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Everything posted by morton

  1. Maybe soon there will be an animatronic AI powered mascot of some kind that we can sit down and have a discussion about how to cater our algorithms. I think that there was a moment when it was a little possible to do that with youtube, I had two accounts for a while one, both linked to my google account but one with a pseudonym and another with my name, I tried to keep a partition but now it is gone for the most part. I went to show a coworker a CAD video the other day and had to click super quick so she did not see the graffiti type stuff.
  2. The 12 ounce has messed up my YouTube recommendations. I go to watch some technical or cooking video and there are way too many watch young women go down waterslide type shorts, dunno what to do.
  3. Good Morning, I recently gave medication a try, after the doctor told me to not take Benedryl anymore. Did not really help so I continue to look for some trick to fall back asleep after getting up to piss. It seems like something will work like a charm for just long enough to make me think I have solved the issue and then boom, stops working.
  4. morton


    for cutting zip ties I like to use Corona bypass pruners, fist tool I was required by an employer to have on my person.
  5. morton


    I bought a Leatherman after not having one for about 15 years and having a nagging desire for one most is that time. Turns out I don't really like the lump of iron and have yet to actually use the gadgets,
  6. For Astoria I was going to recommend the Columbia Cafe but it is permanently closed. Fort Stevens State Park is cool, have fun, maybe keep going up the peninsula. @xen
  7. Making a rare stop at the local joint, now there are some West African folks running the operation. They are launching a parallel menu with African food, hope it is decent, discouraged by the presence of tillapia though. maybe i am just a snob but when you are 19 miles from the Atlantic you should really serve quality seafood, of you are going to serve it.
  8. Looks good. For whatever reason the lettering reminded me of this guy. https://www.dunnautographics.com/ Think I have posted him here before, mainly cars and the stuff that I think is better he took down from the website so he must no longer be chasing the market or the market has gone elsewhere for tractor trailers.
  9. Apple flight part two. Cosmic Crisp and tango. Tango wins.
  10. An apple tasting fight with Raye, Snap Dragon and Envy varietals.
  11. Had some sub par calzone today but got a chuckle out of the bathroom sculpture.
  12. The only time I had problems with water in the ear excessive wax was the problem. OTC softeners with a ear cleaning syringe will solve it if that is the issue. Some (few) folks wear nose clips, I have never tried as water in the nose is not a problem for me except when doing send offs underwater backstroke so I just deal.
  13. Here I am crossing the finish at a 5K this summer. I think I swam my last open water workout for the year last night. I am a little bummed to be going back in the pool but it has it's plus sides also, very measured affair with pace clocks, lane lines and walls to push off. @fat ralphykeep going to the pool and try some other strokes! For breast try learning pull outs.
  14. I picked those up at a restaurant supply shop ages ago. The nicer ones are fiberglass but I only have a couple smaller ones that I took off the table at Burger Master.
  15. https://www.seriouseats.com/rice-pilaf-recipe-5509610 for the rice, too easy and very good
  16. Also, if you are old enough to spend a week in hospital for a heart issue you are old enough for suspenders.
  17. Try some oil for getting the glue off.
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