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Everything posted by Tails0nE

  1. Guilty.. Only sometimes though...
  2. smokin, cleaning, lurkin, procrastinating.. also lowkey wondering if i really am being catfished or not..
  3. sitting here kinda salty i didnt wake up early today.. got alot of shit to do but its too late for all that now so im thinking of other ways i can be productive today instead of just sitting around the crib..
  4. off from work hoping that my double tomorrow is smooth and slow like it was tonight.. gotta be up early but you know... #TeamSleepProblems
  5. just got in from work a couple minutes ago debating on going to this holiday party tomorrow night.. i have a dentist appointment in the am and might have to get one of my molars pulled since i have a hole in it thats just getting bigger and more annoying.. if i do i dont know how its gonna work out if im gonna be all doped up n drugged out the remainder of the day... its open bar tho.. and apparently every year at least 3 or 4 people get fired so it might be worth the free liquor and entertainment for the evening.. still debating on it..
  6. makes me cringe every time i see it but i cant seem to look away..
  7. just got in from a surprise 13 hour shift on two hours of sleep and since everyones sleeping and i dont wanna wake anyone up im eating dry garlic bread from last night... delicious..
  8. all your missing is the mcchicken in the middle of it.. with or without bread.. fuck around and get that jalepeno mcchicken and add bacon to it then throw it right in the middle.. fat nigga deluxe...
  9. the fat chick looked better in her clothes that swimsuit pic kinda threw me off... still smash tho cause shes actually kinda cute.. i wonder if the muscle bitch can like flex her vagina muscles to like squeeze your dick while your fuckin her to make it tighter or some weird shit... smash out of curiosity...
  10. chillin before work trying to figure out tumblr.. i have no idea what im doing.. yea i dont think id be able to handle boh i feel like im too ocd with like food and shit when preparing it like all my tickets would be going out late as hell all because im trying to get it damn near perfect.. i dunno thats just me tho.. good luck with the job hunt tho i know how it is dreading the thought of even walking into work soon as you wake up thats exactly how i felt at that last place every single day.. not fun...
  11. cup of cafe bustello and a sausage egg and cheese mc griddle with not one but TWO hasbrowns...
  12. well alright then Mr. Pink... just kiddin.. i know you guys dont tip out there.. but good news i actually did get the job.. rather on the spot actually alot of people were telling the gm i was doing great even the nerdy kid who talks mad shit and jokes around was like yeah keep this guy on i like him.. and @where i actually work FOH but my last job was this weak ass middle eastern kinda fast food place set up like chipotle.. over THERE i was basically.. every fucking thing.. set up shwarmas, made rice, couscous, all sorts of bullshit for only minimum wage.. but im actually dealing with their HR department now because the bitch ass managers that let me go have been doing everything COMPLETELY wrong and leaving shit mad unsanitary good thing ive been taking pictures of everything since the jump... it was mad disgusting honestly i couldnt believe the shit.. but before there i worked at The Kitchen for bout two years which is owned by Kimball Musk, Elon Musk's brother, and there i was a backwait, then barback and then a server.. i was gonna become a bartender but my bar manager left and took a position in new orleans and left this other lame ass hipster fuck run the bar and he ended up looking out for his annoying ass friends and fucking me over in many ways which ended up in me walking out and quitting.. But this place has about 2 michellin stars i believe and the head chef eerily looks like ron swanson with a full beard and covered in tattoos.. but for $14 plus tips as a serving assistant clearing and resetting tables im down for whatever just fuckin PAY ME... if ya'll wanna check out the place heres the website.. www.roisterrestaurant.com
  13. have fun in denver.. i lived in colorado for a couple months almost two years ago bout half an hour from denver.. pretty dope out there from what i seen.. im sitting here still procrastinating on studying this menu for my stage tomorrow at this new restaurant.. its "casual fine dining" so the menu is all farm to table fancy shit you know how it goes.. 67 bucks for a whole chicken cooked two different ways and 13 bucks for a foie gras candy bar that looks like a snickers.. i mean if people got the money to blow damn near 70 bucks on fuckin chicken then they got money to leave a decent tip hopefully.. anybody work or has worked in the service industry before...?
  14. had about 3 or 4 of those vanilla oreos.. currently sipping on some cafe bustelo while procrastinating on studying this menu for this new restaurant im gonna be training at tomorrow.. and no i didnt get a chance to go get a pizza like i was talking about in the pizza thread.. my bank account wouldnt let me... :pensive:
  15. false.. im usually on foot patrol and walk everywhere or take the train.. tpbm has has tried foie gras before..
  16. Deep dish for the fucking win... the hardest choice as a chicagoan is between lou malnati's which is the top two and giordano's which is the bottom two... in my opinion im more of a lou malnati's fan.. i like them both but lou's crust is alot better and crispier since its rolled up onto the side of the pan.. giordanos is like nawing on one ginormous dry ass breadstick.. like a dog chewing on a piece of rawhide or those giant cartoon bones they used to throw dino in the flinstones.. granted giordanos is alot thicker than lou's because of the dough they use but hey thats just me though.. havent had either of them in a while but now after this post im definitely debating about going and getting one now..
  17. to the people holding up the anonymous flags doesn't that kinda like contradict itself...? like, you're anonymous in that sense i get it, but not anonymous cause i can still see you standing right there.. or is it just me....? i don't know.. cool pics either way glad you weren't one of the many who got arrested..
  18. sitting here dreading to go to work.. but anxious that i got a call back to a high end restaurant i really wanna work at so i can quit this fucking job i have now.. debating if i should just not show up once i get hired on at the new place or pull a fuck you moment like they did in half baked.. decisions decisions...
  19. Tails0nE


    remember way back in the day when blockbuster let you rent the nintendo 64 console...? they stopped that shit real quick hahaha.. speaking of nintendo what do yall think about the new console theyre coming out with that nintendo switch or whatever its called..? i think its a pretty dope idea to go from console to handheld in the blink of an eye and picking up at the exact spot you left off at.. i just feel the tablet portion of it sticking out of it seems a bit weird but i guess it'll grow on people.. still a nice concept tho..
  20. Sitting here at my mom's crib in the burbs bored wondering why I even came here.. Debating on taking a train back to the city tonight or tomorrow I'm too lazy and full of Chinese food to make a walk to the train tonight.. That shit is far.. I wish I was home though playing fallout ever since I remembered the glitch to take everyone's caps I've been abusing the fuck out of it..
  21. god just reading some of this brings back so many memories of this place.. peeing in butts, dao's rants, team sleep problems, i actually do remember the fred durst thing haha i went through my account and found my post on getting punched in the mouth in the middle of a threesome.. god im fucking old now.. sheeeeesh....
  22. i swear i never felt more happier to see dao's name pop up on here than now... it feels good to be back.. how the fuck is everyone..?? also big ups to raven for the revamp of the site nothin but respect for ya homie..
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