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Everything posted by Mauler5150

  1. And if one doubts the veracity of "A Higher Guiding Force" existing beyond our human Ego, look at this playlist, read the lyrics of the songs before and after the song which prompted Me to take a moment and be present "In the Now" as I realised how gracious I am for being afforded the perfect life I have lead thanks to God, and the significant contributors such as Raven and the members here who are familiar with both madness and comedy. And thanks to Maria, my wife for reminding Me that I have been a long time 12oz member in a way only She is capable of.
  2. Also thanks to the guys (and girls - I can't assume anything these days as while I admit I can be an asshole at times, that isn't my base intention!) whom have taken the time to read my rants and diatribes I have put up since my return here, as I hope the words give the attached images the context which would be missed if one was to have experienced "walking 10 miles in My shoes" (in a day). I appreciate that not everyone in this world has a 5 second attention span and can appreciate that the written word (which our ancestors solely relied upon to convey knowledge to generation upon generation) is still valued by those who remember the pre-internet world of elders, books and libraries being fundamental keys to personal development. In addition to this, I hope my fearless divestment of the truth of my reality allows other's to realise that holding onto things which could later come to haunt you will inevitably lead you to choose "Psycho-SIS" as your sister of choice as opposed to "CatharSIS", as ultimately we can only judge ourselves and if you can look back at times of turmoil, struggle, or depression captured in words as I am able to, you can only laugh at how you survived "Hell" itself as you realise you prevailed and became stronger from facing life's challenges "HEAD ON" in Ch0 speak.
  3. Danke to Raven aka @mistreraven for providing this place for us to hang out in and persisting through the Facebook and other social media "drought" that saw most forums (and the internet history that they contain) vanish The purpose of this thread is to see whether my storage quota can be increased as after giving Channel Zero a tour of my city I am running low on upload space, and given I have abandoned other forms of social media due to not considering myself to be so egocentric that I would not share my successes and failures, along with the experiences that lead to my learning of lessons in respect of life, with a wider audience than the tiny circle of people I would consider as friends or acquantainces in "real life". And if you wish to have a laugh at my expense, and noting that on the 12oz reunion teeshirt list I am "on the right side of "The Boss" of this place" I figure that you might appreciate the fact that I travelled from Perth to Oslo in Norway to meet the singer featured on this track "The Raven Child" and as @defyoner and @Spitfire15 can confirm my Secondlife (which I only found thanks to Ch0 and was bestowed my title of "Prophet" by those guys) alias to have the name "Jonny Tobias" with this track by "Tobias Sammet" (my sister is named Samantha, so I figure she is an ET like my Mother JanET) is indicative of the love I have for this place outweighing the shit we all deal with every day we awake. A wise person once told Me "if you don't ask you will never get" so consider this me asking for the ability to help make this place the historical record of my appreciation for life as well as the compendium of showing the evolution of "Me" as my Ego was calmed by a higher power giving me the ability to laugh at any challenge life throws my way "Eels in the ass be damned!!" The attached image is the Philadelphia Church sign intersection pics I posted earlier, taken from further back with the "Moonglow" and my guiding star (My Rav3n) looking down and protecting and laughing allng with me as I write this post laughing at how SIK and 2SIK this place is for giving my (at times) "madness" a place to be recorded so that future generations to come will laugh at knowing there is zero dispute that love and laughter will abandon them. Anyhow, I appreciate Raven for looking out for me, as I no longer care to "Hyde" here in "Oz" on "Jekyll Island".
  4. at the dealership that serviced my car before I crashed it waiting on the bus. Reminds me of how in Revelation 1:17 it reads as follows, noting I have a key with the Hyundai (High and Die) logo on it, the big H standing in for Hades which reads as follows 17 When I saw him, I fell at his feet as though dead. Then he placed his right hand on me and said: “Do not be afraid. I am the First and the Last. 18 I am the Living One; I was dead, and now look, I am alive for ever and ever! And I hold the keys of death and Hades. 19 “Write, therefore, what you have seen, what is now and what will take place later. With what I texted my Mother today telling her of My future aspirations which revolve around having her retire to attend her garden as opposed to working on others' who are too lazy or cash rich to do it themselves, I can only laugh at how I have been the PERfect Son that any Mother would ever wish for. I will use this post to shout out Hyundai for the fact that during my 78000 kms or so of driving my Veloster Turbo, the only issue I had was the gas struts in the rear window going bad and a Master Cylinder failure that left me stranded at Shell petrol station in Margaret River for 3 days one Christmas a couple years ago, that they make a solid car I would rather use in Australia than a Lamborghini. Given my sister Sam is also an advocate as an i30 driver, and the fact that when I was working for my Dad as a window tinter who drove every car imaginable in the early 2000s, such praise from Me is something I don't give out without reason and a compendium of evidence accrued from a lifetime spent being as anal and discerning as possible. RIP to EAV aka Eve. I miss you my baby.
  5. and I can watch the drones I summon (airplanes) fly overhead in this seating area that gives me NYC red steps Times Square (really time is a flat circle someone wrote on here recently as clocks prove.)
