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Everything posted by SheepOrDie

  1. I fully thought I was going to get the sick ass baby mama coin. fuckin feds swooped on that cos of some dumb ass student loan thing. Bummer
  2. Maybe just a tongue up the butt.
  3. So help me, if some dummy ever tried to put me in my place I’d fuck his dad and leave immediately.
  4. Currently in full chill mode watching twilight zone reruns a photo of my current view
  5. Right now. I’d flick the whole bus but everyone looks fucking miserable I ain’t even gonna make it awkward
  6. Yes, I love me some good pens. Will share when I get home. on that note I have a new coworker, the first interaction with him I immediately got the feeling he was/is a cop. The way he carried himself, later he told me he used to be a Sherrif out in SF. anyways he stole my good pen. I fucking hate cops.
  7. Dude this bus looks wild uncomfortable I fully need to be able to lounge hard on my public transport adventures. I used to hate buses, but it’s pretty dope really...i can listen to music, draw or read, space out or whatever the fuck and not stress on the daily road traffic bullshit. Could be worse I suppose.
  8. I got some spider that lives outside my window, caught himself a bee some time ago. I don’t mind spiders however I’ll fuckin stomp out 99% of any other ugly looking bug.
  9. DAO Wasn’t there a whole ass “argue with DAO” thread? fuck ? swear to god the dogwhale/town/growing up with the Internet/argument bullshit still makes laugh a bunch to this day.
  10. Coffee. fuckin coffee i quit booze, coke, cigarettes no problem but it’s the damn coffee I can’t shake. i tried once, and the withdrawal had me so sluggish and gross feeling I decided to just carry on with the coffee drinking.
  11. True story somehow wing stop makes the best blue cheese ever. the wings are kinda whatever. Any other day its ranch since we’re talking about sauces tho... Franks Red Hot >>>>>>
  12. Oh god dammit I just deleted hella photos of stupid shit I encounter on my daily commute. I had a great photo of a crackhead chillin on the floor shirtless eating popcorn. the public transportation in my area always has some wild fuckery, will start taking flicks.
  13. I came back in for a minute just to find an irrelevant ass TPWF related reference and I'm fucking glad I did lol Oh where I been Got married got fat for divorced still banging some random oonzter ten years later fml
  14. SheepOrDie


    I'm with DAO on this one, she's cute but needs some.... makeup? or something. She reminds me of the kid from Gummo. He was in Ken Park too right? Goddamn that was a fucked up movie. I logged in just to agree with DAO, woah man.
  15. That was a pretty cool, I kind of hate the way photobucket's new layout looks though. Liked. Then I signed into my other account and liked. Also broke into my ex's account and liked from there.
  16. i didn't think enough to photograph thanksgiving dinner, mostly because it was our first time hosting at our home. Shit got pretty chaotic. I suppose we did alright, there's no leftovers. Pretty bummed. turkey, cheddar bacon mashed taters, stuffed jalapeños, side salad, pea soup, and ratatouille... French dish for an American holiday. Fuck it. Also made some pretty good white sangria, once the family left I polished off a bottle of whiskey and fell asleep on the table.
  17. I hope dude was dumb enough not to change his number. My friend wants to call him on his radio show tonight.
  18. Some people develop an allergic reaction when bitten by one on them big ugly ass flies. Make a paste with crushed aspirin and water, use that to reduce swelling. Make another paste, this time with baking soda and water to relieve itching. Hydrocortisone cream would help just the same I suppose... So would heavily diluted boric acid if you've got it lying around. If it gets bigger or hurts/spreads maybe see a doctor. But make sure to take pictures.
  19. Re: kony 2012 There's a number of things that irritated me just a tiny bit.*** How are people so trapped in their own bubbles where they need to see this in order for them to realize the world might be a little worse in places other than their parent's basement?*** You'd think if these people genuinely*** gave a shit about global corruption they'd have said something before this video was posted. 99% of the people who shared this video on my newsfeed are the ones who were also the first people to report about Kim Kardashians Wedding/Divorce and share up to the second reports on the Superbowl. I had a hard time believing they actually cared about anything other than looking like some one who cares. It's like some obligation for them to keep up with every trend no matter how pitiful. Also, it's fucking AFRICA! Western imperialism has fucked over that poor bastard continent for all it's natural resources for centuries.*** Nobody mentions the fact that we unknowingly support child labor in Africa. Those kids are picking our cotton and being beaten like a... Slave?*** Could we make a video about that and post it all over Facebook? Yes! Will people take action by not purchasing cotton? Probably not, it's too inconvenient. Reposting videos is easier.*** Finally. It's caused so much arguments that go nowhere and end in name calling and child's play. How can I take anyone's opinion seriously after reading this on my newsfeed?*** http://s14.postimage.org/cuuo1daap/38b81293.jpg This sort of immaturity is what turns me off from any decent conversation with anyone.***
  20. Re: My semi retarded soon to be brother in-law Why is that question mark there? Sentence structure fail.
  21. Re: My semi retarded soon to be brother in-law I forgot franks protug-nadian. :(
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