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Everything posted by Tails0nE

  1. Just thought this was interesting... πŸ€” https://www.google.com/amp/s/minnesota.cbslocal.com/2021/04/14/police-man-drags-hutchinson-officer-with-car-hits-him-with-hammer-after-face-mask-dispute/amp/
  2. haha wow im surprised i was right.. i recognized his goofy ass it was the last two pictures that did it for me.. guess im up.. hope this one hasnt been done yet.. havent personally seen this one yet but i came across it recently and its on my must see list...
  3. Recently thought about getting a lil cheap disposable camera to shoot the shit with and to help get me out the house a bit when I totally forgot my girl came up on a camera a while ago.. Sears/Mamiya 1000mx came with an extra lens and everything.. but to be honest, I have no idea what the fuck I'm doing and any knowledge I do have is from high school photography class that I got kicked out of.. anybody got any tips/tricks/film recommendation so I can go test this lil guy out..?
  4. glad you got through it @abrasivesaint πŸ†πŸ» so far on this end my results from last week came back negative still.. whatever it is im doing right im still doing.. spraying shit non stop and constant hand sanitizer and somewhat distancing myself.. my girls daughter went back to her fathers crib and since then my girl wont shut the FUCK up about going outside and wont leave me the fuck alone in the front room.. "well the doctors said after 10 days im not contagious anymore but i can still test positive for 3 months" i dont give a fuck about any of that.. stay the fuck away from me until you come out negative.. so, with that being said i NOW have to wear my mask 24/7 since she wont leave me alone.. we took another test this morning so now its just wait for these results now and hope for the best..
  5. Earlier it was this... Currently I'm listening to this...
  6. Tails0nE


    Dude I'm fucking DROWNING in updates and it's slowly killing me.. besides att being fucking wack, I just bought an external 2tb hard drive and decided to download warzone again since I have the space now.. fuckin 90 something gb download took like a day and a half.. I go to play once it finished, BOOM, 51gb update file.. go to play normal multiplayer on cold War, BOOM, 46 gb update file.. cyberpunk? Another 43gb for their new fucking patch.. at this point I feel like my PlayStation is just gonna catch on fire eventually..
  7. Tails0nE


    Remember I'm working with my shit att internet while my girls daughter is plugged into the matrix playing fortnite, minecraft AND scrolling through tik tok all at the same time.. so yeah I got a lil excited lol Seriously don't know how that kid does it..
  8. Tails0nE


    @Dark_Knight yeah i think you should be able to keep it i dont think they just take it away once the month is up.. there are other games on there too but this one looked the most fun.. plus its only like 2gb so it'll be quick to download.. πŸ‘
  9. Tails0nE


