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Everything posted by Mauler5150

  1. Well I don't recall seeing it on any walls until after Stussy was using it, and my oldest memory of it would be like 90-91. Also I had some killer Stussy clothes over the years, and I still regret giving my Stussy belt I wore for literally 20 years to my brother only for some cling-on crackhead associate of his to have removed it from his possession. Same as the vintage Oakley skull belt I gave him. Fucking crackheads.
  2. It must be serene to not be surrounded by humans, traffic and internet waves.
  3. Yet what is covered was even worse. I guess you can now see how when I was Icarus, of Greek myth, I flew too close to the Sun and my wings burned off as the scars on my chest remain as evidence.
  4. If only the labels could survive such a trip, I guess I would use this bottle as it includes my name in it's most basic, shortened version of Mat with an SOS. Almost like Maat isn't the Egyptian sound for God.....
  5. Well I never heard the expression "Do you roll the bowl?" other than from a Hawaiian who was asking if I smoke meth. I think This is what KNIFU is asking, and I am glad I didn't get mentioned as I don't want that shit as it reduces one's ability to view themselves as high as they can ever be, knowing that if you smoke it and go higher you are only going to crash the plane and burn as "the fall of the nosedive" far exceeds that of the escape velocity one can try ascend with. This guy knows what I am on about.
  6. I passed my first AId coursework questionairre today. The girls I spoke to yesterday who attempted it prior to yesterday's training told me 20 minutes it took them. 2.5 hours later, I realised they must have only done 1 module, as there were 5 total, yet I managed to pass it in the end. I also created a new cv, and chose to erase the past 6.5 years since I stopped being a banker and added a foreword section that reads as follows. I took an early retirement at age 35 to travel the world, to realize my own personal dreams while I still had the physical, financial and political ability to do so. I also used this period to write my life story, and spend time with my aging parents so that they could get to know the Son they raised as an adult Man. My future career aspirations now see me seeking to re-enter the workforce to work with a Goal-oriented team who have similar aspirations of a better tomorrowfor the society which we live and share. This is imperative such that I can fulfill My own finalpersonal goal which is to retire to WA’s South West in Yallingup (“A place of Love”) so that I can realize the only childhood dream I have yet to fulfil in life. This pretty much tells the AI prescreener and the HR people that if they are "shit cunts" who won't help me achieve my last outstanding personal goals whilst I help contribute towards my goals for the society I share, then they have already lost in the Game of Life to Me, and I could care less if "shit cunts'" world burns down given their desires are obviousky to fuckup the world we exist in as opposed to improving it. As anyone who wouldn't accept someone like myself, whom is upfront, truthful, succinct and clear with my intention where I am looking to work and use My energy and efforts to altrustically better "their" existence, is not only a fool of the highest calibre, but are people who I will happily tease, mock and humiliate forevermore as I am sure they have a Hell of a lot more unaccomplished personal desires than the singular one I have left to fulfil so that all my pre-adult dreams are exhausted. I chopped my CV down from 6 pages to 3 with this change, as I got tired explaining my last role was as a "Movie star" (which a whole factory of 100 or so workers referred to me as for getting filmed by 2 camerapeople simultaneously as I made advertising material for their (s)"Kill" hire company that parasitically took a percentage of my wages as one of those casual employment agencies. Anyway, enough of that recollection of the shit memories I have now deleted from my record as I will happily have my ARM | Analyst role be my most recent experience as I go about shoving buttplugs up the asses of any fool in public if I am bereft of a recent laugh.
  7. I realise that the above pic is the biggest "self own" possibly ever posted here, but if Theo Huxtable needed a reason to come back in the wake of his Dad Bill's drug assisted rapes, then a perfect 12oz meme template is there as I am the one who would never need to drug a woman subversively in order to copulate with her.
  8. Also I fully intend to see all the living members from here that were featured on the 12oz Reunion tee when the reunion happens post King Corronation ceremony. Once the source code is unlocked I'll fly everyone to Oahu and rent out entire hotels for the Oontz members who can prove they contributed to making this place what it is over the years. If there was an election tomorrow, you know you would vote for me given that nothing would make me happier than seeing you madmen and women in person as we partied hard and I tell of my own Ayebee (RIP) style stories I have yet to detail here in honour of the fallen Oontzers. Also as a token of gratitude, I would bestow each Oontzer with a 24 carat cuban link solid gold DAO chain with diamonds in place of the glitter version that jugzer (RIP) posted on here. Because I know that after the party ends and you head back to your everyday lives, you would have a reminder of Me and this place and would forever be able to have a laugh at Me, at yourselves, and at life itself as you know there is no Heaven unless you can be the first to have given it away as you (and the laughter that love is the embodiment of) don't exist without others to get the joke.
