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Everything posted by Mauler5150

  1. Also, funny how when visiting my Mother I notice that the powerlines around the area have a "PTSD" sign attached to them. Almost like the power I was using to charge my devices is infused with a dose of PTSD, given that I know there are multiple sufferers occupying the area and another in the house I formerly resided in.
  2. Walking past my old high school whose designation is ASHS. Ashs to ashes? A fitting descriptor for the life I would have experienced upon returning to lightning upon death
  3. Oh I am better than good. I am supercharged like Bennett from Commando was after he performed a similar feat, but unlike Bennett, I am done with any smoking pipes entering my avatar for the time being. @Manute Bolwould know what I mean
  4. This is the reaction I was anticipating. I could elaborate further yet doing so would require a tonne of work and referencing religion and scriptures I can't be bothered with right now. Just think of me as being the byproduct of a dragon cat that created me as a cybernetic humanoid who once stuck a magnet up his butt as a test only for said magnet to never be excreted as it shattered and now flows around inside me as shrapnel while I exist as Iron Man.
  5. another whang enthusiast here it seems. I have penises growing from my arms. They are called fingers. Fingers I use to shoot images of people who act a fool in public around me in public while I use my fingers to type the details of their "crimes" and immortalise them as fools being "fucked" by me on the internet forevermore. Again, it is all a matter of perspective, yet it shows how I am indemnifying myself of tolerating foolish behaviour being conducted in my vicinity such that the consequence is I either "Play Pinball" using "No SIM" or capture such fools imagery like a mugshot to post on Ch0 for the world to laugh at with me. YMMV and all.
  6. Given I am a Lion powered human, have you ever found a human tongue resembles a cat penis? Just saying....
  7. Other point scoring means in my pinball game of 911 includes the obvious head and heart shots. But the game predominantly focuses around pinning one's balls using "Jabber" as my tool of choice for nailing people's balls to the wall so they can propogate and infect the future with kids who become the innocent victim of their parent's selfishness and inability to set a good example through their life decisions the kids can use as a template to follow to find their happiness without the parents infecting their kids with their own unrealised ambitions and expectations.
  8. TLDR. Be nice if you see me in public and don't try anything behind my back lest I order a drone strike or satellite lazer strike to your nuts or ovaries.
  9. My Dad is a pinball beast but obviously I was an 80s kid whereby video games overtook them as the latest and greatest so I lack his skill in this arena. In spite of this, I have invented my own "pin ball" game to pass away the time on public transport I call "911". It is played by using the Airplane mode button on my iphone and targeting the flying plane as a drone I direct into people's nuts as they represent the Twin Towers. I mainly target those who look like a scumbag, have the drug dealer starter kit outfit of a tiny LV bag and Raiders cap with a full Adidas "gopnik" tracksuit, or speak foriegn dialects loudly on the train, not understanding that I can interpret what they are saying even if I don't speak the language. It is super entertaining, especially if you realise that the "No SIM" network searching text that comes up sees those hit in the nuts being hit with a realisation that this is just a game for me, but this is now their real life last chance at existence in my mind and they waste the majority of their lives away on trivial nonsense. Bonus points if you delay takeoff until the littke satelite icon appears as well. The popout characters which come into your peripheral which insinuate they are chopping you down from behind are also good targets to get bombarded like the Pentagon. This is my way of turning a tragedy into comedy, by making the theory "911 was an inside Job" ultimately true fir as long as I exist in a world where I have to get a job to earn money, and I encourage others to try it sometime.
  10. Are libtards just binary constructs which exist in the /lib/ subfolder of the OSX Framework? As that is all I picture when people use singular terms like "lib" as a shorthand designation of liberal, as they are just monodimensional in nature to where they are so limited in intellectual rationalising of their beliefs that they have zero foundation upon which said beliefs are based. As whilst morals are usually founded in logic, polititards whose biews don't span the spectrum of possible beliefs as backed by reasoning, logic and rationalisation as subject to change based on the specific circumstances of the moment and further education helping broaden one's knowledge regarding any point of dispute.