  6. And you can listen to this as I am while taking these images. and yes, for those wondering, the lightning cable coming from my backpack is the real life G-HOstbuster pack. Because I am an 80s kid forever no matter what happens
  7. I figure that is why my in-laws and the Goddess I married draped a gold rimmed noose made of money around my neck when I got married as the girl has a sense of humor. Yet my divorcing myself from said noose took me recognising this fact such that I could sever my attachment to emotions and any fear of death as I become Death itself, unafraid to cast my judgement down from the drones in the Heavens above as I sterilise this place with metaphorical indiscriminate Heavenly fire. On a brighter note, I do like how they renovated this place, the shopping center where I met my wife conveniently known as Carosuel, as I will spin the wheels of death as I walk the premises laughing internally at enacting revenge upon those who abandoned God in their pursuit of Money as a means to derive happiness. Does anyone know if I can get more storage on here as I only have 46MB left, yet I know that I have so much comedy and jokes to make at the expense of NPCs I allowed to manipulate me ohysically and emotionally for far too long.
  8. If "enlightenment" means that you become so assured of your immortality and eternal spirit that you not only become one with God, you happily "enlighten" the NPCs you encounter as you walk around with hypothetical drone strikes for trapping me within a temporal prison whereby my chains are the money used to control me, then I will happily keep firing as I not only go about saying Prez #45's catchcry of "Your Fired" but I will laugh while doing so.
  9. just unsubscribed to David Jones mailing list, so I am going on to play my game of "911" trying to outdo the number of casualties Obama instigated with his drone strikes as I indiscriminately target anyone I see, man, woman, child or baby as babies are double points given I give them a premature end that is devoid of the suffering their parents intend to inflict upon them by enslaving them to rhe game of life
  10. two of my all time favorite vocalists singing and harmonising together in a project. Well consider the fact I have met both men and personally thanked them for their musical contributions that have enhanced my life and you have to ask yourself the question (Is this just a dream?"
  11. Welcome to the party. Congratulations You found the greatest place on the internet. May your stay here be an enjoyable one and enjoy my first contribution to your rep by letting you know that this string of comments made me laugh iRL.
  12. After a hasty getaway from a concerned citizen walking his canine bitch in the park who asked me if I intended to pay for writingthis kanji for "Heaven" as per my 144000 project on the supports to a set of "swings" (as there are no "swingers" in Heaven as emotionless sex is meaningless), I will happily go to court and defend myself by swearing onnthe commandments in the Bible under oath that I was sending sign to the kids of today the "right" way to live according to God Fuck that dickhead, as I wasn't about to get into a debate with a retard about semantics when I am designating the suburb we obviously both reside in as "Heavenly".
  13. I am surprised that would fly in America based on how the media makes it seem as though the majority of people there see any mention of sex in conversation aimed as a personal attack at people's orientation.
  14. We are the opposite of you, so we just started winter this month, with Summer running December through to February. So all the pics I have been showing here recently have been late Autumn and Winter, which is why everything is so green, even though it only really rained solidly for like a day or two. Perth, where I am is pretty much the weather equivalent of LA, as we are like 32' South of the Equator whereas I think LA or San Diego is like 33' North of it fron memory, with the difference being we have desert in land of us with no snow anywhere, plus we only have 2 or 3 million people in the whole of Western Australia as opposed to the 20 million in LA. However with the amount of Indians I see here everyday, given their breeding habits back there I can see here having it's infrastructure crippled if they multiply at a similar rate in between their Uber Eats and Doordash shifts and the massive shortage of accomodation that currently exists here due to the massive amount of migration that has occurred over the past decade, such that to rent a single bedroom is usually somewhere between $150 for an absolute dump up to $300 per week for a normal room in a newer place) which I state as a warning to anyone thinking that moving here to the most isolated capital city on Earth is an appealing option. Beyond the cost of living soaring due to migration and the two tier economy that exists because of cashed up bogans having made stacks of cash the past 30 or 40 years mining whereas the city wages are about less than half due to working half the amount of hours, and the subjugation trial run that was Covid, here is as good a place to live as anywhere which is why I have probably done more to advertise that with the imagery posted here over the past month or two than the Tourism Board of WA has done. Obviously this is if you ignore the critical commentary of the residents here who have either forgotten how shit the place they come from is (in spite of every migrant Uber driver spending their entire day yapping on the phone to people back where they come from) or other's sending their wages back overseas to help family in the 3rd world as was the case with some of my former colleagues, which only leads to the degradation of living standards here as these people accept a shittier standard of living as their sacrifice sees them unable to maintain a higher standard. Yet for all this, the other benefit of being as isolated as we are here with a relatively small population, is that in the eventuation of a Walking Dead style apocalypse occuring due to the ongoing drug experiments the government has conned alot of people into, either through Covid vax or the methidemic, here gives one the best chance of surviving long term as it will be a lot easier for us pureblood unvaxxed to deal with say 2.5 million zombies knowing that there is at least 1000kms of desert seperating us to starve out any migration of other zombies from the Eastern states. Any way, I have probably said too much (or not enough?) here as an advocate for the place I was born, yet understand my reasoning is not only to provide balance to my scathing criticism I offer, but to let anyone who reads this know that there exists a paradise here, and ai wish more people would recognise it as opposed to bringing the things that fucked up where they come from (war, acceptance of shittier living conditions and breeding more than 2 kids per family) so that here ends up as another place filled with street shitters living under a piece of tin propped up against the fortress walls of the rich.