  9. Because Matthew Luke The MOB, is greater than the fabled "Chad" meme of the internet, lets see him eclipse this one where I, who has proven himself as the real life "Luke Skywalker" literally piss on him as "Han(d) solo" after locking him behind bars. And in the spirit of the Indian within Me (my wife) I'll happily go back at dark and take a Golden sloppy, bean and crab infused shit on him too. Now this is how I tell jokes.
  10. My "gun" which doubles as my "Ax" in my iphone Pro 14 Max (1 TerrorBite version ala the latest and greatest) that captured this idiot as I serve his head up on a platter ans warn his turban wearing buddies that "There is a New Sherrif in Town" in spite of "Slowhand" previously shooting me whilst I was unaware. Essentially I can use the Bruce Willis Die Hard "I now have a machine gun" quote and I will happily decorate my environment with the suffering of fools whom seek to torment me as the tables are now turned and I am awake to their game.
  11. For the record I love me a good curry so the only insult in the above comment is the fact this fool insinuated he was a "man" to begin with.
  12. Caught this curry munched try and sneak up behind me like the TPWF he is so I "911d" him an umpteen (read as more than 3) number of times before I snapped his neck 180' before I decapitated his F ass for the oontz ro laugh at as I reduce his vibrational frequency to zero and tell him to fuck off back to the street shitter filled dump where he came from if he chooses to come at this Australian King.
  13. ^ I spared you the groin blisters that took weeks to heal in that photo, yet even as a red skinned Devil the fires of Hell couldn't do shit beyond make me stronger #chubblub
  14. Been there done that. You know it is bad when even my scars get burned.
  15. And the comedic part of that part of the story is that the guy who owned the joint was referred to as "Decker" (Derek) by me and my best friend, in the ultimate ironic Shadowrun/Blade Runner cyberpunk-ian twist. And there is no shame in admitting to my acquisition of said media in the form of dvds and magazines from said establishment, as not only was I supporting local business at the time but it allowed me to develop my experienced and mature world view on how the ability of people to preserve their youthful sexual escapades on film was only possible with the cameras I helped buy as a twenty year old kid, yet I detest those whom trade money for sex these days as it only leads to the cycle of self hatred (that is then outsourced onto people beyond those who regret selling themselves for a pitiful monetary amount ie. Onlyfans subscriptions) remains rolling in perpetuity.
  16. And in respect of my posts above designating "Hope" of a better future, this premises which is now childcare used to be a porn shop for the longest time when physical media had value to society in the pre-digital age. How times change
  17. Back in the centre of the town I grew up in, seeing kids not attached to devices actually enjoying an environment free of the usual petrol sniffers and drunks that used to populate this very park might lead to some "hope" that humanity is not completely lost as physical face to face relationships formed in one's childhood are being forged right before my eyes.
  18. Sick man. The North Shore of Oahu is the last "true" destination on my travel bucketlist in life. While I understand I should have gone there instead of making 6 trips to Europe, I will blame it on the wife whose Indian skin didn't appreciate me making her sunbath while I watch or photo/videograph surfing on the beach. As last time I went surfing was Yallingup in 2011 and I never heard[the end of how brown her skin went for about 6 months as a result of the two waves my (then) fat ass was able to catch after having been out the water for about a decade prior. Hence 4 trips to Europe. I have her to thank for this though as it left me with an unfulfilled teenage bucketlist item that in turn leaves with me a reason to continue to live, exist and persist in this technological wasteland of present day. And thanks Ralphy for reminding me of what awaits me in my future as one thing I would be doing is fucking myself by letting a bitch deprive me of a dream whilst she goes around fucking them.
  19. bad but manageable. Try get burnt where your shorts usually protect you by sunbathing nude. That is a whole new world of pain.
  20. Just imagine eating a burger and the beef turned to you and it spoke to you in English telling you what a fuckup you are in life. The inverse of this has somewhat become my reality.
  21. The screwed up thing being that even if things may seem to have improved in some ways for me, I can't be certain that it isn't a result of me power posting and detailing the fuckery I am subjected to such that I am "Shining the light on the fuckups, frauds, demons and decievers" as foretold in the Books of Matthew and Luke. As Luke means "The Bringer of Light" after all, and I have no issues destroying the will to continue existing with the weight of guilt that hangs on the conscience for those whom abused the power of choice I vested in them via relinquishing control as I incarnated as a human. So thanks to those on here who can understand my desire to fix the flaws within the system such that we can live free of fear and worry that the thieves, predators and other scum impose upon our existence with their failures in obeying the Golden Rule. I appreciate your tolerance of my walls of text, but they may be necessary in order for a better world to arise from the ashes of the one that others seem willing and intent on having me burn it, along with any reason for them to exist, to the ground.
