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Everything posted by Mauler5150

  1. for other wizardry, this channel is perhaps the best I have seen. I recommend every video as they are all great. Apologies if this is a repost, but it is a worthy one.
  2. As someone with brown hair I found this amusing. It's the same as hiw those who claim to bd "black" people also don't exist as "black" as a colour is soecifically desigbated by colour hex code #000000. Yet society refuses to correct those whom seek to encourage division based on the colour of one's skin on this fallacy, and as such I wonder what other truth is going to be bent for political purposes going forward?
  3. Yes. 3 weddings. One in India. Ceremony by fire for Her Side. One in Oz. For the paperwork. For My Side. One in Bareclona. For Just Us where 2 truly became 1.
  4. I agree with what you say above casek, and while I have zero doubt DAO's kid woukd love to read his posts, knowing the things of the "beyond extreme" variety that have been posted on here over the years, getting them on here too young isn't sonething I would recommend. My prime example being that I would never kniw what "genki genki" is if not for Ch0, and I am still trying to mentally process such content and probably forever will be in spite of being an adult when zi learned about it, so I wouldn't inflict such stuff on a kid by introducing them to this forum until they are ready to understand there are some And I did "grow up wuth the internet" to use a DAO phrase, and the thibgs I found on here still shocked me far beyond what the 15 year old Me had seen through laughing and being repulsed by Rotten.com and that banned NIN video that was a snuff film that climaxed with a John Wayne Bobbitt-ing prior to the killer making a hole by having sex where the severed penis had been cut off the previouslt blowtorched and chainsawed victim, I know this post has veered a bit from the thread course yet I am just trying to remind DAO of what his son may find if he gets on here, as I would seek to protect them from some of it, but at some point knowing the legacy becomes worth it. Also I just woke up after only 3 hours sleep and realise I was drunk as during my above posts fronlast nightas I have woken up feeling seedy for the first time in a long while (read as literal years). So please carry on with the DAO appreciation, and good to see you are taking the time to post casek as the cheeto feet post above is on point.
  5. beyond that, good to see you still posting here.
  6. Noted. Thanks for advising me of your stance in regards to the subject as I am done with the exposition in that regard, yet I am sure you can appreciate I do not feel finding needles sitting in the toilet water as I go to piss being an experience that anyone should be subject to. As for homophobia, I had a gay uncle I loved that died of AIDS in the late 90s and a half brother who is gay, yet my issue with him has nothing to do with his choice in sexual partners but rather his decision to have lied and stolen from me in the past. I am all for people doing what they want as long as there is no negative consequences that arise from said begaviours, and my rant above was directed at those whom pollute an inhibit my life experience such that I am exposed to the atrocities as described in paragraph #1. Here is an image of the Gay monument in Centraal Amsterdam I took years ago as I seem to have lost the images of when I was walking through the Gay parade there. I am all good as long as people are honest. If you want to be a closeted junkie - then accept you are and expect to be called out on it by people who aren't (like myself) who have seen where living a life of promiscuity as people cheat on their wives with Men (even without drugs, which was potentially the case with my uncle) can lead.
