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Everything posted by Tails0nE

  1. @NightmareOnElmStreet now THIS is a better execution of that breakfast sandwich I failed at.. from this cool lil breakfast place by my girls dentist.. best part of all, it was free.. 👍🏽
  2. Just grabbed this comic I seen at the book store the other day.. haven't gone through it yet but skimming through it looks pretty cool.. also grabbed lord sakai to protect my speakers from any potential mongol invaders..
  3. Tails0nE


    this muhfugga BIG.. (thats what she said)
  4. Tails0nE


    Quick question.. what the FUCK did they do to spiderman's face...?
  5. This weekend was my son's 7th bday so me and the fam drove out to michigan to some zoo they had the party at.. now below is what $200 worth of toys looks like.. that fuckin Ryan's toys egg was like 60 bucks itself.. my mom bought him the treasure chest and even THAT was 80 bucks.. as salty as I was about it that's what he wanted, and I can't knock the hustle of that ryan kid.. from "reviewing toys" on youtube to his own toy line that lil dude is set for life.. anyway these are just a couple pics from that day.. my boy had a blast..
  6. Tails0nE


    if it were up to me id get the disc version.. my internet is ok i guess but i dont wanna have to wait 14+ hours for a game to download via wifi.. but overall im gonna wait to get the ps5 i already know stores are probably gonna be even more of a shit show than the preorders were.. plus i always wait a while before picking up the next console in case of any hardware or software issues like "the red ring of death" im sure we all remember.. currently playing outer worlds because i wanted to see what obsidian has been up to and because i wanna get super baked and travel to planets doing cool space shit.. might get no mans sky to continue my baked travels but meh... anybody looking forward to the Ghost of Tsushima multiplayer coming out in the fall..?
  7. believe it or not i won this tattoo back before covid happened.. won a contest on instagram just by reposting a picture and during service one day got tagged in a post and boom.. small world because him and his girl loved my restauraunt so i brought him a bottle of whiskey they only have there as a gift.. anyway the artist is Tim Bradley he owns Great Whale Tattoo in Madison Wisconsin.. took about 6 hours in total with what we got finished.. on the other side i have a lotus and a chrysanthemum on my elbow but by the time he was coloring the back fin my arm was in flames so i had to tap sadly.. gonna go back soon to color in the flowers.. if anybody is in wisconsin definitely go check him out super cool dude.. bring guacamole takis for extra cool points..
  8. guess ill share a bit.. my education was general high school i never went to college, which i regret at least not attempting to.. but honestly i was a little asshole back in the days once i graduated.. i worked alot of random places, victoria's secret being one of them and no it wasnt what you'd expect.. alot of things changed though when 2014 came around.. ended up losing literally everything and had to move to colorado with my mom because we had no place to go.. in the meanwhile my son was about 9 months old and his mother was parading him around her new man sending me pics of them out and about while i arrive to longmont to a doublewide trailer with my psychotic aunt and depressed mother on my golden birthday out of all days.. not a fun birthday at all.. so after being stuck there looking for work and failing every single time i ended up coming back to chicago with literally just a backpack of clothes and nowhere to sleep.. couch hopped for like 2 weeks while looking for work then my friends mother was gracious enough to take me in.. but, it was really hectic over there and super stressful being in the middle of the constant yelling and fighting.. anyway i worked at walmart for the second time doing over night stocking with him which sucked ass.. my sister helped me looking for work in the restaurant industry and my first job was opening The Kitchen in downtown chicago.. owned by Kimball Musk, it was one of those farm to table ordeals but it was dope and good money (yes, tons of foie gras).. Kimball would pop up here and there, generally a really nice guy.. he also had a huge cowboy belt buckle he apparently won in a sunflower seed spitting contest in texas he'd wear all the time.. but that shit ended after two years though because management changed and it became the whole "people who are friends but suck at their job but are in a position of power and now looking out for eachother" kind of places so i left.. from there went to a couple random bars in wrigleyville, then from there some shwarma place which was really stupid.. after that i was fortunate enough to work for the Alinea Group here in chicago at one of its other restauraunts.. went to a open house after work and was the ONLY person hired that day.. needless to say i quit the shwarma place and was there full time for two and a half years.. Ive met Grant Achatz too hes ok.. really lowkey and quiet when he'd pop up but kind of pretentious.. that place was like service industry bootcamp