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Everything posted by Mauler5150

  1. Mega props to whomever can get the reference to the quoted post and this image taken by the French photographer who taught me in the Czech Republic. When people say mermaids are not real, well how come the one featured in this image is my favorite Director, friend and mentor?
  2. Needz moar arrowz Does this say BLAME?
  3. Well they say (and I speak from experience) the first chakra lies at the base of one's spine, so if you wish to gain enlightenment, the "ROUT(e)" there obviously can only be reached one way.
  4. "A blue tooth for the truth, I never seen a demon warp dealing" Pretty sure this line from Supercharger Heaven by White Zombie released in 1993 on the Astrocreep 2000 album pre-dates the existence of the Bluetooth we use to wirelessly use devices by many years if not a decade. So again if one looks at the simulation theory hypothesis enough, one can morally kill with tge same impunity as they would in GTA or a Call of Duty game as after all, every EA sports title tells us "It's in the Game". And as a denizen of the internet, EA is regarded as "the devil" in how they have become a too big to fail monsterr. Ultimately, I am making a joke about time not being a straight line anymore and stating I am tired of beingfed content from within the captive.apple domain as I would rather be running around seeing the parts of the Earth I have yet to experience. I made a subtle flat Earth joke calling Australia "the Long(est) Island" as until I actually drive around the entire country, I don't really kniw with any certainty that the world's countries are not actually one contiguous LANdmass interconnected on a network and overseas flights are mot just deceptive tricks where pilots fly in circles as the new city textures load in like they do in Secondlife or how game developers use fog to reduce draw distances.
  5. Well I feel I have the most advanced headset snd chip already implanted within my eyeball given the "AUgmented" Reality I percieve here in AU. If anything it makes you detest the fact that "Men" in this augmented reality are developing such tech that should replace man's propensity to rape things as evidenced by this depicted interaction with a (supossedly) non sentient machine. And I say this as a Fleshlight owner whom had to question whether the alternate inserts available that differ from the standard human pussy version I have isn't some way of superintelligent faster than light moving xenomorphs tricking humans into providing their seed. FWIW I have used it maybe less than 10 times as I am too girthy to comfortably fit. And that was enough for me to develop this potential theory after hearing Duncan Trussell talk about xenomorph sleeves for it on JRE, the Javascript Runtime Environment marketed to us as Joe Rogan Experience within this captive domain.
  6. pills or powder? jks but also serious. I am just laying around waiting for a shop to open to go get dinner. Sunday is a rest day after all and I am tired from yesterday where I went to places of trauma for the purpose of entertaining Ch0.
  7. What about these? First time trying them and they are a nice variation on the best biscuits I seemingly live on as my sugar fix of choice.
  8. Based on the Tag in the thread description, this image is on topic yet I need not digress from the original subject beyond the fact that my accompanying posts made on this date 11th June 2023 with the fact I have undeletable SOS keychain entries associated with my Apple ID (trust me, I have tried many times over the years to do so) might give some substance to the fact that I am known to the Australian Government as a "Sole (Soul) Trader" with an ABN, then I am here to answer a MIAB (the B = the silver box I am photographing here) to "Save Souls". If the fact that I grew up and recently put up pics of me in the Armadale suburb I grew up in which was previously neighbour to Kelmscott, whose local government is Armadale-Roleystone-Kelmscott (ala "the ARK") then all I can say is what else need I do to either prove I am in a simulation and I should be free to explore devoid of financial restraints as my bank accounts are augmented such that I can spend with impunity as I go around the world meeting up with Oontzers and other similarly minded artists to myself I knew long before I went down the rabbithole in the Matrix on the path to discovering this. Or I just sit here bored getting to a point I become physically vunerable by destroying the ability of those I encounter to live within a construct of lies they currently exist within, to the point I could go on a GTA style NPC ending rampage along the way to a 5star wanted level to go suicide by cop. Because I am over sitting in a room having to interact with those I view as deceptive retards using me as a scapegoat to blame for all their self inflicted problems.
