christeezy, Congrats! That 9 months went fast huh? She's beautiful, I think my ovaries just exploded :) - grd Dear hubby dearest, sending the good Welsh vibes innit. - the mrs Dear Decy, text me when you're in Gods country next, we'll go get drunk and dance like wankers innit. - s oh also Realism/Decy Ruby ripped up the kitchen floor so I'm having it all tiled this week annnnnd I bought all new dining stuff, including a chair for the kitchen, it's definitely not drunk sleep friendly. :( I think you could definitely fit in Ruby's new crate though. Swings n roundabouts innit - s
  25. you're a star among men or something along those lines. Death Grips - The Money Store Death Grips - The Fever (Aye Aye)
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