    with all this old school 8bit talk i gotta recommend Enter The Gungeon.. i just downloaded it the other night since its free on playstation for their "state of play" or whatever and its super fun.. mad fucking annoying cause yeah you die and you gotta start all over again but overall its pretty sick.. this video pretty much explains everything.. i think you all have a ps4 so yeah definitely check it out..
  10. holy fuck dude thats nuts.. honestly its not even like that over here on this side.. i really hope you get well soon my dude.. its crazy hearing that cause its super chill over here for us with my girl and her daughter.. my girls daughter has been fine and just in her room.. i hear her cough and sneeze here and there more coughing sometimes but then shes cool.. my girl has just been on and off lethargic but also has had that pain behind her eyes but not as bad she says it just feels like a minor headache.. she says it comes and goes same with her hot flashes.. all in all they both dont have any serious problems thankfully but literally last night my girl lost her smell and taste.. said she was wondering why she couldnt taste the siracha in her sandwich and figured out it was cause of covid.. she took a shot of siracha, nothing.. valentina, nothing.. some lime juice we had in the fridge, nothing.. mouthwash? nope, nothing.. she said it feels like theres a thin clear film over her tongue preventing her from tasting kind of like the numbing gel they have you gargle at the doctor when you're bout to have surgery or something but just for taste.. she said shes not scared just more weirded out and finds it interesting.. apparently smoking weed has helped with the pressure behind her eyes since she doesnt have any of the respiratory problems.. she did have some dizzy spells the other day but yesterday she was completely fine and today shes just mad tired with a headache.. as for me i havent been feeling any different really.. my girl has gotten kind of annoyed with me cause im dead ass constantly spraying shit down and excessively washing my hands and using sanitizer.. ill walk around and spray the light switches, sink handles, toilet handle, fridge and door handles n everything like 3 times a day or so.. or whenever theyre both in the kitchen trying to make food and they leave just to be sure.. its mad annoying yes and even as im sitting here in the front completely away from everyone i still wear my mask and that hasnt bothered me at all until now.. i dont wear it all day ill take it off hear and there and at night i spray EVERYTHING down then take it off and chill.. still dont feel different.. only thing is i kind of do feel a random hot flash but i feel like its just my hot ass breath flowing back to me because of this fucking mask cause i dont feel it all over.. maybe im just being mad paranoid with certain things but we all went to take another covid test this morning so now its just wait and see what the results are.. its crazy how vastly different this is hitting other people compared to us.. one of my homegirls said she caught it in november and is fine now she can taste again but her smell is off.. apparently it comes and goes but when its there its very faint smells of stuff.. like lotion and cologne she can barely smell anymore, cilantro kind of tastes weird to her now but shes fine besides the smelling part.. i sincerely hope you get well soon and dont have any long lasting affects of this shit @abrasivesaint πŸ™
  11. Tails0nE


    Not gonna lie that Ringo Ishikawa makes me wanna get a switch myself.. that and this game called 198X for switch.. same old school style 16 bit.. always love games like that if they're done right.. both Ringo and 198X I would definitely binge for sure.. I'm debating on getting another game since there's a good amount on sale for PSN.. also gonna buy an external hard drive so I don't have to keep deleting games to download something new.. there is this one game called Generation Zero I remember seeing trailers for a whiiiiile back then never heard anything about it.. it's on sale for like $13 bucks but I seen a "before you buy" from gameranx and I'm on the fence now.. looks dope but I mean it's only $13 not like I'm really losing any money here.. thoughts..?
  12. yeah id keep my mask on if the daughter came out n constantly sprayed shit down like the fridge handle and what not.. and honestly not really just positive results.. like her daughter the second night she stayed with us came in the room and laid with her saying her stomach hurt and she had chills.. but since then she just coughs here and there and says her head hurts for a bit, then shes fine, then it'll hurt again for a lil while then back to normal.. havent had that much of an appetite cause of her stomach i guess but she ate like a mofo this morning before i woke up so thats good i guess.. as far as that no real serious symptoms thankfully.. just gotta see how my girl feels these next couple of days along with her daughter.. the chicgao public health board or whatever called after we got her daughters tests and said to keep her indoors till april 1st so i guess thats the target date to see if were all good or not by.. till then just gonna be here..πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ
  13. Hope you get well soon @abrasivesaint my girls daughter has been with us since last Saturday and is positive she's staying till april 1st.. took a test the other day my results were negative.. my girls was too but she took a rapid test earlier this morning and she came out positive.. now I'm stuck in this fucking house with a girl who keeps coming out of her room and her mother who keeps going IN the room to play with her.. really fucking annoyed with both of them at this point honestly.. gonna take another test soon one of these days and hopefully it comes out negative again.. fingers crossed.. 🀞🏼 till then I told them both don't come out of either room and don't step foot in the front room or I'm gonna lose my shit..
  14. It is what it is.. like I told my cousin I'm not gonna sit here and just aggressively ponder on how easily this could've been avoided on some could've should've would've shit.. even tho it could have been.. but whatever.. gonna take my test soon and wait and see what happens... Fuckin sucks tho cause I was deadass gonna eat my shrooms chocolate bar but not anymore I guess..
  15. i was thinking about getting a pair myself.. i really dont get the hate for mids if they look dope they look dope fuck it.. plus i realized the other day i only have like 2 pairs of shoes and both pretty busted so i gotta step it up.. wanna get these and the tokyo biohacks they're a decent price on stockx..
  16. just found out my girls daughter tested positive for covid after being here since saturday.. now i gotta go get tested tomorrow and see how were gonna go about these next two weeks.. thought i'd be able to avoid it but i guess not... πŸ€¦β€β™‚οΈ
  17. Welp.. just got this from my local street pharmacist earlier.. said they're super legit.. not sure if I'll eat some tonight but when I do I'll be sure to report back on if they do the job or not.. @NightmareOnElmStreetI know you were talking about microdosing in the other thread so I'll let you know how this turns out once I eat some and weather or not they're worth it if you ever see them around your way..
  18. apparently stupid is the new "cool" nowadays.. πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ
  19. i think ive farted so much in my chair over the course of forever now that it permanently smells like butt.. i need a new chair but FAWK i dont wanna cough up $150-$200 for a fucking chair.. good grief..
  20. Waiting for my landlord to come do his inspection or whatever so I can roll a joint and work on more music.. browsing the 0ontz and interwebs till then...
  21. Went up north to wrigleyville/boystown with my girl to check out this "thc" coffee shop.. it's Delta 8 thc so it doesn't get you baked or anything but I mentioned it the other day and she actually remembered about it so I ended up taking her.. here's how the day went.. the coffee I got was just a regular cafe con leche and my girl got a lavander vanilla latte.. you remember those Mr. Sketch markers as a kid that smelled like fruit n shit? The purple one? Well if that purple one had a taste that would be it.. not bad tho but I kept thinking about that marker so I didn't bother with a second sip.. also the delta 8 shit or whatever didn't do anything really.. just felt super relaxed if anything.. rude... this places version of an old fashioned.. Bourbon, mango, cherry, orange and citrus bitters.. surprisingly sweet but not in an overwhelming sense.. definitely not as sweet as her mai thai but sweet enough to crush a couple of em during the summer with ease.. Honey bbq sesame chicken with glazed pineapple and a California roll.. not too shabby.. back home to the block.. stopped at the local 711 for some snacks and now home.. Fin.
  22. My brain decided to keep me up at 2am reminding me that the 90's did in fact exist...
  23. Tails0nE