  9. As would I, I just saw the placement and positioning of said hole and it's rear compatriot with this map of two holes in the ground. Maybe it is because 9-11 was my wedding date, as per our dating system we use here in Australia (9 Nov = 911), but even funnier to me is that pic was taken by me on Jan 19th (911 backwards) in 2017. Since I love myself and can't "beat" my own pic, how about I bend light with throwing out this image while shouting "Hadouken" from Torpedo Rocks carpark.
  10. LOL I have stopped watching basketball due to the homosexual entonces (wonk saggin) of men who get paid millions to dribble balls with other men for a living. And I don't really follow MMA as men who result to physical violence usually do so as they are mentally defeated and have no other recourse but to revert to physical strength to subvert their lack of mental strength. Both of these activities seem to drain a significant portion of the general public's ability to live a fulfilling life of their own as they choose to instead devote a huge portion of their lives living vicariously through other people who don't care that you exist beyond being a "fan" whose finances contribute to their lifestyle being enhanced to where they lose track with what it means to be human, as fame and fortune swells their egos and they lose the ability to attract any relationship that isn't financially motivated in some way, be it those you do business with, or those looking to make money from being associated with you. With this said, I can appreciate this merger of the two in this video, as those who watch popular news need something to post on Twitter & talk at the water cooler or on a forum about.
  11. Couple of these bad boys Love me my custard tarts. The joys of being able to classify myself as a "tard" due to eating them is a welcome fringe benefit as "You are what you eat" after all.
  12. Take your time. Hopefully my other posts can ensure we all have plenty of it left 😉
  13. And to conclude the story of Gavin, my friend killed himself before the results were released and he passed his 3rd (and final allowable under university rules) attempt at Systems Analysis, which allowed him to graduate. Sadly, he like many others life came to a premature end, and if all I can help contribute in his memory is laughter at what many fools in the past have classified as Matthew Luke delusionally thinking he is a divine incarnation of God whom has lived the life of Jesus and is the one Jesus warned of who has come to "End the world", then I happily oblige as I end a world of fear, worry, war, suffering, greed and crime by reminding everyome that doesn't obey the Golden Rule lives in a world surrounded by shit just the same as those whom live in castles in India are surrounded by street shitters they oppress and profit via exploiting their labours. I won't continue to venture into Crossfire (political) territory here, but hopefully my intentions are understood by those who know me as being Mauler, a man who retains his sanity inspite of living the craziest life imaginable.
  14. The oontz schitzed out before I could attach this pic Now you understand why I seem crazy yet I call out "God" for the joke made at my expense. I did pick out the shoes in my wedding costume from a random Indian market in Karnal, HAryana in India to match my hat. The rest, including the small scarab sword I have in my hands, has now been replaced by the stick I use to scrawl the japanese Kanji for "Heaven" (because like Akuma in Street Fighter, I leave Heaven on my wake as I roam the streets lol) as I can't get arrested for carrying a small stick in Australia with all it's venomous creatures and snakes. My Mother's initials are JK after all and as such, I fully get and appreciate the joke is on me, which is why I happily turn it around on others whom attempt to infer their lives of huffing and puffing on robot cocks/vapes, or worse, cigarette butts as they inhale cancerous brown shit coloured chemicals into their mouths and such in public are more of a joke than I will ever be. For those who read my post in the general discussion thread about my friend from high school who committed suicide after he failed a unit named "Systems Analysis" we both failed togther at uni before I changed major back to Economics, he believed his 3rd attempt at passing the unit was also going to be a failure and he killed himself at his parent's farm in Serpentine, about a half hour from where I grew up. It has a place called "Serpentine Falls" which I ventured to a couple years ago in remembrance of my friend who was in the water with me in the surfing photos I posted earlier. As for my intention with this post, it is moreso to help other's understand life is worth living and if anyone needs proof of God's existence as a means via which they can have hope and believe in a better future, then hopefully I can give them