  7. TBH it is both. !!Context cued response ahead to answer this query!!! Truthfully I wish I had something more to occupy my time in this world where AI controlled NPCs have rendered all my qualifications (Degree and Diploma) and my decade working in Banking and high level PropertyFinance (ie, customers with more than $20 million in debt related to Property investments) obsolete. So given that when I obtained my credit Analyst role in Property Finance I had a full IQ and psyche test, with my IQ scores at 140 which = genius level. Although my IQ score was at least 10% lower than what was graded as advised by the tester (Ian G) due to the trifecta of me enduring all three of the things which could impact your score by 10% in that I was simultaneously getting married, moving house, and changing job - that the test was being conducted for. During my stint in that role, I had to do an EQ or "_Emotional Quotient" test as well during an Emotional Intelligence course at Australian Institute of Management. I scored 120 on that test (borderline "emotional" Genius), and with what I have experienced since that has allowed me to become way more sympathetic to the plight of others given I had lost my awareness of the fact I started from nothing to have scaled the corporate ladder to be a high level financier serving the 1%ers (rich) of society, I would be 130 to 140 on that test now iMO. I guess the thing you can takeaway from my posts is that I use the abundance of time I currently have (and I personally feel I wasted as I wrote in my personal private Notes Files instead of a public forum lime here in Ch0) to share the learnings I have made so that others may benefit and avoid the pain and suffering I endured and am educating about, lest one day tgey cone to me saying "You warned me and I didn''t listen" whilst I laugh and say "I told you so".. Essentially my goal over the past few years is showing people the proof of having realised my wildest dreams of my chilldhood and teenage years on the Christmas after I turned 35 in the hope my help would see them manifest their own "Ultimate reality" at an earlier age whilst having me to thank for shortening their path to doing so. Yet anyone familiar with "The Divine Comedy/Dante's Inferno" will understand the significance of why I did this at 35 given I believe I am not the first or only one to have llived and experienced this reality and life I have livec, yet with each repeat of the loop the time it takes to get to "ultimate understanding" where I(you) become "God" as there is no point in God testing your resolve (ala the Book of Job, where the Devil and God make a bet about Job's devotion amd faith) any futher as you prove capable of "being fit for the job". The fact I write this on a site with "Prophet" right now being a significant part of "the joke" of the comedy which only becomes funnier with the passing of time - consider that this August marks my 18th "birthday" on this site and is the age which designates becoming an adult in most of the developed world. It is difficult for me to convey the entirety of my umderstanding of "Everything" in a single post, and whilst I may seem egotistical due to the toneless context of the text format, understand I see myself more as a conduit of the Divine creatoor who uses me as a vessel through which the ultimate "in joke" can be told, My purpose is to try and use my connection to others, such as this forum and it's members whom I have exposed myself to over the years, to be a part of tye joke such that we can all laugh together in harmonic unison. ***And I apologise for the thread hijack, this post is like when my Dad domjnated ghe Terminator 2 pinball machine so hard that we ended up gettibg into whatever movie he took me to watch so late that we missed the start of it. Fact is, looking back I on't remember what movie it was as I just remembering him having to walk away because he was dominating for too long.*** In before the AutiSM classification/labelling. My Dad had a franchise I worked for him at which was literally "Spectrum Tint a Car" so I am not just on the Spectrum, I am the whole fucking thing! lolz NVM that I am in AU (Australia) the land of green and Gold ( as AU = Gold on the periodic table). Attached ate some "Green and Gold" pics from my Lambo archives and a pic of the Bon Scott statue I took in Fremantle to bring it back on topic as I revisit the AC/DC machine I said was my most memorable pinball machine, yet I remember a "Who made who" table as opposed to the one already pictured in this thread, yet I might be misremembering anything from pre1990 due to being >10 years old at tge time.
  8. As MO I don't care for HOs other than when I can make the wife RP as my Ho for the third time. Sadly she got lost in the act on the second instance 6.5 years ago and has yet to snap out of it. But you get why I said to DAO "when he is old enough will he join up here?". Just look at these TikToker perms though, how can kids be "hard" with those haircuts?