though.. it was cool cause there was no uniform, i could wear all my stupid ass graphic tees everyday, they BLASTED music and played everything.. chef had an ipad on the pass with spotify and played whatever he wanted.. we listened to big sean bounce back like 8 times one night, also a HUGE taylor swift fan surprisingly which was funny.. but with as much fun as i had and famous people ive met and gotten to drink with, i wouldnt go back there.. super stressful to the point even after i get home and im just chilling id get random headaches and start bugging out about service.. i dont think ive seen more people cry on the clock anywhere else than that place.. lots of craziness and lots of drunken nights to balance it out.. after that i decided i needed to work somewhere with better money cause me coming in and doing 3 or 4 jobs for over a month while getting what i was getting, abso-fucking-lutely not.. so from there i got yet another industry job at a restauraunt in the Chicago Athletic Association hotel right across from millenium park.. buildings been up since 1893 for a bunch of rich snobs to stay and drink at and play games.. funny cause wrigley helped build it and with the whole south side rivalry cominskey was never made a member after he applied like twice.. that place was dope though i made some solid money, the work was way different then what i was used to, as in i didnt have to basically do everything all at once and everything was super chill.. THEN FUCKING COVID HAPPENED... so yeah... we closed back in march, been unemployed since, we were suppose to open in august but now the entire building is shut down untill spring 2021.. but in the midst of all that ive been going to the burbs to help my moms partner doing stucco work on random jobs.. we worked on this huge house that was being built doing the whole top part, couple other big ass houses doing patch work, im actually here now for the week for some extra cash. we did some random office building just redoing the caulk work and patching up the holes and cracks on the roof.. 100 bucks a day in cash just to help out isnt bad at all.. at first he just kinda does most and i hand him shit but ive been paying attention since i started working with him and getting a hang of things to where now he just drops me and my buddy off and tells us what to do then comes back from another job to do the finishing touches before we leave.. so with collecting unemployment for the time being and being able to work with this guy on and off, or whenever he really needs the help, ive been trying to get out of this creative void im stuck in and work on music and get into voice over work.. possibly look into audiobook narration to start and look into voicing characters potentially.. working the service industry ive always had people tell me "yEw ShOuLd ToOoAtAlLy Be oN tHe RaDiO!!" like every other night along other random and sometimes really fucking weird things about my voice.. so now with all this free time i have its kind of like a "why not?" scenario.. ive looked into voice overs from video games and movies, to audio books and what it takes among tons of other research and it does seem like alot of work but pretty fun at the same time.. also my same buddy from today and i are still trying to figure out how to go about this screenprinting business hes been looking into.. alot of things are in the ground work as of now but with all this time on my hands, once again the question is "why not"? so yeah.. thats where im at so far... also shout out to my son his bday is next week and im super excited.. i got a 7 year old on my hands dudes.. time flies..
  9. definitely down for a reunion t.. i seen it when i came back in the store and was super salty when it was out but i figured it was a limited thing.. shit ill cop TWO of them if theres a part 2..
  10. Found a siK K in the wild while looking for cars with my girl.. also a cool lil mantis on one of the cars..
  11. Sooo this happened the other night.. had the idea and was too lazy to make it until I was just high and hungry enough.. Two kodiak waffles (buttermilk & vanilla flavored), tyson chicken patty, one fried egg and 3 strips of maple bacon.. seems gross, tastes delicious.. @NightmareOnElmStreetI see your brefast sammie and I raise you this monstrosity of a sammich..
  12. Speaking of pies, me and my girl got hit yesterday with her daughter in the car.. dude behind us clearly wasnt paying attention or "trying to brake" as he said he was.. I'm guessing he was going the speed limit, wasnt looking at the traffic and hit us full force we even hit the lady in front of us.. thankfully both my girl and her daughter weren't seriously injured.. only injuries really is her forehead she has a bump on from either the steering wheel or the rearview mirror flying off and a tiny bruise on my elbow.. sucks cause my girl has anxiety as it is now shes even more terrified to drive.. but as long as were all not seriously injured it's all good.. So yeah that was fun...
  13. Curried chickpeas with sweet potato, onions, peppers and spinach over white rice topped with some cilantro.. along with some dry ass pita bread I thought would be good but we wont focus on that..