  11. I know 100% and given my conscious awareness and understanding of our light and dark sides and how others may percieve my light as weakness such that they can attempt to prey upon my default propensity to laugh and joke about things as though I don't battle with suppressing my peceived failure of mankind and the machine in which we exist. As I use sarcasm and comedy as my personal coping mechanism, to where I meme on myself as the above posts indicate and expect others to be able to do the same, and in a situation whereby they fail to do this, it becomes more funny to me as the antagonist in deriving happiness and laughter as the mutually congruent truth becomes apparent to me and whoever that I am just doing a dark form of Seinfeld esque observational comedy founded in truth about things which are indusputable. Take maths for example. I ask someone if you get married twice, and divorced once, you are technically still married as 2-1=1. Yet multiple fools have disputed this fact with me, unaware that the repercussions of "breaking mathematics", sees every aspect of "reality" break as quanfification of objects, money and such sees everything have an equal arbitrarily worthless value whereby 1=0 and given money becomes worthless in this situation, all financial and labour based markets break and the workd descends into chaos. So even though I have a baseline general snd basic understanding of a huge range of subjects yet am not an expert in snything, that us, except for love and how to find happiness in life. This, coupled with the self love and belief needed to have become such an expert along with my Taurean stubbornness, sees me having zero restraint in calling others out on their bullshit or attempts to subvert or suppress that which is "true". Because a Taurean Bull like myself is obviously as familiar with the smell of bullshit as anyone, (try manifest bullshit without a bull) so my identification of other's dribbling it out their mouths is pretty much a "skill" that comes with having a bovine nature.
  12. The fact that I knew someone here would ask such a question proves that I am better than good. Read my post in the nonsense thread, the above was me being sarcastic and making a joke about escaping Purgatory here in Perth faster than I will be able to do so using my electric wand. Whilst suicide is a heavy topic that shouldn't be joked about, having been ratted on by a junkie slut for a non criminal legal act whom only exists (as do all humans and this world we inhabit) because I am alive to percieve her, you can understand my disdain for having manifested such a worthless whore to begin with that being explicit in stating I could care less if she disappeared forever as a result of my death, I am too in love with myself to ever give her worthless blow out ass the satisfaction of escaping me mocking her forevermore.
  13. Listen to this nonsense. I was not going to post anything about this, but given I woke up at 5am and can't get back to sleep, I figure divulging it here is a good way of achieving catharsis as it may otherwise plague my mind going forward. As some of you know, I have been doing a training course the past couple of weeks, have done a medical and drug test, in the hopes of securing employment in the mining industry such that I can better my life situation from a financial perspective with the longer term aim of travelling overseas and surfing locally once again. I was "complained about" and asked not to rejoin the class for the last 4 days by a junkie drug dealing cunt bitch named Tracey. I know exactly who it was, as the guy I spoke to advised me that me having a couple hits of laughing gas in the first week prior to class was apparently a crime, even though it is nit only legal, it is the equivalent of smoking a cigarette, hypocrisy I noted on the phone call I recieved advising me not to attend. Yet the fact that the truth was distorted and I was accused of doing this yesterday, when all I did was share personal, on subject stories within the supposed "safe" space of a classroom in relation to the effects of being a child from a broken home, the fact remains I called this worthless slut deug dealing cunt Tracey out for dealing during the class in the first week of class, and due to our teacher being an Indian immigrant, she had no idea of the local slang or exactly what was being spoken about or being arranged during her class. Whilst I was not snitching, the nerve to be openly doing such a thing in front of someone whom would love to use drugs if I wasn't faced with the reality that from a sober baseline of zero, I can augment my chemical composition to go up to +1 on the graph for a period of time before falling to -1 for 3 to 5 times longer (at a minimum) than the period of time I am at +1, which lead me to