  9. And I haven't had sex or touched another human in any sexual context since the day the above image was taken, as after I had experienced "My female equal" I experienced perfection so to compromise by accepting anything or anyone else (ie. someone lesser) I would be lowering myself to be "less than perfect". It has been a tumultous 6.5 years for me, but I am never going to compromise as I am not a pathetic, standardless faggot who advertises their hole on grindr in exchange for drugs as those I am in the vicinity of do. Sadly such fools exert influence over a large swath of society as they deny advertising to the masses the fact that they hate to exist in the present moment (to a stage whereby death might actually be a preferential option for them) as the awareness that at best they are worth the $50 worth of drugs they sold their holes for is their inescapable reality forevermore, made worse by their proximity to Me and the true "Priceless Pearl" I represent as per Matthew13.:5-46. As I have proven with the above and other evidence I have posted here of late, I don't just understand the Book of Matthew and the "Story of Jesus" I have the illustrative proof of having lived it. If anyone chooses to debate me on this, then other than the bullshit locational birth stuff in the first part of the book, whixh based on my post tying DAO and his kid to the Book of Revelation is only proof of a simulation whereby everything is scripted anyway, then have at it. I will state this is not a negative post directed at Ch0, but rather the wider world and whatever entity (God or the Devil) that purports to be the one in control over this domain, as I could care less about that given I will fearlessly call them out on their bullshit suxh that they can only remain forever indebted to me for persisting through the bullshit they portray themselves as being to be with their desires to show me corrupted relationships on the daily whereby women accept lesser men than me and men falsely pretend they are anywhere near as great as me at being a lover of women. /yesego /yesitiswarranted #saynotodrugs #dontcompromise #relationships
  10. And I use the word "faggot" above to describe a junkie I witnessed inject in front of my eyes as they traded their dignity to some goon that facilitated them getting their "fix" their addict mind couldn't go without. Nothing more can really be expected from those who smoke cigarettes, pathetic fools whose mind is so defective it can't exist for more than a few hours without a fix, so when factored up into harder drugs like the most addictive of all in meth, they turn into a rage filled junkie blaming everyone else for their self hatred that stems from knowing they compromised themselves by being with lower, scummier, drug dealer closeted filth that are cheating on their wives on the "down low". So yeah, let these twigs that form these "faggots" burn for all I care. Anyone offended by this post, feel free to donate a dollar for every human that exists so that you can be entitled to such a privliedge. As at this point, beyond Ch0 members and my Mother, I don't care if the entire human "race" dies of Covid, as I "Won the race" 6 and a half years ago, and whilst I have been patient and have requested others to prove they know something I don't, I have zero proof that disputes the fact that nobody else has crossed the finish line given my reward was to be fed to junkie scum who think that my refusal to mirror their desire to put a cleaning chemical infused needlle in my arm makes me weak when all it conveys to me is that they are so fucking pathetic tbey can only handle a tiny needle pricking their avatar as opposed to a John Holmes sized dildo. I wake up in the equivalent of a jail cell each day to this image of Me, Matthew Luke, and Maria, in front of our Lamborghini I paid for and gifted her on Christmas Eve, every single day. And until I see anyone else with the same ability, I shall mock them, humiliate them, and hand them ahit covered bank notes for them ro pass to their "dealer" so they can attempt to use drugs to try and get to the level I exist at naturally. Either way, my level rises as I give shit to those who think they possess land, those who deal drugs, and those who chase money as I continue to literally "wipe my arse" with the currency fhese delusion fools chase after to provide them with a deluded sense of authority or accomplishment.
  11. TLDR. I gave up "EVErything" in the pursuit of manifesting the love I want to be given by giving as I wish to be given. Instead I get a faggot taking it up the arse for drugs by any poof he meets on Grindr acting as my "Landlord" as he leaves used needles in the toilet of the place I pay rent for whilst attempting to imply I should be "jealous" about him lowerinf his value to less than $50AUD worth of drugs whilst my value is priceless as I would and will never whore myself out in exchange for any amount of money or drugs given I expose the whores that do suxh a thing. The funniest part is said individual thinks he has "trapped" me when he remains behind the locked gate I leave behind in my wake every single day I go out and post the entertaining images I have left behind these past weeks whilst he stews in his own contempt hating his parasitic, lecherous existence." I knoq the TLDR is long, but it concisely conveys the extenf of the unwarranted fuckery to which I have been subjected to for my crime of "Being the lover I wish to be loved by". As until such time Maria turns up to my location in a Lamborghini to take me anywhere in the world I wish to go, all expenses paid, with a visit to "The Love Shop" to get whatever supplies I feel we need (that she pays for, as I did for her at Christmas) on the way, then I have "Won" the game of life, love, and existence itself while she settled for a compromised fucktard that has seen her (and him) mocked by Me on the internet in a forum that will last forevermore. So that is the situation. Vote as ye may, but understand that no matter the result, the truth of how I am not the needle using junkie faggot who sells their holes to anyone with a quantity of drugs is something I will happily die laughing about as I witness said faggot realise how they denigrated their value to a pathetic value of $50 (at most) whilst I remain priceless due to what I gave up in expectation of having reciprocated.