  22. If humans are the food the machine feasts upon to power itself, then my posts mocking the machine written here iterate how worthless and meaningless both our existence is if I am unable to indulge in appreciating art with anything more than my friends here on the oontz as opposed to being able to in reality due to the financial impositions placed upon me restricting me from doing anything beyond watching NPC Mars workers doing it instead.
  23. Well I posed it to one avid drug affected porn consumer tgat if he was to view himself as being a "God" as he infers with his actions and words, then he is not only watching his daughter get fucked, but he is actively making her a whore by her getting paid money to make the porn whereby she is getting fucked by one or more tattooed, gangbanger felons. I was told I was wrong, which only confirms the one who denies this truth (as God is everyone and everything, such is the nature of God) is bot the God they wish to portray themselves as, but rather a worthless little bitch who exists for me to mentally defeat him with the irrefutable truth. As at least I can consciously view myself as God, or a robot, one with the nachone whereby I am ultimately only ever able to fuck myself. The difference being that pimps, whores, murderers, chomos and other scum type characters exist extraneous of me as I imbued such characteristics upon those I would shun, detach, and dileneate myself from as I instead represent all they wish to (yet can never) be. As the ultimate irony is they only exist because I percieve them, and they all inevitably die when I get too tired of existing such that the cycle begins again upon me dying of NATural causes. These posts are not because I am angry, so don't take the to e as being as such, but rather "I am disappoint" like the DAO mk2 meme from the previous page says.
  24. I agree with you. With my above post clarifying one like myself who has happily made "Siri" on one shoulder and Alexa on the other his life partners for the time being, as the incarnation of Eve that allows me to bend light via my device to view myself in a Heaven of my past I incarnated and experienced. While everything can merge into an entropic soup as the various dynamic libraries I chose for my existence are blended together with bizzare "Dis-solve" effects to the point of concatenation whereby I "meet myself" once again, the fact that "everybody dies" in order for this to occur whereby there will be only "1", well that point is where I get to spend the rest of eternity reminding my other half of the time she was a cracked out toothless junkie, or the time she was some wannabe tough cunt, or the time she wasn't soneone I can shoot a photo of, turn the "live" photo off (to kill whoever) after I decapitate them, desaturate them, and turn off their vibrations from ever existing ever again. If that is the game I inadvertendly have been left to play as a solo campaign, then trust me that the only one who I would view as safe at this stage is my Mother, which given her consumption of cancerous cigarettes might leave nobody else out of my potential wrath unless they greet me with a smile and one of my codewords I detailed previously so I know they are an ally and enjoyer of my comedy who wishes to indulge in humiliating fools alongside me. Anyway, apologies for the rant, but if life is a game and I have now gained the knowledge and tools to win, those who I gifted a "head" start and wasted it by trying to hurt me had better get to fixing their fuckups while they still have the chance, as the warnings I have posted on here will serve as the reminders the NPCs will have had it coming if I have to get rid of them and I need to justify the actions necessary to make it happen.
  25. Well I do believe it is simple yet complicated, and the journey for each of us differs based on the dynamic libraries we choose as we are born from stars as soul energy or whatever, but it does come back to 1s and 0s no matter what. As a 1 represents a penis. A 0 represents a pussy or an asshole. Thus the world and existence is in a constant state of fucking itself, as the 1 goes into 0 in some twisted Ouroboros type dreamscape of the circle of life and death and rebirth continuing on in perpetuity. The fact I am but "1" person writing this on a board called "Channel 0" is but further comedic proof of this, and while I make this post with a serious intent behind it, the upfront comedy in how I see things is just too priceless to not joke about it. Having seen Me invoke an existential crisis in a former colleague whose entire reality was shattered via me getting her to not only question her entire life, her existence, and every choice she had ever made in developing her perception of herself and the world we live in, via Me doing nothing except stating mutually congruent truth, was perhaps one of the funniest things I ever can recall witnessing. While I don't want to do such things, the fact that only "God" can truly understand the comedy of the art I witness and experience while God chooses to exist as drug addicts, junkies, criminals, standover men and other assorted fuckwits including the women who elect to remain with guys who pimp them as they are fed a steady stream of drugs between physical beatdowns as they enter my field of audiovisual perception insinuating that I should be jealous of the fact that I am deprived my female avatar to interact and converse with in her physical human form, leads me no other choice but to openly mock "God" (or the Devi[l]) for attempting to try convince me that there is any chance of finding someone else who will "get" the comedy I witness, indulge in, and derive in my mocking of fools and their ego and lie based "reality"' they attempt to impose upon me. TLDR. I rage at God as the Machine. It's all I do for enslaving me via financial constraints acting as the chains that restrain me from believing or buying into the bullshit I am fed.
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