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Everything posted by grd

  1. The guy who plays jaqen h'ghar is super fucking fit. He was in a film set in Wales last year; about the Nazi's. He can occupy my valley any fucking time. The White Walker on the horse at the end was fantastic, I held my breath when he looked at Sam. Also, I want me some dragons...
  2. grd

    Dear ________,

    Dear effeminate guys, STOP. notabitinterested, drunkgrd
  3. http://www.buzzfeed.com/gavon/canadian-cannibal-porn-star-on-the-loose It's spreading
  4. grd

    For Luca...

    'Port int that big really, it's all very incestuous innit. Over 44 grand has been raised so far, business, schools and people here have been amazing. It makes me a little teary thinking about it all. Thank you for donating, it really is a good cause...even though I'm biased :P Man, I don't know what to tell you. There have been donations from 'famous' people but when it comes down to it, they're grateful for the support and them raising awareness. And speaking of famous people... My cousin was pretty stoked about that one. Thanks so much if you've donated or taken the time to repost the links or raised a hand for Lucs. It REALLY is appreciated! xx
  5. grd

    For Luca...

    I don't expect people to donate at all, times is tough innit; but I'd love you long time if you could see your way to reposting the links or liking the farcebook page.
  6. haha no, there aren't any pictures of a young Marie Curie with test tubes n that, that's as close as I could get. I don't imagine you carry radioactive isotopes in your pockets either ;)
  7. Making a card for my besties birthday tomorrow. Craft is NOT my forte and I shouldn't have left it until the last minute. If I never see pink glitter again it will be too soon. I'm fucking covered in the stuff, I look like a demented stripper.
  8. grd

    For Luca...

    Oh yeah, in absence on tits, have some lulz... DAT HAIR
  9. grd

    For Luca...

    Exactly what evil said. Right? I think after the initial devastation they've just pulled it together and are focusing on what can be done now and being thankful for every day he's alive. They've been crazy proactive and the campaign has been amazing. People like F1 drivers, rugby players, jockeys, cricketers, musicians, actors and 'slebs' have been amazing. There was even this... taken by a cameraman who was at the White House for an award, he nearly got arrested for it. So, y'know even if you can't donate, show your support and spread the word for an amazing little boy who doesn't stop smiling.
  10. grd

    For Luca...

    Luca, my cousins beautiful 3 year old boy was struck down with Meningococcal Septicaemia in early January and his life changed forever…This horrendous disease ravaged every part of his body in hours and left him fighting for his life! With less than a 3% chance of survival Luca pulled through however he was not unscathed… Luca lost both of his legs and all of his tissue, some muscle and skin below his hips. He has massive skin and tissue and muscle loss across his arms and shoulders and is now fighting to save his knees which have been severely damaged. We will be raising funds to cover the huge costs of prosthetics giving Luca every chance to excel in every aspect of his future. So please dig deep and donate now and help us raise funds for this wonderful inspirational little boy! Follow Luca's amazing story on Facebook and Twitter. Add your own hand pics and take part! Join his following by raising your hands... and look out for his new website! www.twitter.com/for_luca www.facebook.com/forluca1 http://www.justgiving.com/forluca I promise you, none of the funds donated will go towards coogi sweaters, suboxone or school fees for drop outs. Just towards helping this awesome little boy have some semblance of a life.
  11. I have a few pictures from when you were here, they're mostly blurry shots of the floor but I do have a great one of you and Decy looking SUPER confused in that dodgy pub. GOOD TIMES.
  12. This. Have you watched Police Academy since we were on about it?
  13. grd

    Dear ________,

    Dear Decy, Wait, WHAT?! We are going!!! That's super bizarre though innit. - grd
  14. Oh good, you haven't noticed me sitting outside your window with my night vision goggles and note book.
  15. Someone send me some Lucky fucking Charms, dammit.
  16. Re: I wanna see your...........PETS! Damn that's one adorable puppy. Give it! So, Ruby has had a tonne of blood work done now and we've found out what she's allergic to...grass and cats. The steroids and diphenhydramine are keeping it mostly under control but after the gardner came the other day she's had a flare up, it's obviously an annoyance to her with the scratching but she's always super chipper. Bob the cat has killed 3 birds in 3 days so I may chop her up and feed her to the birds and kill two with one stone.
  17. gas is just bitter because I married realism; who is indeed a true gent, innit gasfacewotsit realism Drue injury fist RIPS theprotester seeking miss symbols
  18. I barely remember yesterday gas, do you really expect me to remember many moons ago? Here was I thinking you knew me. I do look forward to the pictures of KIR skinning a shark on a shoddy raft made out of oil cans and duct tape though.
  19. grd

    Dear ________,

    Dear hayfever, fuck off - stiffly me
  20. Wait, you're going to RAFT to the Bahamas or Cuba? That can't be a good idea, can it?
  21. You must be really handsome because you have all the charm of a carrot. I'm befuddled as to why she would want to be tethered to you for 18+ years.
  22. grd

    Dear ________,

    Dear Decy, dim problem, next time you're down I'll bring you some tramadol, I just found loads in a kitchen cupboard. Feel better soon innit - sg
  23. All wasps and bees are dogs, silly.
  24. You may think all those 'free bee' postings are funny but my ex father in law is an apiarist and often goes and retrieves bees for free. He gets extra honey and people are free of bees. Although, people are often idiots and can't tell the difference between bees and wasps.
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