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Everything posted by grd

  1. Oscar Wilde said that, what,100 years ago or thereabouts. Nothing changes, people are always going to feel disenfranchised at some point, in one way or another. When you were teenagers everything was new and exciting, you had few worries and was less cynical...then you grow up. Humans suck, always have, always will. I think you're wrong though, there are genuine artists/artisans out there. You just have to make the effort to look. Or, as the Dali Lama said, be the change.you want to see in the world. /end drunk ramble. Someone make me a cuppa tea, please.
  2. Can you come back to t'port and remove the dead bird Bob has just left on the doorstep, please? I'd actually like to leave the house at some point today :(
  3. I really could have done without seeing that. I feel quite sorry for her.
  4. Re: Database Error I told you, I haven't seen her for years. She was fucking mental so I'm glad of that really.
  5. I kind of agree about it being two films or it could have been half the time. It was either really poorly edited or it needed to be fleshed out. How could they fuck up such a classic story? It was something and nothing. That girl who played Snow White annoys the hell out of me, she always looks like she's gurning. Surely they should have either chosen someone far more attractive for Snow or someone far less attractive for the witch?!
  6. Re: Database Error you didn't think I may have a problem with it though?
  7. We went to see that Snow White and the Huntsman on Tuesday. It was fucking awful. Even Ray Winstone and Lovejoy as dwarves didn't make up for how long it dragged on needlessly. The Huntsman/Thor fella is too pretty not to have him half naked in every scene, same goes for Charlize Theron.
  8. Re: Database Error If everyone leaves, what will happen to DAO? I'm a little worried we may lose him.
  9. You impregnated a 33 year old woman who's setting up a facebook page for a foetus, that doesn't know the difference between fate and a fete. Score Congrats man, pob lwc i ti!
  10. I watched some blooper reels the other week and she wasn't as annoying as she was on the show. It made me wonder if she was just a fantastic actress...or maybe it was because I was in a super good mood. But yeah, I hope she dies too and the annoying sister can bite it.
  11. grd

    Dear ________,

    Dear Decy, morality is always nice in theory. - grdinnit
  12. Off out for Sunday Lunch then on to the pub to watch the football. I'll be rooting for Italy just to piss off my friend and hopefully Ireland won't get thrashed by Croatia.
  13. The guy who plays jaqen h'ghar is super fucking fit. He was in a film set in Wales last year; about the Nazi's. He can occupy my valley any fucking time. The White Walker on the horse at the end was fantastic, I held my breath when he looked at Sam. Also, I want me some dragons...
  14. grd

    Dear ________,

    Dear effeminate guys, STOP. notabitinterested, drunkgrd
  15. http://www.buzzfeed.com/gavon/canadian-cannibal-porn-star-on-the-loose It's spreading
  16. grd

    For Luca...

    'Port int that big really, it's all very incestuous innit. Over 44 grand has been raised so far, business, schools and people here have been amazing. It makes me a little teary thinking about it all. Thank you for donating, it really is a good cause...even though I'm biased :P Man, I don't know what to tell you. There have been donations from 'famous' people but when it comes down to it, they're grateful for the support and them raising awareness. And speaking of famous people... My cousin was pretty stoked about that one. Thanks so much if you've donated or taken the time to repost the links or raised a hand for Lucs. It REALLY is appreciated! xx
  17. grd

    For Luca...

    I don't expect people to donate at all, times is tough innit; but I'd love you long time if you could see your way to reposting the links or liking the farcebook page.
  18. haha no, there aren't any pictures of a young Marie Curie with test tubes n that, that's as close as I could get. I don't imagine you carry radioactive isotopes in your pockets either ;)
  19. Making a card for my besties birthday tomorrow. Craft is NOT my forte and I shouldn't have left it until the last minute. If I never see pink glitter again it will be too soon. I'm fucking covered in the stuff, I look like a demented stripper.
  20. grd

    For Luca...

    Oh yeah, in absence on tits, have some lulz... DAT HAIR
  21. grd

    For Luca...

    Exactly what evil said. Right? I think after the initial devastation they've just pulled it together and are focusing on what can be done now and being thankful for every day he's alive. They've been crazy proactive and the campaign has been amazing. People like F1 drivers, rugby players, jockeys, cricketers, musicians, actors and 'slebs' have been amazing. There was even this... taken by a cameraman who was at the White House for an award, he nearly got arrested for it. So, y'know even if you can't donate, show your support and spread the word for an amazing little boy who doesn't stop smiling.
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