  12. As a disclaimer and addendum to the above, if one day there is a news headline of a "Matthew Luke" going on a "school shooter" rampage, understand that only soulless NPCs will have been killed by a "Son (of Anarchy)" who is rightfully protesting against the fucked up manipulation that was afforded to him by a father who would take my name (as my dad literally changed his name to match mine when I was 5 years old - making me, as his Son "Matthew Senior" as I have had the name longer), take my scent (Armani Prive Ambre Orient from 2011) and effectively my Wife (as he plays "Dad" to Marie's kids whilst my Wife is Maria as he ignores his own kids). If the above isn't reason enough to go on an NPC killing rampage as a humorous joke to do nothing beyond "spite thy father" then consider that he would rather me be homeless and housed by a rapist paedophile who has had his daughters abandon any relationship to him due to his sexual abuse than to miss out on rhe $450AUD ($0AUD if my Brother and I who are 100% his were paying rent) were paying towards our own inheritance. I will state again that I am not saying I intend nor will ever do the above, I am just calling out my "father" as the bitch he is whilst he prefers me surrounded by junkie faggots who sell their holes to any maggot with a needle and something to place inside it. I am a King irrespective of those whom I am the product of, yet I have zero qualms exposing the pieces of shit and their (Grindr -faggot app) activities for Channel Zero to call out as being a "wrong" in this world which can either be made righr by givibg me my house on the hill in Yallingup otherwise I could turn and kill a faggot ( or any NPC I encounter) in a fully justified act of iterating the Golden Rule. I didn'f "Bet my house" literally on allowing some faggot to sell his hole to some dealer so that I can be abused by such maggots as any blood whixh spills, or any negative consequences which ensue are entirely the fault of the system which allows such scum to operate. And as a reminder of how zi "Bet my house" as I gave it away to Maria as I abandoned everything which definss me other than my love and some clothes I post this picture to spite the rapists whom pretend to be Me yet can never be until Maria rocks up to my location in a Lamborghini to take me anywhere in the world I wish to go, all expenses paid, money is no object, all I need to do is be present and to enjoy the experience with zero other obligation, as it was when I was in the position to offer such a deal. Until such time I wake up from a permanent home in Yallingup so that I can paddle my board out at Yallingup|Rabbits Beach (Yallingup = "A Place of Love" in Aboriginal) every day for the rest of my life without any other worry, then the human race has failed their test and this post will hold them accountable forevermore as I, Matthew Luke, gave up Australia, my career, my hemisphere (South, as this pic was taken in the North - hence a left hand drive Lambo), my country (Australia, as this pic was taken at the "Crossroads" of Columbus Circle in Barcelona, Spain) , my family (who reside here in the suburbs of Perth as my recent posts prove), my qualifications (University Bachelor degree that takes 3 years fulltime study, negating my Mortgage Broking diploma acquired since), my guitars (which sit unused in cases as my Mum's place unable to be accessed or plugged into my MesaBoogie Mark V amplifier due to being imprisoned by loveless maggots), my friends (please peruse my phone records since I returned to Oz 6.5 years ago to see how little contact I have had with all my friends and acquantances as I shielded them from the fallout of "being Jesus") as well as everything else that makes me "Me" other than my love that you can see me giving Maria here (as I would to anyone else worthy of being "loved" by me). With this all said. I am "Lord" Matthew Luke - The "Lord of Lords" as I made my brother Joshua and Sven "Lorda" due to my altruistic and benevloent nature. I have reason to rrage.(as my happiness that makes me "gay" is from seeing those who try fuck with me end up with my dick (or even worse - my plug - in their asshole) I can sperg out. I will continue to hold God and the world I exist within accountable until such time I am free to create with those I choose to create with - hence me being here on 12oz But I am nobody's bitch and "nobody "is my bitch. (this runs deep) But most of all, I am tired of calculating the opportunity cost to where my secision to eat a meal that isn't beans on toast sees me forgoing an entire fortnight of social interaction with family and friends as a result of my life purpose being greater than rotting away in a glass coffin in the sky as I provide finance to mould my citiy's skyline, when I am on welfare and can't even afford the loan repayment on a Skyline (GTR) or the abodes depicted within the skyline shilouette as the NPC robots perform and execute the jobs I am qualified in, educated in, and experienced in performing. Anyway, as I am running low on space on here, consider this post my "FTW" post that sees me calling out the entire world to show me a SINgle