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Everything posted by SheepOrDie

  1. this is an interesting thread, a lot of dropouts here. i dropped out before senior year, found a great paying 9 to 5 job at 18. No GED. most companies arent too worried about your education background, they just want to know if you can multitask in distracting environments and are good with people then you can pretty much get any job if you really make the effort. just because you dont have the patience to learn in a regular classroom setting does not make you lazy or dumb. One reason why I couldnt stand high school and college is because its all the same boring structure. Sit down in a large class for an hour, listen to a guy yap about whatever while taking notes on what you think is important. Assignments every day, test in two weeks. Large assignment end of quarter, and repeat for four years. It doesnt help that most college lectures are on powerpoint, the class is dark and that makes it easier to fall asleep. if i really want to learn about something i go to the library and check out a book on it. but yeah the GED test is easy. math part might get a little annoying though.
  2. i just googled this guy... gross, looks gay and on top of that he's only 17.
  3. i feel sorry for anyones boyfriend who has to sit through this garbage. i would make fun of you for having to sit through a movie with a bunch of shirtless beefcake werewolf dudes... i wont even go there. godspeed jugz.
  4. i didnt bother clicking the link. this reminds me of those "crush fetish videos" that are popular is asia. asian chick stomping baby animals to death with high heels. pretty disturbing, ive seen the videos before, cant find them now.
  5. Two and a Half men. Somehow it manages to be one of the most watched tv shows on television, but it has yet to make me crack a smile. How can anyone actually think this show's funny? My boyfriend thinks the show is hilarious but his sense of humor is completely ass backwards. I'm just sayin'. And the only reason why I complain is cos I have to sit and listen to this nonsense every night. Fuck this show and fuck Charlie Sheen. In other news, this weekend's Baconfest was a success. as soon as i get ahold of the pix i will post. heres some pics from last baconfest, there was definently more bacon but everyone ate it before i could flick. bacon and weak ribs.. marinade bacon in whiskey, fry that shit up... soo good. :scrambled:
  6. ive spotted several shooting stars this week, pretty bright. meteor showers gonna be dope.
  7. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=St-B2AKD69U&feature=related
  8. presenting the body in public isn't really part of the punishment, i think its more for the public to see what happens when you fuck up. scaring civilians straight.
  9. dont fucking lie. i know you choked on a jalapeno popper while watching this shit you fag. i thought it was silly, i lol'd.
  10. i thought this was a thread about scamming your way into employment. dammit....
  11. woa woa woa... you dont like getting prizes in your cereal?? your life must be boring. then again the prizes they give out in cereal suck these days. last cool one i got was some Ice Age pencil topper. what exactly does miller give you in exchange for drinking their booze? 32's are cool but they're too filling. i'd rather drink a some other cheap pisswater beer. you know what i havent had in a while? arrogant bastard. hmmmm
  12. no. the guy on my couch is highgrav. i'm sheep.
  13. for your amusement. cheap beer. hot cheetos. and mister highgravitycane passed out on my couch. complete with hello kitty blanket. hot cheetos and beer is definitely not a good way to fix a hangover. i might regret this later. least it tastes yummy.
  14. i'll tell you something weird about me. sometimes when i go for walks around town i pick up litter. dont know why or what good its gonna do, just something about seeing mickey d bags and starbucks cups everywhere annoys me. once i went on a 30 minute walk and for fun i counted all the fast food cups i saw on the ground, i think i got as far as two hundred something then i got over it and decided humans suck at keeping the planet clean... hows that saying go? dont shit where you sleep? well that was totally off topic. i just finished half my bag of hot cheetos. im contemplating eating the rest.
  15. straight lemon. then your hand get dyed ridiculous red. then at the end of the bowl theres the leftover lemon juice n hot cheeto mix, bubble guts fer days but so worth it. speaking of lucas... i havent seen this in years. i guess it was banned cos of its high lead content...i mean fuck theres much worse things then lead that i eat in processed foods, i'm willing to risk it who can i talk to about getting this shit back over to the states?? COS dont you have something better to do than troll these forums? with all this effort you're putting into this you coulda done something more useful, go paint something. fuck.
  16. what the fuck how come i aint sick of these things yet? ive been eating these things since fourth grade and i'm still not sick of em. they taste good with cream cheese. even better when you put lemon on them. hot cheetos. appreciated. if this is fail here are some boobs for you little pervies.
  17. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qzNTCxOJK3g unemployed
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