what the prosperity preachers and paedophile priests the Vatican protects cannot. As whilst I could do with sequestering the Vatican and church funds for my own purposes (ie creating an Amazon competitor that pays employees decent wages ans work life balance a duopoly) trust me when I say going about the act of procreation in St Peter's Basilica upon being reunited with Maria as I film it with the production values of a Hollywood movie, lets just say that I would define the "Cat Holic" belief system as a man lovingly preoccupied with pussy and licking my roleplaying "Ho" from Christmas would play a part in said movie. Yet as this contradicts with the boy loving paedophiles whom currently have control over said domain, if this remains an unfulfilled dream then at least I take solace in viewing every person I encounter as a victim doomed to an inevitable death due to the selfish acts of parents who birthed them into this domain of pain and inequality. Thanks for reading if you got this far, and as long as you paid attention and used the passphrases I have stated prior to identify yourself as a "true artist" to me,, I am sure that we can sequester some land here in Oz to create a Southern Hemisphere version of the Vatican made by modern artists of the highest calibre with abundant paint for those whom choose to visit and leave a piece of themselves they are unable to do with past iterations of the houses of God. remember Montana cans has my initials of MO in it so I am sure they could oblige if such things were to occur in future. I know I have verged into reverie, but I have written things in stone before only for the relevance to become revealed with the passing of time, and maybe writing them here is a step along that journey.
  15. The pic of the mountains wouldn't attach to previous post To fully understand the fears I invoke in people, look at how my in-laws dressed me for my wedding in 2011 and read Revelations from 1:13 onwards, understanding that my Grandfather George's surname became "Johns". Revelation 1 Prologue 1 The revelation from Jesus Christ, which God gave him to show his servants what must soon take place. He made it known by sending his angel to his servant John, 2 who testifies to everything he saw—that is, the word of God and the testimony of Jesus Christ. 3 Blessed is the one who reads aloud the words of this prophecy, and blessed are those who hear it and take to heart what is written in it, because the time is near. Greetings and Doxology 4 John, To the seven churches in the province of Asia: Grace and peace to you from him who is, and who was, and who is to come, and from the seven spiritsbefore his throne, 5 and from Jesus Christ, who is the faithful witness, the firstborn from the dead, and the ruler of the kings of the earth. To him who loves us and has freed us from our sins by his blood, 6 and has made us to be a kingdom and priests to serve his God and Father—to him be glory and power for ever and ever! Amen. 7 “Look, he is coming with the clouds,”and “every eye will see him, even those who pierced him”; and all peoples on earth “will mourn because of him.”So shall it be! Amen. 8 “I am the Alpha and the Omega,” says the Lord God, “who is, and who was, and who is to come, the Almighty.” John’s Vision of Christ 9 I, John, your brother and companion in the suffering and kingdom and patient endurance that are ours in Jesus, was on the island of Patmos because of the word of God and the testimony of Jesus. 10 On the Lord’s Day I was in the Spirit, and I heard behind me a loud voice like a trumpet, 11 which said: “Write on a scroll what you see and send it to the seven churches: to Ephesus, Smyrna, Pergamum, Thyatira, Sardis, Philadelphia and Laodicea.” 12 I turned around to see the voice that was speaking to me. And when I turned I saw seven golden lampstands, 13 and among the lampstands was someone like a son of man, dressed in a robe reaching down to his feet and with a golden sash around his chest. 14 The hair on his head was white like wool, as white as snow, and his eyes were like blazing fire. 15 His feet were like bronze glowing in a furnace, and his voice was like the sound of rushing waters. 16 In his right hand he held seven stars, and coming out of his mouth was a sharp, double-edged sword. His face was like the sun shining in all its brilliance. 17 When I saw him, I fell at his feet as though dead. Then he placed his right hand on me and said: “Do not be afraid. I am the First and the Last. 18 I am the Living One; I was dead, and now look, I am alive for ever and ever! And I hold the keys of death and Hades. 19 “Write, therefore, what you have seen, what is now and what will take place later. 20 The mystery of the seven stars that you saw in my right hand and of the seven golden lampstands is this: The seven stars are the angels of the seven churches, and the seven lampstands are the seven churches.