realise that going "below zero" allowed "Satan" (for want of a better term, effectively I am referring to the guilt that stems from knowing that consumption of drugs is inherently bad and hurting myself by denying that I am naturally as "high" as it gets) to prey upon my weakened state of mind. Additionally, I advised my recruitment consultant at my meeting last week of the only downside of the course was having to deal with jaw junkies "gnashing their teeth" as their jaws clench speaking in local slang dealing drugs during the class was the only downside. I admitted then that I enjoy drugs yet there is a time and place, shich for me sees me isolate myself from the world as I become the uitimate form of "introvert" and go inside myself to spiritually sync with the divine as opposed to being in a public space contributing to the negative aspects that drugs and the organised crime syndicates which profit from their distribution get to fuck up the society sober people, including myself, live within. So with this all said, I guess the complaint was this Tracey bitch "weeping" so that the script of Revelation and book of Matthew where there was "weeping and gnashing of teeth" as experienced in the life of Matthew Luke. Even in rhe wake of admitting that I would use nangs and would dispute it in a court of law as it would be my word against this whore said that unless there is video then it is a meaningless accusation as she is only intending to stop me laughing at how fucking pathetic her missing teeth junkie slut ways see her portrayed to the workd as. The fact that I signed the coursework and amended rhe "Submitted date" to have "I submit to no man, woman or animal" initialized as my awareness that I need to explicitly state this for the record as I ain't nobody's bitch beyond roleplaying one if my wife would choose for me to do so, as happy wife, happy life after all. The only other thing is when the consultant in charge of organising the courss asked the question "If you need anything, let me know" and I jokingly, yet seriously, said "I need a dollar for every human on Earth that exists as the price they pay for me to save rheir souls" as every human can donate a dollar if I (as someone with less than $100 in the bank as I write this post) was able to do when I posted this image of St George's Church recently on this very forum. So consided this me being "St George" in slaying a dragon by cutting the head off a worthless cunt that would fuck society with her desire to stop me and others from laughing and loving their life as they fearlessly call other's out on their failures by exposing the ego I exchanged fkr eternal laughter as I exist in a cloud depicting a reality these passportless criminals will never be able to replicate. Also, I never mentioned any names to the guy who called me to tell me not to attend the following days or to the consultant I spoke to last week so I never "snitched" but was "snitched on" and as such, I have ever right to expose this worthless cunt, 55 year old bitch named Tracy on this forum as that is what she gets for breaking omerta and ratting on Me, the one Man whose initials are MOB.
  14. Notice team Ferrari had cars 51 + 50. I watched a few laps of them live during the race and wondered if anyone else here would have possibly picked up on it as to me it was comedy seeing them with those numbers after I just came back to using this account with them featured on it. I just watched all these Low Tier God animations on this channel, shit is comedy of the darkest kind.
  15. I legit fell asleep with Youtube on and got a screentime of 24 hours a day at one stage. I asked my friend I embarrassingly sent the evidence to of this sad achievement as I deleted it and I got down to 4 hours a day when I was working and only going online at night. I have subsequently turned off my screentime as for some reason it locked me out of apps even with the functions disabled. So my guess is between 8 to 12 hours a day at least until I get a job and am busy working. And other than the time I am spending on 12oz and applying for jobs, the rest is all Youtube.
  16. Obviously the above post was made in the wake of the PTSD inflicted upon me after I realised I "had to stab a bitch" in order to stay alive. Given it happened at my rookie ball training (baseball but with a machine pitching instead of a human) and at 42 I can look back without regret knowing that I did the right thing as it wasn't me who instigated the physical violence, I just reacted to it (as anyone would be justified in doing so if some pathetic bully cunt was to put their life in danger of expiry). Thanks for being my shrink in this regard Ch0 people, and everyone who truly knows me knows I am harmless and full of love & laughter to the extent that others hate me for it.
