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Everything posted by Tails0nE

  1. There's honestly alot of em it's gonna be kind of hard to narrow it down to just 5..
  2. Why does the dude on the left in that last pic look like the dad from that 70's show..?
  3. Also how do y'all feel about Isaiah Rashad? I fuck with him but sometimes that mumbling shit is annoying imo..
  4. Word.. they haven't been super on it like that honestly my manager just kind of nonchalantly asked the other day like "hey did you get vaxed yet?" Like nah haven't had time to really, which is true.. "oh for sure no worries i mean it's up to you just remember you get that hundred bucks ya know.." like meh... A hundred bucks ain't shit to me honestly.. If everything works out and they fix whatever shit is going on with these cases of inflamed hearts then sure whatever.. but as of now I'm like a strong 75-85 percent naaaahbruh..
  5. And just for shits and giggles here's a dope track that actually samples that exact song I'm listening to...
  6. Currently on track 3.. Hiroshi Suzuki - Shrimp Dance..
  7. So, they were asking me if I've taken the vaccine at work yet.. it's not mandatory they were just seeing if I did or not cause I'll get a measley $100 if I do.. haven't looked into it personally but there's something about inflamed hearts happening to a certain amount of people who got the Pfizer one? Anybody got any word on this by any chance or has taken Pfizer themselves? Personally that's the only thing that's got me skeptical because my dad had some heart problems before him and my mom split in like 09.. had to take lil nitroglycerin pills every day for it but I'm guessing he's fine now.. also a couple years back I blacked out randomly in my old basement and couldn't move but was fully conscious the whole time.. went to the hospital did alot of tests, they shoved a camera down my throat cause they said it looked like one of the valves in my heart was splitting into two separate ones but turns out I was fine.. wore a heart monitor for a week straight and everything was fine.. but given that history is what has me skeptical about getting it myself now.. just not a hundred percent sure how my body would react given everything else, ya know...?
  8. Lol yeah I plan on getting a car immediately I just gotta work some shit out with the Michigan courts, who can equally go fuck themselves, as well as some other finances n shit.. but yes that is my top priority rn..
  9. Tails0nE


    Well luckily and also unfortunately I have to wear those dirty ass chucks for work so I don't gotta worry about them getting dirty there.. also side note I fucking hate those god damn things.. no support even with the extra insoles I bought and I be slipping and sliding all over if the floor is wet.. legit almost busted my shit 3 times on Saturday.. for a restaurant you'd THINK they'd have me wear non slips if anything... But with the cocainas I can at least rock em to and from work hopefully with little to no issues my job isn't even a block from my train stop.. Next ones I wanna cop are the Chicago black toes and lowkey maybe even the zoom monarch oranges for the fall asthetic since it'll be coming up soon.. bio hacks are on the top of the list I'm just gonna wait a while to cop those they're still pretty up there in price..
  10. Tails0nE


    My triple white Jordans should be here by Friday alot earlier than expected.. guess I'll be able to look fresh for the bday coming up... Fuck I work that day tho.... 🤦🏽‍♂️
  11. Just went to go get some malted shakes from this mom n pop ice cream place down the street and stopped at the local taco truck for a quick bite with the girl... Also some random throw I seen on the way back..
  12. Finally able to soak in/appreciate these Dr. Seuss canvases i got not too long ago.. Now to get up and straighten up a bit..
  13. Uber can go fuck themselves and I hope all of their drivers get into an accident.. every fucking night my bus decides to stop running earlier than it should for whatever fucking reason or just blatantly NOT stop for people to get on.. an Uber from 47th to 61st? $28.99, $27.72, $29.89, $27.98, $24.63.. complete fucking bullshit.. Just stood at my bus stop for 30 minutes and these were the prices for a ride.. had to walk home cause of this bullshit... Looks like I'll have to invest in a fucking bike or something now...
  14. Tails0nE


    Work shoe drip... Fucking hate these things... Just bought a pair of these through StockX tho.. just gotta wait for them to get here now...
  15. At work ready to iron my shirt and head upstairs.. thankfully they supply sandwiches and other food every day for us.. roast beef sandwich was ok.. this parfait I bought with my coffee was wack as fuck tho...
  16. Agreed.. never really go out of my way to listen to him tbh but whenever I do it's always super solid and always dope.. This hippity hippity autotune shit is so annoying.. Speaking of which, anybody actually looking forward to this new Migos..? Heard a lil of some single they released I think and *insertfartnoise* nothing special.. 😒
  17. This shit has my phone rattling that's how I aspire to get my kicks and 808's sounding.. his new album is pretty dope..
  18. Tails0nE


    Well, if you think about it it'll kind of be more immersive.. if you're dog fighting your ps4's loud ass jet engine fans will make you feel like you're actually in the cockpit.. Take that next gen consoles.. lol
  19. Keep seeing this pop up every here and there.. pretty dope sound but I feel Ferg definitely carried the song/improved it with his vibe and presence.. nfl Choppa or whatever can keep that wack verse..
  20. Tails0nE


    I can only imagine how large the download size will be.. Looks super dope tho im definitely gonna cop..
  21. Is summer twist the name of the strain or the blunt itself? Sounds like a blunt wrap flavor to me.. are blunt wraps still a thing or is everyone really riding this backwoods and natural leaf wave still? I've forced myself how to roll joints during the whole covid shit and got pretty good now.. bought like 3 packs of raws with the lil tips and was like well if I wanna roll I gotta use these now..
  22. Looks like these sleep problems are coming back around.. 2:27am over here and I can't sleep.. lots of thoughts in my head ranging from future purchases, music Im working on, work and the following weeks coming up.. Also how funny it was when two people asked me for a cigarette earlier while waiting for the bus and I responded "it's not a square it's CBD" they both immediately said "naaaw man it's cool.." one dude said he doesn't smoke weed and he didn't get it when I explained what CBD was.. cool for me tho cause I don't gotta bum one out to people all the time now.. currently watching nerd shit on youtube right now.. what's the word out there..?
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