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Everything posted by Mauler5150

  1. Nice photo. Was this taken with a camera or just a phone, as the focusing and consistency of the DOF is really good.
  2. Who needs a DJ that twiddles knobs when you have this girl who could do the same thing while twiddling your knob eh?
  3. It seems that the tide must be turning for this "Man of Many Hats" as I seem to be collecting hats I find along the path the waves lead me. It is a welcome sight given how many of mine vanished whilst my back was turned or while I drunkenly mocked a chain draped clown at a bar for being the slave he truly is, yet unlike Me, egotistically refuses to accept the truth of his own reality such that his entire existence is comprised of nothing but lies and a false identity built on his bank account balance being the defining factor of who he is.
  4. Anyway I'm heading to try get my last 10 years of traffic infringements as I need it for a job application I am intending on applying for.
  5. Me - *looks down at his jacket* (As I only wear button up jeans) Yep, My scars are still there.
  6. From a mental perspective, I would probably agree.
  7. As a "MO" I would rather not be a "Pro Ho" of any sort, yet I have no issues with "metrosexuals" of any kind, given I am a borderline one myself now that I can look back at the things I have done in the pursuit of making women (& ultimately myself) happier through trial and error with various activities performed by that category of "metrosexual" man. In my early days here I was too young and insecure to probably admit such things, but the best part of now being a grizzled middle aged Man is I don't give a shit about what anyone thinks about Me and whether I have ended up with what the wife calls My "Chinese eyebrow" (the result of letting an ex pluck my eyebrows when I was 21) I now let grow wild. As for what I'm doing right now, I woke up at 4 am to piss, ans it's now 7am as I couldn't get back to sleep. So after watching some Youtube, then listening as I stared into the black abyss watching the electricity fractals I emitted due to charging myself with my neon wand turn into the sickest rap letters imaginable which my toy skills will need to realise the capturing of one day in a translatable medium so others can appreciate them. Now I'm gonna put on a podcast and try to sleep.
  8. I should add that I'm a Master of appreciating the female form to where I no doubt have spent wayyyyyy over 10K hours admiring them. I would say that my writing would be getting up there as well, if one is to take the cumulative time I have spent on forums, Youtube, writing letters, and writing my personal journal that includes my philosophical ideas, it would be close to 10K hours, and easily over that amount of reading is included. Two aspects of life I wish I had 10K hours invested in was my guitar playing and recording music/production, and surfing. I'm still only 42 and in good health so I have plenty of time to get these done before my time is up. After 26 years of playing guitar though, I would be only a couple thousand hours in which is sad really, and surfing would only be in the hundreds of hours at this point. The one thing I would like to learn is Photoshop, yet I have never gotten the perfect tablet/PC setup for it and when the full PS came out for my iPad Pro I had to be unemployed and unable to handle the $20 a month subscription fee for it.
  9. Chillin and reading the oontz after what feels like a productive day that hopefully should see me progressing towards my near term goals.
  10. I believe that this image may have been sighted by me at some stage of my life if my memory doesn't deceive me. Perhaps it was from one of the "Newsstand special" issues of Playboy as opposed to the actual centerfold version, although given the amount of magazines that passed through my hands as the "Dealer" of such fine publications in my friends circle it is difficult to actually be 100% certain in this instance. Apologies for the slight transgression from the intention of the thread I made above, but it seems I helped it get back on track.
  11. Anyway I'm heading to my Mothers to pickup a lightning cable I left there. Perhaps I might reupload my video where I caught myself get struck by lightning in a church carpark to Youtube and post here so you can see how I am not only able to shoot lightning from my fingertips but I can survive a direct lightning bolt to the dome. As for a toaster in the bathtub blast, if the universe doesn't comply to karmically alleviate my financial limitations soon that will become an increasingly attractive option, that is, if the roommate didn't have a stack of dishes sitting in the bathtub precluding such a scenario eventuating, but whatever.