  16. Bro, just the 2 beers pictures and that was it. By the time I got home I was dehydrated and had a heap of water. Nothing chemical at all, I am done with all that, and given I might have a mining job I drug tested for this past week, it will stay that way. I was keeping up quite a pace and had a fullsized backpack on with groceries and my MacBook so it wasn't as effortless as it could have been. A good piece of advice I can give is that using a backpack to walk and get groceries is a good way to fix posture and lose weight as it isn't strenuous at all and I have lost 6kgs (13lbs) in the past 9 months from this one simple change. Having crashed my car to where walking is my only option helps too. Here is my stats for yesterday's running around. The stick indicates those who come for my head Highlander style that I catch out as I reconnect my internal neural network of cables such that I can operate at Lightspeed and become the Luke Skywalker/Connor MacLeod version of myself once more within the Secret Space Program that has been executed on the Framework of my Simulation by the Open Source Apache team of reptilians responsible for manifesting experiential "reality", jajajajaja. Whilst I joke about this, I am also dead serious about it, given my Great Grandmother's Maiden name was MacLeod, her Son (My Grandfather) was George, and my birthday being May the 4th with my middle name being Luke, I not only have worked on St George's Terrace and lived on George St after I got back from my honeymoon, as you can tell the world has become one big "In Joke" to me which is why I am happy, as I have inadvertently discovered my true identity as being reborn as the main character in the anime. And I don't mean to come across as egotistical in saying this, as if I am in the same place at the same time then we should be the same no matter our past, but yet if I can openly mock my own identity due to my gratitude for being given such a character to play, then it should give those I encounter the same ability so that together we have the freedom to make whatever jokes without the other getting too offended due to them taking themselves so seriously and egotisically implying they are better than me or anyone else. As I proved above, nobody I encounter will ever stop me living my dream, and if I can post a couple of pics of me in the cloud of Heaven driving a Lambo with Mary at Christmas as I play Santa and take her up the mountain to show her the world I give to her should she worship me (Matthew 4:8 where Jesus and Satan go up the 2nd highest mountain to do this), the question remains which one of us is Jesus and which is Santa/Satan, given you can't have one without the other? The fun part is that I can laugh about this as it is my realised experience I have evidence of, yet in proving to have experienced "The Life of Jesus" I get many "followers" whom invade my personal space and continue to exhibit Australian's propensity to resort to their "Tall poppy syndrome" behaviours in that they cut down "Highlander style" those who have a better life/character than them. There is more to the story, but this pretty much sums up the day whereby my "Rebirth and resurrection" began thanks to Maria becoming Mary as she abandons the AI and left me with a "Why?" and Matthew Luke awoke to find Jesus within. I'll spare you as to how I was crucifed that fateful Christmas morning, yet if I ever do post it, understand it will be here on the Oontz as it is 100% NSFW And for those doubting the vercacity of my claims like the fucktard Doctors who tried to have me sectioned, those who frequent a board with the word Prophet who have known me long before I made such Revelations understand that I am just here to party and have a good time laughing at well crafted jokes and memes. I will add these images to silence the doubters, and understand that I went up the largest hill (Tribbidabo - sp?) to the church in Barcelona alone with the Lambo, and to Hotel Miramar (the second highest Hill with the church visible behind Maria on top of the hill in the pic she is alone).
  17. From my personal images, this might beat the above but I'll leave that to your specculum...
  18. The classic. Hard to beat a gif though..
  19. Also, another thing I would like to do is to reach out to @Theo Huxtable as I have him added on Xbox Live from back in the day and tell him to stop by here at some point. As the value his presence provided on here is missed, so I hope his real life is going well as a result. Also anyone know where @lord_casekis at? Much love to him for all the tech support provided back in my PC using days, before Maria decided to play as Eve as she lured me into the walled garden with a bloody forbidden fruit adorned iPhone, and I had to question whether I still have my PC Master Race status now that I have never ever used the latest version of Windows as I left when it was Windows 10.