  15. I want to shout out to my Auntie Carol for helping me out with stitching this patch on for me given I haven't sewn anything since I did a class as a 13 year old kid in highschool. I do intend to make my own boardshorts when Summer comes, finances permitting.
  16. Even though I pay for Youtube Premium, they still have a scrollbar that pollutes my feed with news stories. So even I have heard of this submarine. My take on life is unless I can see it, hear it, interact with it, or am getting paid to think about it (ie, as in being a politician who governs a domain and is commensurated financially for such responsibility), then there is no such thing as "overseas" or international politics that I desire to think about or use my brain to acknowledge that it exists.
  17. 1. I can appreciate you keeping him away from here, as that is part of the reason I asked the question. 2. I remember seeing this same situation when I was 8 or 9 as the local fruitloop that formed the urban legend we called "Catman" was getting cracked over the head over and over again as he screamed "You fucking dog" in between each massive hit of the trucks to his dome. How he remained standing was beyond me, as he must have had at least 5 full wind up rotation swings that belted him in the head. 3. No comment.
  18. Do eet! Anyway, put in my forms today to get some funds so I can hopefully start van shopping soon. I have started to make a list of everything I will need to live in the van in my weeks off from being a Mars worker that flys to some random desert town to plow the earth for mining materials as it seems is kind of the fate afforded to those who seek to afford a couple of drinks to satiate their thirst or to buy decent meals so I can get back to surfing again, which is going to cost me around $2500 for a new board, fins, and a wetsuit. I would much rather just prowl the streets taking photos to post on here touring around my city and the rest of the world having a few beers here and there, but a Man has to do whatever his script determines he will do as per the system.
  19. Had to sit next to this dude with a "King" emblazoned on his hoodie with a crown. While I was tempted to ask him what he is "King" of, rather than engage in an unneccessary flex of my superior intellect and life experiences that qualify me as a true "King of Kings" due to not only having made my woman Maria Camila know how it feels to be treated as a Matthew Luke O’Brien, yet I satisfy the other criteria by having awoken in the Queen's bed in the morning on a frosty day in Europe. Given his jailbird tattoos on his hand, I doubt this "King" has a passport let alone has ever stepped foot on European soil to have lived in any castle, and the mass produced, common as colds modern abodes of Australia don't count in any way at all as a comparison. So off with his head and magic reduced to nil for him and the fool who appeared to have spawned him, after he copped about 30 drone strikes to the dome and pussy given this guy is dickless.
  20. I had a Stussy hat when I was 11, so 92, which had like a solid blockletter S with a crown that had one of the three top parts bent over like it was part King & part Jester. Was a sick hat and was a prized possession of mine at the time that along with my Bordeaux 7 J's made me the local boss when it came to fashion at the time. Thankfully nothing has changed in that regard.
  21. True, I have still wiped after using them, as otherwise you gonna walk around looking like you shit yourself due to your wet ass making your pants or shorts wet in the process?
  22. I would say stupider over time if only based on the fact that Governments which are elected by the people still use fear tactics to maintain Governence whilst they justify going to war to increase the size of land area they are then responsible for maintaining. Wouldn't controlling a smaller mass of land, with a population already responsible for voting you into your position, be easier than expanding your borders of control such that you increase your ability to fuck up due to needing to make even more decisions and choices such that those in power lose their actual power as the need to exert control over the lives of others comes at the sacrifice of living their lives for themselves? And this is from Me, a guy who devised a game I use to entertain myself with the deployment of my "God plane" to send fools to Hell and the worthy to Heaven that I call "911 simulator", who fails to see how war has any benefit to anyone beyond showing how unfit you are as a politician that you need to try expand or extend the borders of control beyond what already exists, as you neglect something positive you could be doing instead. For more information on what I mean about the "God plane", I will let Nile explain to you in this video.
  23. from Green to Gold. Fuck whoever put a green light over my name, as I hope that they wear a big fucking gold chain around their neck and a gold watch as they remain a slave to both money and the time they waste trying to fuck other people's lives up. Karma is coming for that bitch, and they are going to get this done to them as a result. Makes me glad that I was cheering for MOMOa in Fast X given that I forgot he was the one who was in this scene jajajaja. and xD because internetz and all, never mind that I am happy to give away the rest of the key to eternal life and youth to those who are willing to listen to me as "The Rambla"
  24. Spotted this heading to my Mum's place. Almost like she is joking with me as everything is backwards here.
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