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Everything posted by Tails0nE

  1. well from what i got from the video they're just some mashed potatoes some famous french chef dude made that he was well known for i guess.. basically he boiled the potatoes with the skin, peeled them once they were done boiling then put them through a ricer.. i guess the ricer breaks it down super tiny but breaks up the starch a bit as well where as a food processor would make it more stringy.. something to do with the blades breaking it up the way that they do.. then you add butter and add milk, wisk, then you put it through a fine mesh sieve to make it fluffy and creamy.. the trick though is to use ratte potatoes instead of your ordinary potato because i guess they're more waxy and buttery in texture than regular ones which might come out more clumpy i guess.. so basically yeah, they're just mashed potatoes some famous french dude made..
  2. might fuck around and try making some boujie mashed potatoes for thanksgiving with the fam..
  3. lets not forget the people who swear up and down that 5g is the cause of corona virus.. also the guy from hs who screamed at me online that space is fake and we all live on a flat earth covered by a glass dome that the government put there.. people really believe this shit..🙄
  4. i just woke up and jesus christ im fucking hungry now.. you guys are killing it especially that spaghetti squash that shit looks soooo good... i always wanted to try and make spaghetti squash but our oven doesnt work every time we try and use it the alarm goes off and my girl refuses to ask our landlord for a fix or new one because of her anxiety and "i just feel like im bothering people i dont wanna bother anyone" 🙄🤦‍♂️ @Merceryeah that roof shingle is some achatz michellin star boojie shit.. when i worked at one of my last jobs Next and The Aviary next door always had some stupid ass plateware and glasses.. some of the glasses n shit were cool others were just like wtf.. like "oh this is some grilled chicken with a balsamic ginger root reduction also we took the gene from black peppercorns broke it down into molecules infued with hibiscus and freeze dried into a crumble we sprinkled on top, presented to you ON A BIG RAGGEDY ASS PIECE OF FUCKING WOOD WE GOT FROM THE PALLETS IN THE BACK ALLEY" you could make a killing selling shit like that tho these people would eat that up.. literally..
  5. ive had some family members catch covid.. cousin had it bad but didnt need to be hospitalized.. her mother got it and was hospitalized but made it through.. another friend caught it but didnt need to be hospitalized but might catch it again since shes constantly making out with people at the bar and refuses to wear a mask.. one side of my girls family had it and didnt bother telling anybody attending her uncles funeral (thank god we didnt go) and now theyre all getting extremely worse.. weather or not you believe "the media hype things up" or whatever the hell the case is its pretty real out here in chicago.. regardless if you have to be hospitalized and on a ventilator or not its a real thing and alot of people are catching it and alot of them, pre-existing conditions or not, aren't making it through.. i know alot of things dont really make sense but just plz keep your hands washed and sanitized and wear the damn mask it really isnt as bad as people make it seem to be.. been thinking about buying one of those samurai half masks to go over my face mask just for fun.. like, if its mandatory to wear a mask might as well have some fun with it.. seen a guy downtown with a full blown storm trooper helmet on.. pretty sick if you ask me.. looked into some deadpool masks with magnetic eyes to change facial expressions but i dont wanna pay 300 bucks for a cosplay mask.. idk... overall, just stay safe out there guys.. its going on a year now lets plz crush this shit already..🖤
  6. Tails0nE


    yup ive been seeing them.. xbox with the disc drive, loud pops and disconnecting and smoking here and there and ps5 with their ssd issues and shit.. idk i always wait a while for next gen consoles mainly cause i dont wanna have to send back my console to get fixed like a month after i buy the damn thing.. i learned my lesson with the 360 when ALL of my homies got the red ring of death and had to send theirs out for weeks to get fixed before i was able to grab one.. after that i said yeah fuck it ill wait.. kind of like the whole cyberpunk shit.. i was talking with my cousin about it hes kinda salty it got pushed back yet again but imo id rather them take the time to fix all the details.. its either that or end up like Anthem did.. super hyped up and got released with tons of bugs and fucks up only for everyone to fucking hate it so much that even gamestop cant even sell a brand new copy of it for $8.. its like yo just take your time i can wait but its alot different between console and game releases i suppose.. different shit, same toilet..
  7. Tails0nE