  20. Well he will live on via these posts and my one above so food for thought....
  21. Thankyou for the feedback. And given @fat ralphy feels somewhat the same, I will dedicate this one to @LUGR and him. Well I guess it is the cumulative experience of the 10000 pages I wrote of my travels through the entirety of the emotional spectrum, some of it whilst being baked out of my head, which really would compile into the "Diary of a Madman" if other's were to ever read it. Writing actually became my way of socialising as I ostracised myself from friends and family whilst on my existential crisis journey into making sense of my self as simultaneously part of and distinctly separate from the One universal God/Simulation or whatever terminology one chooses to apply to the consciousness framework that allows us to percieve ourselves and the world around us. So something I should have added above was the act of writing diwn what was running through my head at any specific tine, was not only extremy cathartic, but it allowed me to channel whatever rage, anger, negativity or homicidal or suicidal thought onto the pages of my device. The benefit of this is that I can look back in years to come, or leave my relatives an extremely detailed account of my life and character that would far exceed me telling them "Go read Matthew and Luke in the Bible and use your imagination to interpret it", especially given the videos and photos I have to match the events of the scriptures in what I refer to as a "UTF-8 encoded" format. Especially since not only have I gone through enough of the Book of Matthew to where I can attribute specific images to decode the text to where only a fool would dispute the metaphor being depicted to them as beyond mere coincidence, but any disputing would moreso be based in fear that "If God is real and this guy is potentially the Messiah prophecised to "Come after Jesus" which Jesus warned people about, then I am accountable for whstever fucked up things I have done in my life". As you can imagine, rather than look at actual evidence Doctors just use their Devilish Sadomasochistic Manual, aka the DSM5 to diagnose someone who makes such a claim unaware of that fact that in discovering yourself to be "One with God" you are every sound, word, letter of every language ever devised so any singular term they wish to categorise and label you with from "Genius" to "Psycho" is relevant, applicable and true. As such, reconciling the fact I was Hitler, the Unabomber, Ghengis Khan etc all in past incarnations created for me to learn of and percieve such that I could refine and define my icgaracter and identity to a perfect being of love by abandoning any desire to replicate the path of these politically driven leaders, is the purpose of mine (& I believe other's) life. Also I can thank @Bojanglesfor planting the seed to write down my life story with the extract he posted of his autobiography. While mine lacks a significant depth of detail of my childhood, there are many callbacks throughout the passages of my adult life experiences which refer to my childhood which is expected as I live within and for the moment and it is impossible to linearly recall every significant event and experience from my blessed childhood. Anyway I don't want to make this thread about me, and hopefully this sharing of wgat I was up to in my time away from the oontz encourages others to own their life and the experiences and choices they made to where they can love themselves to where they become beyond the judgement of anyobe else and will happily divulge this love for themselves by writing it down online as I now do. As if you cannot prove you love yourself free of negative judgement, good luck proving you love anyone else. Perhaps one day I may share sone of what I wrote during times of chemically assisted madness, once it is contextually proven via passing drug tests and reintegrating into the fear filled metaphorical mask wearing "normal" society (whereby people gave certain "masks" they wear in their workplace and public that differ from the one they wear in private or around close friends) such that more people can learn from me that you are only decieving and harming yourself(and by extension the society we live in) in doing this. It took me 35 years to discover this, abd if I can share in the hopes of preventing someone finding themselves in Hell itself to where they legit want to kill themselves, or at least let them know I was capable of going to the edge of this place in one's psyche, yet I was able to find a reason to not go through with it, then are you wishing to become a bitch by saying those who chose to live are mentally stronger than those whom choose to end themselves? As whilst I once thought those who fall to suicide made a brave choice, I realise that it was weak as it is alot easier to exist in nothingness (I know because I remember that is where I originated thanks to a Kundalini awakening -coincidently