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Everything posted by Mauler5150

  1. As cool as playing in snow by going snowboarding or skiing might be, as someone who hated my experience with snow and the freezing cold, seeing things like this make me glad I don't have to deal with it.
  2. Was a Super Hans reference, and I couldn't miss such a perfect opportunity to use the quote.
  3. Which Hawaiian island are you at? If you are on Oahu, go eat at the Sunrise Shack on the North Shore. I hear it is the place to be...
  4. JAJAJAJAJAJA! MOOGLE wins the internet today with this one post as not only do you "Get it", but you prove why you were in my Top 8 best friends on Myspace back when I first became "The Paradigm of Carefree Living". After I read your recent post about mixing bass, I saw this in Daw tutorial from Ola Englund years ago to get crushing bass mixes. Whether this helps at all for your Mastering, I won't know but it is worth the few minutes of watching a video to find out?
  5. Also, I realise that sans a tour of South Perth Foreshore, I have already covered my "All City" scope of that which binds my past identity to my present beyond that which represents my "future" that lies South of Perth. All the parts north of Scarborough, and that which is on the Midland line are all places I have no relation or sentimental attachment to, and while they will be getting hit up in the future, a single picture that I feel defines the moment will be posted in one of the relevant pics I post on here. With this said, here is a couple of pics of me at Cape Naturaliste and Torpedo Rocks, that can tide me over until I get back South in the water amongst the Indian ocean waves where I truly belong and can remain humble given that no land roaming creature that resides me poses any similar threat of doing the same.
  6. I finished my first ever First Aid course. Now I can deal with Snakebyte victims as one more line gets added to my CV (as if it needed it!?) Heading to bed after getting dinner on the way home.
  7. Good to see you here man. Thanks for helping me out last time I was in the states, and looks like your are living life to it's fullest. And dod you check out that Marcin video I sent you on Messenger?
  8. Well I done fucked up and spent way too much on booze during yesterday's mission to capture the inages I posted in the Current view thread. Looks like it is beans and bread for ever meal for me for the next month, such is the price I pay for having one day of (moderated - as I was at best tipsy - not drunk). Worth it given that if it wasn't for that junkie bitch snitching on me last week, I would be able to start work this coming week so I could have an income once more. So if anyone wants to know why I rant and hate on junkies so much, you can see how my dealing with their fuckery has flow on effects that affect my ability to entertain myself and others with imaging the prison colony that is Australia, which is pretty funny as this place is shit unless you become a Mars worker and fly to a red dirt wasteland as a miner so you can afford to exist and live life:
  9. Any time I hear the phrase "Thank you sweetie", the original use and meme of it here always comes to mind
  10. I guess I am allowed to die with one regret and this may be it.
  11. Not sure what the Cebu variety of Charcoal Chicken is, yet I have had Charcoal Chicken (the franchise) chicken before.
  12. "Red next to yellow cuddly fellow, red next to black, jump the fuck back?"
  13. Derrick Doll sounds like a term I can apply to many "miners" I encounter who take what's mine (happiness) and try snd replace it with their selfish need to disparage those who exist onna higher plane of existence than they do. If they wear Hivis clothes for work, tell them they have the HIV(is) as they hate it. I might become one of these "Mars workers" soon though as I need cash and flying away to sone barren, red dirt, Mars-like desert Hellscape in the middle of nowhere is perhaps my last chance at gettibg employed after my midlife retirement, as I would enjoy going back into the finance industry yet I need a role that pays commensurate with my 10 years experience, and my degree snd diploma otherwise I am wastibg my time. I just got home at 1am exactly and I need to sleep, as the 3 hr journey to bed has rocked me. I could gave gone out with a group of three seventeen year old girls I met during my train trip to the city, but I instead taught them about the type of guys they should be looking for in life. If I was 21 I would be all about it, yet at 42 I am happily married to my monster (Maronsta) who would still test my Fatherly abilities with such a test of desire.I know I passed as sleep means more to me than corrupting my perfect view of myself through accepting less than perfection in the form of who I sleep with.