    yeah i dont get it.. i mean its not like they're NEVER gonna be restocked again.. ive seen way too many people try and resell them or "join my wraffle bro 60 each person 100 people in one lucky winner gets it" like dood shutdafukup.. either way im gonna wait a while before copping one to avoid hardware issues.. the hype is NEVER that real for resale prices.. 👎
  8. Tails0nE


    they're probably gonna be sold out for a lil while but once they do restock they should have alot more than when they first put em out.. depending on how sony wants to go about it they should release some more on black friday or right before xmas for moar moniez.. but who knows how quick those will go this time..🤷‍♂️ or you can buy it resale from some 17 year old kid with yeezys and a bape hoodie smoking a juul from his supreme fanny pack for $1200.. 🙃
  9. nobody has been listening to shit.. theres a group on fb called "stay open stay strong illinois" and its a bunch of karens basically dry snitching on all of the restauraunts that are refusing to close and defy orders.. the ironic thing about it is that its not even for support of the industry or small businesses theyre defying orders cause they wanna bitch and moan about "MaH LiBuRtEeZ MaH OpPrEsHuN" which is fucking stupid.. ive had a couple friends thats been out and about and whos gotten it recently.. what a shocker.. others are on this self righteous "you dont pay mah bills you dont tell meh what ta doooo" shit as well.. 🙄 honestly, this is my theory here, with winter coming up people always complain about being out in the cold or driving in the snow right..? with numbers rising again and it getting cold and like nothing being fuckin open anymore i hope that both whatever stay at home orders are going on in each state and the fact that people are gonna be like "brrr its cold ima stay in" and through the winter we crush these numbers down, FOR REAL this time.. this shits getting really fucking annoying...
  10. Out of curiosity anybody got some tips or know how to get motor oil out of leather..? Before my girls car accident I threw my bag in her trunk one day and she forgot to mention "yeah I think I dropped oil in my trunk it doesn't look like it but if you put something in there later it's like covered in it" 🤦🏽‍♂️ so yeah.. I've had these stains on my bag for a while cause of that.. tried covering it in talcum powder and baking soda as i seen on google.. a friend said to try dawn soap.. I seen a video of some solvent spray you can spray on and let sit for a while I guess it absorbs all the oil and grease out of whatever.. before buying a can of that spray shit anyone know how I can get this out before hitting the purchase button..?
  11. Looked like a manhattan for a sec but still great cocktail.. At one of my buddies restaurants he had his bartender make me and my homie some drink called a diamondback or something? It was yellow chartreuse, mezcal and some other shit, straight booze basically and came in a tiny coup.. small but holy shit I only drank half of it and it smacked the shit out of me and it was pretty tasty.. 10/10
  12. Just my skate highs with the pro cushion thingy on the inside.. nothing special.. I was gonna try and cop those jordan 1 dark mochas but of course the websites n everything weren't working.. plus I'm not giving $350+ to some teenage supreme hypebeast for some shoes.. oh well..
  13. well at first i seen a clip of the doctors in the ring wiping his face down then was like "ope forgot about that" but it was on fb and somebody recorded the tv on their phone... but then curiosity got to me and i looked it up on youtube and seen MULTIPLE angles and the part where even dude had to stop while against the cage and hold his ear back to his head so it wouldn't keep flopping around like a soft wiener.. geezfuckinlouise dude..🤢
  14. dont really watch ufc but i seen the clip earlier.. yikes..😳
  15. Tails0nE