  14. i mean.. tinder is still a thing... believe it or not the random times i downloaded it just for shits and giggles there were a good amount of profiles of women with their significant other looking for a 3rd or mostly women looking for a "ethical non-monogamous partnership".. better than paying for the poon i mean you could save a couple bucks.. 🤷‍♂️
  15. i mean i came here at a young age too practically grew up on here honestly.. i think i came around 06 or so and i was 16 at the time and i somehow found out about 12oz through some other random site idk.. but honestly the oontz and Ch.0 just felt like home.. even if you did get made fun of for posting something stupid or failing at a threesome attempt it was never really harsh or anything.. kinda like an older brother fucking with you but still willing to sit down and give you a heads up and some solid advice but still end up making fun of you ya know.. wouldn't have had it any other way though.. 12oz really is a dope place to learn alot from and meet some pretty cool people..
  16. not gonna lie @misteraveni have a good friend of mine who is extremely interested in getting a screen printing business going. he basically has the means and the funds while im mainly the creative aspect of it all. with this whole covid thing happening i lost my job in fine dining and probably wont be returning until spring 2021 IF that. at first i wasnt completely sold on it but with all these signs ive been seeing lately along with actually reading through this thread you've definitely given me some inspiration and confidence to follow through with it. props all the way around my dude for everything you've accomplished so far and will continue to accomplish im excited to see what else you got coming man. are there any tips, advice or recommendations on supplies needed to start out perhaps? i know you're busy with orders but if you ever get a chance or some free time shoot me a pm if you can it'd be greatly appreciated. keep up the great work man! also if anyone out there happens to have an extra ch.0 forum tee hollaatchaboooiiiii..! (i highly doubt it though but its worth a shot)
  17. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MWTBxPudQig had this song stuck in my head during an entire saturday night service at this old restaurant i worked at. i wanted to bang my head against a wall by the end of the night.
  18. Thanks @KILZ FILLZi appreciate it. I read the post above about vpn's and passwords so im bout to check out some of these websites cause i dont trust this mcafee at all.. but my main question @Dirty_habiTis besides vpn's if i want to download music or movies is utorrent or any torrent sites still even a thing? my last computer was running windows XP and last time i was really even downloading anything thats when pirate bay and everything got shut down. i just bought this new lenovo ideapad mainly for music production and photoshop but even with all these music and movie streaming apps being so easily accessible i do miss just downloading an artists entire discography and jamming out for days. any idea where i can start this journey? also any antivirus software or anything you could recommend to prevent this beaut' from fucking up on me..? much appreciated in advanced
  19. just bought some bison meat the other day from the store.. any cool ideas or recipes anybody has in mind for these bad boys..? i mean i was just gonna make some bison burgers but anything else intriguing holla at ya booooiii
  20. I think everyone here so far has summed everything up as far as stereotypes and computer stuff.. factory reset the mac for double measure and you should be good but as far as the stereotype shit I get it dude.. I live on the south side of chicago so I'm always on the look out BUT, I have come across some decent people even though they aren't decent themselves which I can see doesnt make much sense.. but overall I think it's just kind of a sixth sense type thing.. like you know your stomach gets some type of way when you're in a bad predicament you know.. I get it when I know I'm somewhere I'm not suppose to be or around the wrong type of people and listening to that feeling has saved my life a couple times AND my wallet more so.. if it looks and smells like bullshit, most likely is.. But Idk dude.. dont trip tater chip I'm sure the nano bots are out of your system by now with all of your DNA heading to Nigeria now.. kidding.. but tbh with all the technology around especially considering most of us now are all on smartphones if it's not these shifty Nigerians or indian call centers getting your info it's definitely big brother so were all kinda somewhat half fucked already... Also I have a chromecast and a Google home my girl got.. chromecast is cool if you're just streaming shit from your phone to your tv.. google home is cool I guess I just keep asking it how to curse in Japanese so I can talk shit to my friends.. I doubt anyone is listening to me or my conversations and if they are they're probably bored as shit or wondering why I keep asking google how to say "suck my dick you ugly whore" in Japanese.. typically keep it on mute tho which is like 75% of the time though..
  21. Wish I had the pics to make a meme of when my dumbass got punched in that threesome years back... Ps. Love you oontz ❤
  22. a visual version would be cool.. i guess i might kick it off i mean i havent been that active in making sik rap letterz so i got nothing to worry about.. just a matter of finding pics and putting them together.. ill prolly make a thread sometime soon once i get some together..
  23. browsing teh oontz but more so procrastinating on doing my laundry.. only because i gotta walk a couple blocks to the laundromat since my washer is broke and i really dont wanna deal with peoples lil badass kids running all over the damn place... ill do em tomorrow fuck it..
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