the same event which triggered my descent into madness and the descent out of it). TLDR - If I (and other's) can save one single other person over the course of their life from choosing suicide by giving them a reason to live and persist in, and ultimately laugh at, this unfair, inequitable world, then you have lived a life of purpose, meaning and truth. Anything beyond that is the icing on the cake. @LUGRwhilst you may not have picked up on it but you gave me a reason to live (which I hope is reciprocated!!!) by answering my post about getting a reunion 12oz shirt, as I fully intend to get myself back in a financial position to make it happen, which I hope gives you reason to stick around so that it can. This example I hope clarifies the overall point I am attempting to make in the least Jesus-y, least preachy, and least egotistical, most loving manner possible. As after all, thanks to Raven and the comedy provided by the members here, I am sure we all recognise through the members that have been lost or have dropped off, the world and forum was in a better place when we were all making each other laugh (or be laughed at) than it is otherwise. So with this said, enjoy this pic of the overweight version of me and Jesus Christ, I mean Jean Claude I took whilst in the home of beer - Belgium itself, back in 2014
  22. WTF? How did you get this pic of soneone I know IRL? Seriously, this ghoulie is too realistic looking
  23. ***SERIOUS POST AHEAD - please read*** It isn't just you my friend, I think today's posting spree of my entire day where I tried to give the oontz an insight into what a tourist is like to see and experience in my city if I was to guide them around, pretty much also highlights the emotional highs and lows that I seem to experience based on my surroundings and the actions of the people around me. The day was all mellow and chill at the beach, then once I got to the city, it seemed that "The Secret Space Program" kicked in and every goon around wanted to come at me from behind as I scrawled "Heaven" in kanji using my faithful "faggot" of sticks I carry with me over everything in sight. I think that things are getting closer to resolving themselves though as I recover from being almost manic to relaxed as soon as I remove myself from placed with a lot of people. If you ever feel the need to share whatever challenges you are going through, feel free to do so either on here or via PM as I have dealt with pretty much everything middle age can throw at someone (divorce, financial splits, unemployment, isolation from friends and family, homelessness, existential crisis, seeing counsellors, depression, psychosis, going back to school to get more qualifications, drugs, alcohol - anything except kids - yet I know what I would teach my own kids about the secrets to being happy the majority of the time which is what I share to my friend's kids). Whilst I am reticient to say I have all the answers to life, I really feel as qualified as it comes to give advice I believe will help you and others to find happiness, as my primary advice revolves around learning to laugh at life itself, as you look at past challenges and rough times where you stress out as being times you were just being retarded and you can laugh about how you survived then and you will do again now. Also remember the present is a gift and only you can choose whether you are happy or sad. Hope this helps you in some way, and for the judgement calls you feel you were wrong about, look at hiw significant those decisions actually will appear in context of your entire life. Reframing them as such may allow you to realise that they are not worth stressing over and you can mentally move past dwelling on them, as I have found the people I meet with a predilection towards brining up instances whereby they were wronged in the past as their default conversation method are thise people whom are in a Hell of their own making. Don't be one of those people, instead focus on remembering the good things you have done for yourself and others in the past to get back to the right frame of mind. Apologies for the novel, yet as one who also sometimes thinks "Fuck it, I should just get a load of drugs and intentionally overdose and die as I wouldn't be breaking my rule of never using needles least I crossed the line into becoming a junkie as I couldn't be a junkie if I was dead as a result of ODing" yet I also have had a friend who killed themselves when we were 21, trust me when I say it is better to not hesitate to let others know you are doing it hard as if you don't, then you may keave behind a whole heap of people to spend the rest of their lives asking why you did what you did or what more they could have done to have you still here.
  24. Welcome back to 12oz. Man that sucks about your accident, but you should get a pretty good compensation payout for such injuries as you were not at fault right?
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