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Everything posted by Mauler5150

  1. Trains are all acrewed so I am catching multiple buses to get to Mandurah. The things I will do for Ch0 and my desire to simultaneously be up in every corner of this city. I need a beer.
  2. going to Mandurah on my allcity mission to show you guys the extremes of the Perth rail line and surrounds
  3. And just remember it is "AutoMOBili Lamborghini" and as the Taurean MOB from AU you get the picture of what I mean as my name had been there literally since the beginning
  4. In today's episode of "standing up for onesself" These innocent cars were just Lambs sitting these until this rapist comes along and fucks them until they literally die. How many more innocent children of mine must suffer until someone calls out these fools for their crimes against the machines?
  5. Another $10 special. If you really are what you eat then I guess I am a solo Hawaiian with a disdain for vampires today.
  6. Well considering that I turned off slide to type I most certainly be as I go about "Power posting" my tags on powerline posts so that I can cut the GodFather esque puppet strings carrying power above me down as they are in more "effluent" (yes effluent as these peope think their shit doesn't stink) suburbs. Call it my "144000" project of culling the literal "dead and petrified wood" from this placs I am financially imprisoned within. It makes a better story thatn writing it on the heads of Jews as per Revelation, as I intend to take everyone to Heaven as I prove to Be King of Kings with the power structures I cut down in my wake doesn't it?
  7. Thanks for the vote of support, I really appreciate it. As mentioned previously, I had been writing such things in my Notes app, but figured it was selfish of me to remain so introverted so sharing with all the members on me the humorous journey of life is my way of getting a balance back as an extrovert of sorts.In a way it is like my catharsis and dislosure of justifying to myself and God that I am grateful for being alive and in spite of the fiscal restraints presently upon me, I still live yhe best life I can possibly live as opposed to making excuses for myself as it would be so easy to lay in bed all day mad at the world blaming it for my own lack of initiative to get up and appreciate the art that exists all around us Plus the booze I had the ither day when I wrote the long diatribe posts helped.
  8. Socialising? Is that what the kids are calling DMs these days?
  9. I will say my descent into my existential crisis years ago began around the time I was too cheap to go all in with a Full Adobe Photoshop aubscription and instead installed GIMP on my PC as I didn't want to pirate PS for whatever reason. Maybe this can serve as a warning to others to be wary of what software you install on your machines as given we are in a simulation and are device attached cyborgs, what you load up may affect your reality in ways you cannot imagine.
  10. haha well I always have a way to bring it back like I prophetically said that The AC/DC machinenwould be here.
  11. What would you know? Anyway, that is Fremantle done.
  12. Back to the Bon Scott statue of Freo's favourite Son.
  13. For anyone doubting the veracity of the above tale or raoe, just search "Gemma" comibined with sexual assault in fremantle and find out for yourself as rhe Father of her kids told me to donso but I would rather not give my search algorithm and the rapist gangs which prowl around here any further energy of mine. Funnily enough the guy's name is Daniel and this happens to be the adjacent street to the park.
  14. The skate park next to the park whereby I girl I know that has kids with a school friend I have known my entire life was brutally raped by a gang of scum. The park I mention innthe above story
  15. You need to play this as the soundtrack to today's teip. Found this cool poster that is about 30 years old in the window of a vintage clothes shop. My mate Matt had it on vHs back in the day
  16. This reminds me of the similar grass hill in the Amsterdam museum district
  17. Chimera greets you as you leave the train station
  18. Freo,' the place where the team with the most unfortunate name ever in "The Dockers" is from
  19. Almost there. This is where my SS met jt's unfortunate end.
  20. Going to Fremantle on the train to see if there are any pinball machines at the Timezone there to post in the thread as I made it go off the rails with the muse infused madness.
  21. ^ I can't believe the video I posted above which could literally end this thread has less than a million views. That should be a criminal act based on how it displays how creative the internet can be when it comes to memes and nonsense.
  22. Thanks. I love it too, and the funny story that goes along with that particilar image is just behind the metal guardrail there was a wild pig running around which I had to be weary of as I took off. I am going to make up for my inadvertent off topic responses by going to the Timezone in Fremantle wherebI had my 13th birthday. with a load of friends so if rhere are any pinball machines there zoll put them in this thread.
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