  14. I have thought about it, and whilst I will head to Midland at some point during the "All City" quest, it won't be for a while based on budget reasons alone. As for why I would decide to lower myself to head to a place called "Mid Land" in the first place, I have no reason to venture there beyond necessity as going "All city" requires one to go to "the end" of each line no matter what.
  15. Come back to the Belgian Beer Cafe, as at least here you don't get the snooty bullshit I encounter in the Irish pubs of Perth as I have found lately. Plus my seat here in "King's Corner" was free (as if by "fate"), just where my 12oz sticker is located.
  16. I find myself back in the city knowing I have a halfhour walk from the train station home. So I might need at least one more beer before I get on my next train.
  17. On the train contemplating my 1.5 hour (at least) journey to bed. I obviously picked "the last one left" in my seating preference for the meme. Hopefully I encounter no goons looking for fights due to my "Gopnik" outfit of Adidas tracksuit pants I need to wear as my WAyKee Diesel (Die Sell?) jeans have worn out and I don't appreciate cold nads. Given I go on a train, then a bus, to potentially another bus to get to another train before a half hour walk through areas with above ground power cables, the chance of getting a "tard induced violence-free" run is slim but possible. The joys of being withour my car such that I can remain humble are what they are, and at least zi have this place to document my journey no matter what happens.
  18. I had one more beer as I transliterated a lifetime of experience and taught three 20 something year old men the secrets to life and happiness. The takeaway being "You are never going to be able to consider yourself a King until you spend the night in a castle and wake up in the Queen's bed". October 5th, 2015 I achieved this feat thanks to listening to my sister, friend, and "Mother" of sorts Svetlana, my Wicked Girl I met after She had gone to the Meridian between life and death before Me. Thankfully my ego and willingness to seek out and learn from those I respect, even if I have to travel to the literal other end of the world to do so, is in Czech (mate). I dedicate this post to her and the greater muse and Divine controller of all that is. And I attach this pic of our 2nd meeting for reference of why she (and every Man & Woman on Earth) can look up to Me knowing that I will cut down any fool who thinks they are above Me or anyone else when it comes to memes, comedy, or living life to it's ultimate extent.
  19. Some guido tried to say "Sorry" to me, when I reminded him I am the one who should be saying sorry as his existence is for the purpose of me (and God as my crewmember) and all those we deem as fools, to a face a certain and inevitable death upon which their egotistical assumptions of superiority will be decimated by our shared laughter at their transgressions and retardation. I scored myself this booth all to myself yet I need to leave soon due to having no idea what these drinks are costing me until tomorrow.
  20. Fuck it, alco Matt needed one more beer, as the stupid bitch I chatted to at her bar broke her word when she failed to buy me a drink aftrr proving I can literally "walk in the sky" and that my name is Luke. Oh well, the righr hand of the Southern Cross has nearly disappeared, making an infinite number of maggot australians tattoos a relic of a past which no longer exists (as I hope such fools descend into non-existence also).
  21. Indian Ocean lager at this place on the waterfront at Mandurah. I tried the Therapy lager earlier and all it did was surround me with fools who need therapy as most of them rape the atmosphere of oxygen. It begs the question about "therapy" though, the Rap, why??!! Even God recommends "the Rock".
  22. In my attempt to double handedly revive Ch0, I bummie this thead by ILB as I should add this "as bought" and "after slaying demons" version of my current "Crown". I am sure ILB is still around, anyone still in contact with him?
  23. I ended up on a bus going the wrong direction (somewhat intentionally) as I missed the liquor store closing by 10 mins as I threw up a few Heaven Kanji on my way to 144k on the trees overlooking the oval where my mate Gavin I mentioned (who fell to his own hand via shotgun blast to the dome as his parents discovered). I needed one final beer to "descend to the level between pissed off and happy" given you see I already have no qualms pissing off or on my enemies that attempt to subvert my happiness.. RIP Gavin. This beer is for you.
  24. impressive redevelopment taken place since I was here almost every day in the early 2000s
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