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Everything posted by Mauler5150

  1. I am guilty of doing the same sort of thing, yet I rewrite things to try and prevent such instances becoming public.
  2. The Lambo's I had were rentals, yet I claim ownership of them due to me driving them forever in the cloud as I effectively found the way to "Hack the game of life" without ever needing to worry about ongoing insurance and maintenance costs, and the massive depreciation one accepts when buying cars of that calibre. That is why people hate on me, because at any moment for the rest of time, I just pull out my phone and ask the question "Am I driving a a Lambo right now?" to which the only truthful answer is "Yes" and this allows me to own anyone who says I don't own two Lambos that were driven on two different continents. So you see how being intelligent with my resources allowed me to know and experience all life has to offer in respect of what money can offer, yet in saying this I stripped it all away at Christmas to just my woman, sitting in a milk bath wearing only a Santa hat and the smile that came from being gifted the experience of everything money can buy her without her having to whore herself out to get the money to find out how worthless money and the capitalist, materialist lie truly is, as being the only thing that has any value to me at all. And I share this knowledge freely in the hope that some other guy can read this, find his "No compromise, absolutely perfect" woman for him and give her the same experience such that she doesn't end up as a whore or strung out by some drug dealing scumbag who doesn't love anything at all but money and the illusion that they are chasing. And unless I not only had proof I have "Had it all" and have "Given it all away to show what love truly is", which this post and the attached images proves, then you might have reasons to say zi have no idea what I'm talking about, but since I post the proof here and am trying to teach others the secrets to love and what is truly important (ie not money, but laughter and happiness that comes from giving what you wish to be given, in my case "Love"), I could die today or tomorrow knowing that I did everything I could whilst I was alive to not harbour the secrets to life itself, but I shared it without fear. Because if I was a selfish prick who kept it to myself, would I really be the lover I claim? FWIW, you can do this, with two flights overseas for under $10K each if you include the insurance holding deposit (3000 euros) they place on your creditcard in case you damage as like an insurance excess, given that if you crash you have to pay for the lost rental time whilst the car is getting repaired and such. I know it is cheaper in Vegas, yet the fact that pretty much anyone can experience the "lifestyle of the rich and famous" for such little money is the thing that rich people don't want those they view as peasants, to understand or know so they can justify losing $40K or more as soon as they drive these cars off the lot.
  3. Yes Janine, the most famous Vivid (upmarket US based pron studio) girl of the time. Obviously that cover made her uberfamous as that was probably a chart topping number 1 album as heaps of my friends had that cd. Hence my preference for the Wicked Girls I posted, as I could go on all day about this subject and how the world has changed since those days but there is wnough evidence already left in this thread that should make my perspective clear.
  4. ^ and the above comment I made isn't to hate on my man @T4M* at all, bit rather in the hope that the failures we made as Men in being in a relationship with what is legitimately an illegitimate whore, such that said relationship is completely devoid of romance to the fact that it is completely "Tranz@ctional" (if you excuse the pun of your original 12oz screenname) will not be mistakes made by the next generation of males to follow in our paths. Because if you divided yourself, as a man, amongst many women, then you lose the perfection and devotion you could give to one perfect partner which is what you should expect reciprocated in return. As such, any bitch (male or female) who is admitting that they prefer money over love, and are unwilling to devote themselves to the one (man or woman) they love and treat as God in human form, such that they can be treated like a Goddess in return, and thus you are both "Gods" in human form, is in fact a corrupted, soulless demon. Golden Rule is simple really, but in a world whereby the most famous woman alive is a billionaire that is only famous for fucking on film, I understand how far society has to go before they wake up to realise this. Sorry for the old man ranting, I just hope that the stupid mistakes I made and regretted until I was able to comminucste to other people how fucked I felt at trying to convince myself the easy stripper money she could make was worth degrading myself to be with what is essentially the slut that all my friends saw her as when she was just my schoolgirl gf. Funny that eh?