  12. I hear you there about living beyond what my finances enable me to. Hence whatever rage and venom tonality implied through my posts here is directed singularly towards the frustration which emanates from such shit. Whilst I make the most of what I have, the impositions that prevent me from acquiring more currency to change this is the greatest source of my frustration. Dominos margherita pizza for $7 and a can of baked beans plus a muffin works out at about $12.50 a day and I can just survive off of this, so the fact that I can eat for less than or about $100 a week isn't bad in todays Australia. At least I have no debts other than my phone so if I can start working I should be fine provided I don't 3x my food expenses.
  13. The recommended driving soundtrack can be provided by old Master Joe here. If Jesus is the "Son of Joseph" then Mr Satriani is the Zen Master I would happily call "Father" given He inspired me to pickup guitar over a bass.
  14. ^ and that same offer will extended to all you whom have given me a laugh on here over the years as I stated before. Procurement of "Fuck you money" pending of course.
  15. My username on other forums is actually SestoElemento and it is my dream "fuck money is no object" car of choice and I had a picture of one as a huge laptop adorning sticker was plastered on my bank work laptop, the fact that I left there to go drive it's spawn in a Huracan was too sweet. So you are a man of fine taste, but if I was to get a Porsche it would have to be a 911 of some sort given I got married on 911 (9th November, but still the "Oz" 911 no less). And congrats on putting in words the driving experience of a Huracan as you described it perfectly. And if I ever get in the position of having a Sesto Elemento, I'll make sure you get to track it for a few laps, if only for being brave enough to share the same dream as I have and to have put it out there, even though it should have gone in the goals thread I started for that exact purpose 😛 Because if I ever get in that position, I could fly you and your Mrs out and give you both matching Gold and emerald adorned DAO chains (Green and gold being the Aussie colours of course) to remember the experience by.
  16. A George Floyd style banana. The classic.
  17. Quite possibly. I mean someone has to be a "Master" in this domain of self gratification, and in case it isn't obvious I enjoy verbally "masturbating" if my post lengths are any indication.
  18. In spite of still being sick, I copped some flicks and managed to collect my Lollipop man ID so I am now officially qualified by Main Roads to hold what is known as the Stop-slow "Bat" And as the course instructor told us, I can now officially say that "I'm Batman" and have the certification to prove it.
  19. The George Lucas one with the 45 reference made me LOL
  20. In other news I am returning to a place where "Tax collectors" ans their ilk congregate to earn a crust in order to czech out how bad I am at the artform which this place is based around as I finally did something that was 30 years delayed. Wonk saggin. *wink face emoji*
  21. $10 Dominos Hawai'ian pizza, garlic bread and a can of Sunkist as can be seen previously consumed in the pizza thread.
  22. I can't picture what haircut you mean, but Devin Townsend owned the skullet back in the day And the fact he recycled the hair for the Ziltoid puppet is even better I'm off to listen to some SYL as a result
  23. Thanks Man, but considering I have a Bachelors in Economics, a Diploma in Finance and Mortgage Broking Management, and a decade working in Banking and finance, the fact society would denigrate me to holding a "Stop/Slow" sign as the only labour I am capable of is a pathetic indictment on HR people and the AIs that scan CVs. At least I can truthfully tell any and all kids and teenagers looking to study business of any kind at uni to not waste their time given that AI & the existing NPCs already filling such roles are going to be doing all such roles before they even graduate and accrue the debt that will last them a lifetime. Especially considering I still owe money after graduating 16 years ago, and now have to work a job where I won't even be getting paid above the minimum HELP/HECS debt repayment threshold. I wonder how said universities are going to attract foreign students now that I will happily expose what a waste of time getting a Bachelors or Masters actually is in every form of social media that I can be bothered posting on.
  24. Traffic control. Finished my course last week and they make me go back today to pick up the licence so I can start applying for jobs.
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