  17. I am glad to see that I am not alone in holding out hope for a better, stronger, more unified tomorrow, given today seems wasted by the majority. In other news, I told an egotistical prick at my course who tried to insinuate he knows it all at 24 as he advocated war and other nonsense, that he knows nothing and as he is the present representative of a guy whom tried to George Floyd me when I was 12, I told him I would John Wick him in the leg 100 times out of 100 as he is a bully prick who tries to throw his weight around hurting people in defenceless positions. Pretty sure the tonality implying that if he wants to get smart with me I would gladly end him in self defence for the past avatar which had his name seeing me with no option but to break my rule in treating others as I wish to be treated as my life was in jeopardy. Note that I warned hom twice to get his shin off my neck before I sunk the lead pencil into his shin and snapped it off. Given I allowed him to live in that instance, if he tried the same thing again I will go for the jugular this time to ensure he never gets another opportunity to hurt or bully anyone ever again. Sorry for taking things to the negative, again I hold onto some semblance of hope yet if others choose to iterate themselves as hopeless then they leave themselves open to be mocked by me on here as I detail their crime of which I am innocent of the repercussions that followed. He is just a reflection of a swirling vortex of python code anyway, and if the serpent seeks to suffocate me with a lack of money and opportunity to exist as I did before, then I will elect to humour myself by takikg a photo of said fool, removing all it's virbations, colour, saturation and then turn his life support off as I decapitate him "Highlander style" using the tech I hold in my hand with no blood spilt but ionic radiation emitted from satelites doing the job for me.
  18. So looking at this power station, the option to do a "Michael from Prison Break" and juice myself to the Gills and become pure, unadulterated lightning once again to leave this wasteland behind has more than "crossed" my mind at this point in time
  19. i saw Dhabz posts about his land and such, good on him for sticking around post VAG debacle, so why he would leave after enduring that shitstorm onky leads me to believe it is because he is busy with living life, so more power to him. For casek to leave after seeing DAO survive all his keyboard wars is crazy as I thought casek's "internet armour" was impenetrable. Maybe I was wrong to assume this. Either way, guy deserves a proper "Lord" title as a gift from Established Titles for his cintributions here over the years
  20. Reverend Run? Wasn't that a series of pornos back in the day? Or am I getting it mixed up with Rectal Rooter? Either way, his lyrics are abominable if he chose to bastardize perfectiom. In regards to the other point, have you watched this? Curious to hear your take if you have. Money is a fucked up motivator as I continue to express on here, and someone like MJ had as big a target on his back as anyone, especially when he pissed off the music companies as elaborated in this video.
  21. missed my train stop due on the way to my course because I was looking at the oontz. Thanks to this I revisited the old street I lived in when I returned to Oz after my honeymoon. y chance and circumstance lo and behold it is again named after my Grandfather "George", a fact that only dawns on me here in 2023 after I moved out of there in 2011.
  22. I'll redirect with some water to match your fire taken with this image taken around the corner from my previous post at the beach break named after the animal which has the same libido as me (Rabbits)
  23. Best call. My thoughts on this topic of going to watch rap "artists" is why would any straight male choose to pay to go watch another male dance around on stage as he effectively "speaks in subdivisions of 4/4 time". There is a reason why in the book of Matthew, Jesus said "He who builds his house on rock shall be saved" because even God knows that rap "artists" have nothing redeeming about them worth saving, as unlike rock musicians who have proficiency in a instrument that involves more than holding excrement covered bank notes up to their ear in an attempt to flex, rap musicians rely on the human propensity to hear music in standard time signatures they can nod their head too think it is good. I can understand the appeal of watching male pop singers like Michael Jackson as he was as famous as Jesus and transcended music itself, plus there is a high chance of attractive females being present at gigs that you would actually find have more to offer than just looks, unlike females who think being a "gangsta thug" is a good thing like those who attend rap concerts. Sorry, this concept gets me going, as I for one miss the days when music had actual rockstars and not these poser idiots that have been popular since the internet made mediocrity "cool".
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