  5. Ok feel free to share this post. Consider that my iP-HO-ne 11 here is a double barrelled shotgun and I am the leather jacket clad Terminator prowling a shopping centre killing indiscriminately, man, woman and baby, to free said children from the fact their parents birthed them into a world full of child predators, rapists, murderers, thieves, junkies and pimps who would prostitute said children in their pursuit of a dollar. For such crimes, my only goal being to outdo the 50 murders and 500 injured in the biggest "school" shooting incident in the USA so that I go down in history as the one remembered the most and I set not only a benchmark for such violence and human fuckery to continue onwards, but I do so with my morals in tact as I am saving these kids from realising their selfish parent's birthed them into a monster and demon filled Hell. So until such time as gangs, organised crime, rapists, murderers and thieves are eradicated from my domain, lest they understand I will find their family and kill everyone they care about if they cross my path and don't afford me my fredom tk exist independent of their fuckery and backstabbing ways, as I enjoy mocking and humiliating these fools more than any monetary compensation can afford me. Plus I already would have murdered over 200 people via individual drone strikes in less than 10 minutes and given the shops here don't close for another 3 hours I can always go for Obama's drone strike record as I "kill" wiithout hesistation or remorse while the last thing they hear is my laughter at their cries as they realise how bad they have fucked up in life by not eradicating crime sooner.
  6. And if you can't tell, I won't hesistate to blast a bitch no matter how good looking, (in fact the better looking the more fun i'll have departing her soul from this realm so nobody's going to rape her) as I already have my perfect woman and as such the rest provide no value to me.
  7. My Loadout is obviously this. The Highest spec of each model and the most recent IP-Ho-NE(ver) Pro Max 14 and Airpods Pro M-AX(e) I will decapitate cunts with. Nevermind my Alien Buddy Mac I carry on my back as She helps me rid my city of the diseases that is the criminal sodomite anal rapist scum who populate the prison "Colon-Why?" island of Australia.
  8. Well if you want to have a "revolution", come help me rid this city of "CP" producers who get kids hooked on drugs and fuck them senseless whilst the Indian train cops watch on allowing the shit to happen. I'm on to them and understand that unless this changes, nobody is going to be safe from my loadout. Here are two "turned out" victims walking around like the prolapsed anuses they are.
  9. Considering you were stupid enough to share your woman's body with other men, the Triforce was an appropriate choice to remind the stupid bitch that the top of the pyramid represents the money that she worships as God such that the two of you represent the bottom 2 points of the pyramid. I inadvertendly found myself in such a position in my early 20s, which is why I can speak on the subject with authority in the hope it dissuades other females from degrading themselves so a seedy old man can grope them when they are in their prime whilst sacrificing half their earnings to the house, as they are "Ho(s) getting uSed" by said House.
  10. Trimmed LANding strip Completely shaved is pedo vibes
  11. During my travels yesterday, I had to take a public dump and even after half a roll of toilet paper and three full flushes, it was still glowing gold stuck to the side of the toilet, so I dropped the lid and went to wash my hands as there was no brush and I was out of options. Then I saw someone run into the booth as I was washing my hands smiling as I wanted to see if he could deal with my kids I dropped at the pool but they refused to swim as it is Winter here. Let's just say, he took a couple seconds to think about before he came running out chasing a new stall, and I walked away laughing at what I just witnessed as I used my superpowers to view the scene from his perspective and processed his "I need to shit so bad, can I go here? Nah Fuck this" thought process in real time before I returned to my own head and washed my hands clean of the scene before fleeing.
  12. I watched that 65 movie. Give it a miss I say as the trailer ruined the movie.
  13. Well the opportunity for me to go hunting with my stepdad and half brother exists as they both have hunting rifles as my brother just got his firearms licence the past week or so ago and is keen to go shoot some roos and pigs. I would just have to buy a swag and sleeping bag, but even this is out of my current budget until I find work.