    sooooo the other day i stopped at best buy and seen cyberpunk for super cheap.. picked it up again to see how the updates have changed anything IF that.. dont judge me.. overall besides the fixed bugs, mediocre graphics and all the other shit that comes with it.. to me its just.. DULL.. as fuck.. that whole "lively night city" shit is a joke.. all the npc's just stand there or sit there.. no interaction besides one random sentence of dialogue.. cars and traffic is basically non existant.. seen cars in the distance then randomly dissapear once they get close leaving the roads basically completely empty and just sooo so much more.. it doesnt feel alive like other games.. ive been playing RDR2 alot in strictly first person and i feel more alive and connected in that game going into Rhodes or Saint Denis.. characters interact, compliment my coat or talk about the day, wack ass lemoyne raiders threaten me and i kill and chase them down, english dude STILL looking for his friend Gavin with more backstory, you hear and see your gang interact with eachother at camp and tell stories about their lives like you actually get a feel for who these characters are as individuals.. this is another reason why i would get irritated with these youtube gaming nerds and their "7 year old hardware" excuse for an overall shit game.. like, sure, im sure cyberpunk looks great on new consoles or pc.. yeah it might be cool looking or shooting and hacking and shit could be fun but its still just so fucking DULL.. even the OG Shenmue for fucking sega DREAMCAST was more immersive and believable than this shit.. idk i just had to see it for myself.. idk what the legacy of this game will hold besides it looking good i guess.. good idea, fucking HORRIBLE excecution.. last time ill be talking about cyberflunk.. gonna go back to RDR2, COD & Ghost of Tsushima till something else comes my way..
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