    welp.. there goes my hard drive...🙃
  16. So my girl has been on vacation for a couple of days now and friday she wanted to go downtown by the water and grab some food.. unfortunately the city of chicago and a couple other counties just banned indoor dining.. again.. so we ended up just walking around for a while with some coffee and did some light shopping.. I just bought a dope ass coat last week also and it came in handy to keep me warm.. As we were walking around we were by my job at one point.. took a pic of the infamous alley way I smoked in after work before heading right next door to Rudy's bar.. both my hotel and Rudy's are still closed.. super sadboi moment for me.. My girl was suppose to have a girls night with her mom and sister later that night.. I said cool I'll stay home cause this house is kinda dirty and she ain't gonna clean it and more importantly I need some alone time since I've been stuck with you the past 3 days already.. but as she left her sister had her 3way call me and yelled n begged me to come since her bf was coming and they were looking forward to seeing me.. 🙄 fine.. so since they asked for my presence I brought the last of my buffalo trace.. bought it at my job a while ago it's a select barrel so you could only get it there.. we played their rendition of "drunk jenga" which is basically jenga but with circle of death rules with the colored blocks and some other card games.. shrimp cocktails modelo and whiskey all night.. even tho I'm the one who basically drank the rest of the bottle.. also I didn't do anything for Halloween.. apparently my stomach didn't like the combination of cocktail sauce and booze.. you know how when you shake up a bottle of coke and open it then it explodes and sprays all over the place? That was my ass... So yeah.. that was my halloween...
  17. Tails0nE


    if anyone is on playstation and wanna get down on the duty or some ghost of tsushima add ya boy @SoigneWest927 👈 hit me with an oontz and lets get down sometime.. ill be on later on in the evening or later tonight my girls daughter is using my headset for fortnite right now and i gotta try and nurse this hangover..
  18. i got a buddy i used to work with doing pop ups with these tacos out here in chicago.. apparently hes been getting ALOT of attention and people are saying his are the bomb.. every time he does a pop up tho i have my son or some other shit going on but hes been doing them like every other weekend so hopefully the next pop up i can slide and grab some pics..
  19. someone send his ass a 12oz tee see if he rocks it on showtime.. doubt it tho.. but i seen that movie like a week ago with my girl we were baked and couldnt find anything interesting and i only put it on for him.. dope that hes dipping his toes in the acting pool tho and expanding his horizon.. the movie was ok tho.. didnt hate it but not my cup of tea but im sure itd be dope for a family halloween movie..
  20. Tails0nE


    i put in tons of hours in fallout new vegas.. fallout 4 was ok i guess.. outer worlds was cool but way too short imo.. im looking forward to the new diablo and cyberpunk for sure i just hope that after all of this build up it doesnt fall short on expectations.. or even worse, end up like how anthem did.. also this haunting in verdansk looks awesome.. i was always hoping that they'd come out with some sort of night themed zombie thing for Halloween.. looks like i wasnt the only one who had the idea.. looking forward to fucking shit up as leatherface..
  21. Honestly man I have no fucking clue how I landed there.. sometimes my youtube adventures lead me down a pretty cool path, most of the time tho down a weird one.. Long story short yeah I guess the methane doesn't freeze but basically dude farted in a metal container like a coffee container with the lid and another jar and put it in a super cold freezer.. I doubt it was liquid nitrogen but perhaps dry ice or something to keep it super cold.. then idk how much longer later but they opened it and it was just as potent if not worse than before.. apparently farts age like a nice chianti..
  22. thats pretty fucking cool dude.. i wish there was a way to see the persons reaction to when they open the FIAJ and get a good wiff of it.. i do know from randomly getting lost on youtube you CAN preserve farts for later dates but by vacuum sealing a can and putting it in a freezer.. im sure/hopeful it works just as well by just farting in a bottle as well and sealing it as quickly as possible.. also maybe some ordinary fishing string will work best to tie the notes..? not sure if they're too hard or would tear the paper or whatever but its a thought..
  23. glad i found this before making a new thread.. been listening to alot of old school stuff for inspiration and samples lately.. really digging the old school japanese jazz vibes.. just some favorites i've found right now.. also its pretty funny and sucks at the same time when i find something super dope only to figure out in the middle of the song that its already been sampled before.. example.. sample: flip: also if you like the hippity hop check out Ryan Celsius on youtube for some nice remixes/beats.. the trappin in japan series are super dope along with some cool visuals to just put on the tv and let ride for a while..
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