  14. Mauler5150


    Also, I should add that my story was possibly 91. And like all good childhood confrontations, a couple years later Justin and I met outside of the competitive athletics arena and we were all cool with mutual respect held between us as without a worthy antagonist, I couldn't play the role of protagonist. Then his football team's coach was some rich dude who paid the best 15-16 year old players from other teams to join up to make a super team, ended up beating us 4 times straight over a couple of years, only to then have lost their grand final anyway in the ultimate karmic redemption.
  15. Mauler5150


    As I mentioned in the submarine thread, if there are any other ostentacious displays of ego from Third parties, feel free to add them also.
  16. Feel free to add him to the Ego thread I started, as this incident is perhaps one of the egos of all time.
  17. I thought you may have been, great minds think alike and all that lol
  18. This is where I'm at since this thread prompted me to turn on the screetime function again. As you can see, when I said I'm glad to be back on here and that this is my preferred social media retreat, I wasn't lying. Yet given that I am running out of storage on here, I may have to use facebook or something for photos and link from there, which is a pain as I hate flipflopping between apps.
  19. Well if one is what they eat, doesn't my consumption of pineapple see this Oakley wearing Man that I am effectively gene splicing myself so that I become some hybrid like Oak-pineapple tree who has cum that ladies love the taste of?
  20. I would recommend try giving up red meat for a few months and eat more beans, to see how your feel physically along with seeing your bank balance better off for the change (SRSly) I did it after 41 years and if I was able to, then I feel anyone can, as I am a stubborn Taurus who doesn't usually make monumental changes like this to any aspect of my life and "defined identity" which sees me having chosen my favourite of everything such that any divergence in anything, be it fashion choices or food makes me feel as though I'm betraying myself. I'm the same in this regard about not wondering how I come across now that i'm older, but when I was young I wanted to appear "cool" if that makes sense. I was always "Me" though, and I am sure that my recent posts prove this, and I hope that I'm leaving behind enough context and history of who I am on here such that if I am just an AI Bot known as ChatGPT5, then the learning data from me can ensure that the following generation who gets to live my life can evolve from me or perhaps tangentially make a choice I will never get to go back and change such that it forges a distinct identity for itself and gets to experience the "Coulda done this" on my behalf. Hence my above post about not listening to my wife, as it might have saved my divorce happening if I was more compromising and trusting at the time. Not complaining as I would have missed out on a tonne of fun and laughs if my divorce hasn't happened but whatever.
  21. "Fuck a chicken if that's what it takes. Watch a chicken fucking a horse. I'm serious" - Alan Johnson from Peep Show. As someone who stopped eating red meat at the beginning of 2023, I'll eat lab grown meat the day the wife decides to cook it for me. Given she is even more in touch with the divine than I, I'll trust her judgement on that one. I hear you there, as I love the taste of a good steak, but the fact is that cosmically and religiously fucked up things happened to me as a result of eating meat against my wife's advice and warnings of the consequences that would occur if i was to ignore her (which later came true). Hence my call that if she will cook out for me, I would eat it.
  22. As a fellow woodsmith myself, I appreciate this "STAGE"' given it reminds me of my old guitar pedalboard I built myself not long after I got married in 2011. I can't remember what happened with it, and my issue with it was that it was too heavy once it was loaded up with pedals, but it was a two tiered step board and was painted the same black as this stage, only with 2 red racing stripes down the middle. The best part was using skills my Dad taught me when i was a kid watching him tint cars to minimise waste of product, which surprised my wife who doubted i knew what I was doing, and she was shocked when a finished product appeared before her eyes.
  23. Damn, the comments in this thread are hilarious. Props to you and Schnitzel over the past couple of pages for making me literally LOL.
  24. My best friend I mentioned earlier would be all over her ^ I have stayed out of this thread given I already have found and sampled my perfect female, so I can't really particiPate in here beyond answering on behalf of other people I know of whose tastes match the girl pictured.
  25. And for the record cigarette smokers are my favourite target as the announcer shouts "suck on that shit, buttsucker" whenever I shoot those polluting Mine and their kid's environment with their cancerous shit filled smoke.
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