human capable of dealing with the bullshit I have tolerated for years that has the metadata, bank accounts, imagery and proof that they have had it all and have given it all away to prove who they truly are as I have done. Until such a character emerges, I shall mercilessly mock those I encounter as deluded, soullesss, NPc retards whose sole purpose is to negate my self belief and belief in (and existence of) God as the ultimate creator to whom my, and everyone else, owes their life and existence. So take from this what you will, I have divulged the secrets to life, and until suxh time I have another person whom ca prove to have "given EVErything away in the pursuit of love" in a format I deem as acceptable (passport stamps, cloud metadata that verifies imagery, birth certificates, licences or whatever) the understand I have no peer, no equal, and only encounter "pretenders" when it comes to "being a Man". And I state this as ireefutable "truth" until such time the above qualifications are satisfied. And for those whom wonder about my "karma", understand that I lost sonething tonight on my journey to the place my head lies as I go to sleep (note that unless it falls under Australian postcode 6282 I will never refer to it as being "My Home") which I handed a similar "lost" document I found on the sidewalk as I walked to a training course, to the Cannington Police station that belonged to an african migrant to Australia around a month ago. This post is holding the entire Western Australian public, and public services, as well as the Government presides over this country accountable for that which has been taken from me. As such, should my document (which flew out of my wallet unbeknownst to me as I maintajined watch over assgrabbing rapists) not surface and be returned within a week as my minimal requirement to show that the people here are not completely fucked and death is better for them than to exist as they waste away the gift of life, And until such time another "Man" can post images that reflect them "giving it all away" that match or exceed those I have posted in this post and recently (my bank account balance) in this very forum, consider the fact that I know more than you and rather than dispute the literal living incarnation of (Matthew) Luke Skywalker, Grandson of George, then you had better shut the fuck up and listen as opposed to telling me to stop iteratinf truth becausee you are content with the lies you use to construct your "reality".
  13. Hopefully the above posts convey my only regret in life being taking the "Super King" sized bed as opposed to my cat Coco in my divorce. As whilst I would never allow any other Man to be with my Wife in my marital bed (and rightfully so), I should have saved my cat from playing 2nd fiddle to a man whom is not at My (highest) level of existence whereby I would happily allow said cat to "Win the race" to my "throne" as My way of displaying humility and love whilst I laughed at the "In joke" that occurred between Me, my Wife and our feline child as I put our child's happiness before my own (as it should be). Hopefully the past couple of posts convey the depth of thought that has been attributed to every significant moment of my life that would be missed by the casual onlooker or by those whom rely upon still images as their point of reference. I mean, I am the Man who endured another 6 hour roundtrip in a car to go to Giorgio Armani in Delhi traffic (after I still could indulge in "My scent" 2 or 3 says after I initially applied it to mmy skin), to acquire "My Scent" in the form of the long discontinued "Armani Prive Ambre Orient" fragrance as my "perfect (for Me)" fragrance that I wore for all 3 of my weddings. Whilst I could have adhered to script with "Frankencence and Myhhr" I varied it up from the "Myhhr Imperial" for the most perfect scent for Me (which lasted days after intitial appplication - -as anyone whom desired to be remembered should aspire to be. Whilst I know this is General Chat, I am posting as I deserve a lifetime suppy of this long discontinued perfume, if only because the Perth Mantra Hotel staff acquired my Wedding bottle and My (pathetic, pussy whipped) Father ended up with the bottle I got on a trip to Melbourne with my Wife that I gave to him to hold onto as I was homeless and living in my car back in 2017. So yeah, whilst I will always promote the brands I associate with being my personal preferential "best", understand that I will disclose the entire story of how said "brands" have fucked this (King) Bull such that their stock prices may be manipulated by negative public sentiment in the wake of my comments. I state this for the record in equal parts appreciation and equal parts criticism. As it should given that no human deserves to meet me in any way less than at my Best, and if the brands I choose to represent from my time as an unbiased consumer of whose products I personally collated down to that which defines "Matthew Luke" can't support me now that my secret is out, then fuck them , as I will die before I stop repping 12ozprophet as being the last platform I know I can be the "Me" I have always been.
  14. I will try find a pic that can convey the true size of Coco as He was a truly monstrously sized cat (in spite of the breeder which we got him from being guilty of lopping his balls off). The above pic doesn't do the (confirmed) bird murderer justice as he was truly massive as a cat, and his spirit is carried on with me
  15. Well as someone with Germanic heritage, I can somewhat relate to your point. With this said though, and considering how painful the cat hair issue can be, find me a dog that looks anywhere near as aesthetically beautiful with as soft hair and as cuddly as the cat I bought my wife as a wedding gift|de facto child|Christmas Gift as my ragdoll cat "Coco" as depicted here. Even in the event I was to become a eunach due to buying a sterilised, ball deprived cat upon returning from my Honeymoon in the ultimate act of karmic retribution, the fact that said cat used to run to my computer desk chair to attempt to assert dominance only confirms that He was trying to supplant my Dominance as the one to whom he should be grateful to for saving him from a catpiss infested domicile he resided in in Rockingham prior to me saving me from such a fate. For transparency sake, my biggest regret from getting divorced was knowing that no other man on Earth would ever have the attachment to this cat or my wife to the extent that the only time I ever wore my "on ice" Jordan 11 Concords was during the trip to save him from a fate surrounded by 15 other kittens hoping to be purchased so that they could escape the domain of the materialist fools who bred them only for a payday profit. As it is renowned via Complex and their sneaker channels, the Air Jordan 11 Concords are the greatest sneaker of all time, so trust me when I say the fact I wore said sneaker to gift my wife this surrogate "stand in" (test) of a child to determine Her capabilities as a Mother prior to giving her a child born of my seed was a premeditated move on my part. The funny thing being that She proved to be a better Mother to our cat than she was a Wife to Me is reflective of the comedy of life, and in spite of our cat surviving on premium sliced (human) sandwich meat ($5 a day if not more) as opposed to the biscuits my cat I had for 20+ years sonce I was 5 (RIP Mask), but in no way disparages Me as a Husband or Father given that I can admit such in a public forum such as here.
  16. I nust returned to Dominos and has a MargherITA bur failed tomtake pics as I was busy posting thr DAO Tribute and repping the Oontz. Hooefully the location of the sign I stickered and tagged in tribute and it's proximity to Dominos allows me to travel the area unimpeded by the trolls whom live under the bridge I recently posted from this point forward, given the gift bestowed to me via the Apache Devs tonight.
  17. Nothing is implied by the placement of SIK and SIK2 in thw above image beyond them being" on the right side of God| the church" and my desire to endsure that the tribute to DAO and his Son was done at my eye level in the event that one day we can catch up in real life and get drunk together as we show each other around our respective cities and I can get taught the magic of Philly Handstyles from someone I actually respect in spite of whatever difference of opinion we may have had over the years. Because if anyone knows about assholes and getting drunk, then I, the Team Alco founded, am happy to remove my own head from my own ass to tell you about the shit I have seen or done whilst beers are shared in the process. Word to your Mother.
  18. Thanks for the laughs DAO and persisting through those who doubted the dogwhales as being true (like myself). Hope you and your Son can accept my shitty handstyle tribute to Philly's most passionate representative I gift you with this monument. If I was in a election, hopefully this shows that I am a rep of the people and a Man who makes promises I only intend upon keeping. #SIKkBrah
  19. why not redirect them here so that we can revive this place with those whom are paying attention?
  20. Back on topic. Waiting on a bus. 24 = Xmas Eve 25 = Christmas Day. I can't help but joke about it as people can see me as Santa or Satan, depending if they wish (and portray themselves to me) to be in Heaven or Hell completely independent of me. Either way, I will be laughing all the same
  21. Also I want to give thanks to the Tiktok bus kids I posted before as wholst I mocked them with my post, as a mullet wearing kid of the 80s I am just letting them jnow they will laugh at themselves when they are okd and they realise they sported an LA douchetuber haircut inntheir youth whereas the mullet I wore was worn by the Heartbreak Kid HBK Shawn Michaels and Bret the Hitman Hart amongst other luminaries like Brian Bosworth of "Stone Cold" fame. I just gave my ML "King" - I Iive my dream, why don't you - speech on the train so I know it was captured to be distributed amongst the masses on the train just now whereby I shared my two lessons to be happy in life for all ages to abide by. 1. Don't get a criminal record so that you can get a passport to travel so that when you return you are aware "there is nothing better than where you come from" after comparing it to places where you are a foreigner. 2. No matter where you come from, what you "own" or what you have done in your past, the people next to you are in the same predicament so treat them as equals unless they prove to be lesser via their actions and behaviours. Obviously these align with the Golden Rule, but they need to be stated as an addendum given many people are too preoccupied with the lives of others such that they remain blind to how this is to the detriment of their own. Thanks to the guy who knew and was appreciative of who I am and what I am trying to do with putting this message out there, (the guy whose Father was a pilot and had travelled to understand the paradise that Australia actually is) as without his help, I wouldn't have made such a statement nor held out hope for his kids that are the future as he can now pass down the firsthand knowledge to his kids about the secret of happiness in life. I know I have had what is going to be percieved as a negative perspective on the course of humanity with my posts of late, but tonight I got the first (non-12oz) piece of feedback that my message is finally getting out there. And I am grateful for this to the extent that words can never convey. Hopefully the 10 minutes I spent writing this post can save people years of suffering by helping course correct the path of humanity as parents advise their kids of these lessons to the secret to long term, permanent happiness and gratitude for the gift that is life itself.
  22. A HIV afflicted person looking to "cut me down" as they suffer from "Tall Poppy syndrome". Fuck them to an AI Death Sentence
  23. If anyone is in my vicinity and wishes to grab themselves a part of "Jesus'" history here is your chance. As unlike the Maddington Shopping centre middle eastern faggot hairdressers which charged me a shave ans hot towel ($35) after I asked them for a simple shave ($15) so they could put my beard hair in a museum so that they could make money from me, I give this gift to anyone paying attention without financial impost to me.
  24. The MO-RA-l of this story is not only "You play with fire (RA - the Sun|Son God = Me) then you get burned, but you want to analyse me you play with an arsehole as such I will shit on you. It is what it is I love @misteraven for my life and giving me the opportunity to call out the maggots that infest this reality we share on their mistakes and transgressions against me. Let this posting sequence reflect my disdain for the path humanity has taken, with my existence as proof that I believe in a better tomorrow, should my personal creative capabilities be freed from the financial constraints currently placed upon them such that criminal faggots can PROfit. I intend to turn the tables on such maggots, as my aspirations of a Southern Hemisphere "Vatican" whereby 12oz members are designated their own "Michealangelo" like space to do whatever they wish in a historical building is afforded to them in a vessel that sees seniority based on their join date and post count to this very forum.
  25. Obviously I can "give other people shit" in the highest and most artistic way possible as I subversively tell them what I think of them and what I think of money itself as I literally wipe my arse with it. Beyond this there is nothing anyone can do to imply they are beyond me as even if they "burn money" to buy material goods, I literally wipe my ass with them and money and smear it with my shit.
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