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Everything posted by Mauler5150

  1. Brings back memories of a certain dungeon superthread?
  2. I have used this line before. The truth is more like, a bitch still retains some value, integrity and soul by refusing to fuck whoever is interested in her. A whore is just worthless beyond being something that should be mocked, ridiculed, shamed and humiliated such that they are eradicated from society. This goes for any "bitch" that sells themselves on social media in exchange for a dollar, all truly worthless cunts being they wish to advertise they are as such whilst denying you access to them.
  3. Perhaps so. Or perhaps the ultimate joke is that I would rather the aforementioned "joke" to remain behind said zipper such that no children can be birthed into a world where they will spend the majority of their lives as slaves to the system to get money to buy worthless material goods, all while the potential they fall foul of pimps, drug pushers, organised criminal gangs, liars, thieves, cheaters and murderers? Never mind the rapists I purposefully left off this list as all those wh engage i the above behaviours are "rapists of common decency" and as such need to be classified as such. So who is the One telling the joke or the one being the butt of it given it was "My" zipper being referred to?
  4. Funny that My last wetsuit was one I inherited from a friend which just happened to be a Rip Curl springsuit after his older brother outgrew it. Finished work early today and as it is pissing down rain I think I am going to the gym to shower, wash My hair and train for a bit and decide where I want to go park up for the night as I might not have work tomorrow as I haven't recieved a shift yet. While I could go to Scarborough and things with this spare day off, the weather is shit and there is nowhere to park up around there that I know of unless I went a bit further south to Leighton or something to park up. Yet if you couldn't tell by My last video, I much prefer the beaches further south given they have less people on it. Decisions, decisions really. It does give Me time to figure out what I can delete to free up room to export My other projects to upload to Youtube though.
  5. Truth. My most valuable possession (other than My iCloud) is My passport as it contains the evidence of where I have been and the possession of the memories and stories that go along with the various stamps acquired over the 16 years or so since I got My first passport. If you ever want to determine whether you are happy where you currently live, the best way to tell is to GTFO out there and experience a different country and culture to return with a "truth based" perspective on things. Just My advice, take it for what it is worth.
  6. In following with the theme of this page, I had a Double Fillet of Fish at McDonalds.
  7. You are not missing much from My 3 attempts at using it teaching Me that it is overrated for being anything but a social lubricant like alcohol. The snivels which last a couple days afterwards being the part nobody tells you about getting you to seem like a snivelling bitch is perhaps the worst part of the experience.
  8. Thanks for the feedback. I am not sure about ocean temps but the outdoor temps are between a low of 7'C and 19'C which is still too cold (with wind chill) to surf on boardshorts from prior experience. Maybe when it gets to mid 20s celcius I will be able to surf in boardshorts, as currently I still get away with 2 layers of pants and 2 shirts and a jacket for work. But in the sun it is warm today so I am perched up under a "JESUS" piece of a local artist who gets up as I am situated at a Crossroads doing My lollipopping the next couple of days. I will put a video up but it is pretty boring during the week, I might just make a collage at the end of each week of the still images I take so you can see the various places around Perth, I am situated. If you want to add Me on Facebook to view whatever pics I take PM Me and I will let you know My Id on there.
  9. In this instance and until I can both afford a new standup surfboard and be "surf fit" enough to just paddle all day, yes I mean bodyboarding.
  10. Never scrimp on a bed as you spend 1/3rd of your life sleeping (pending the use of drugs) and as such any money invested in quality sleep is well worth it. When considering a mattress, My advice ss someone who invested $10k into his Super King sized bed saw the $1 a day over the lifetime of the mattress as money well spent, even if I cannot find a room to rent that is big enough to fit My bed, hence the move into the van, hahah.
  11. As a bit of impartial advice, you are best to consolidate all your creditcards into a single facility and get one with a decent reward point scheme in the process. Obviously whilst consolidating, you can then increase your limit to your total of however many cards you have and then get the benefit of getting the higher tier point rewards and other associated benefits (be it free travel insurance for flights booked via the creditcard or concierge service to book event tickets, hotels and such) that come with getting platinum cards and the like. I wouldn't do this now as you just got your new limit installed and noting every credit check you have run on your ID affects your overall score, but is something to consider going forward.
  12. As someone who lived with a gay who tried to convince the world He was straight, yet also saw many of these other drug addicted drug dealing Grindr users drop in to the place I was staying so they could not only cheat on their female spouses with the crossdresser I stayed with, but they would also get up to similar shenanigans whilst then going back out into the world in their V8s and acting like macho drug dealing thugs. For Me it was pure comedy to see how duplicitous the lives of these idiots truly are, and knowing that Google has their metadata and locational information along with all the messages of what is said that leads up to such soulless sexual encounters is why I know God is laughing along with Me.
  13. Will keep an eye out and wish I knew this last night given I was located in a place with not so muxh unnatural light. I have seen a heap of these things a few years back when I was roaming the streets high as a kite on a few day bender though, and they are cool to see.
  14. Thanks Man. The van is working well besides a 4th gear crunch and a clutch related squeal that is the result of a thrust bearing or something. Besides that everything is good, it is more the non-van related thungs messing up like My lightning cables and things like that which may prevent Me filming I need to be weary of. My issue is not to get into long winded social commentary rants that seemingly just come out of Me as soon as I start filming. I will try refrain but I can't guarantee it, as I think the muse overcomes Me and wants to put whatever messages I am speaking of out into the world as other people might be too afraid of other people judging them to have such strong and educated perspectives on the things I discuss. New video incoming from Pyramids Beach where I woke up this morning and I have a few vids of social commentary and a tour of Mandurah (about 50kms from Armadale and on the coast) I can edit.
  15. Well I have a photo of Me taken outside the Royal Palace where Ghostrider did a famous burnout in this video Well I would say that you, like Me, were struck by lightning. I have My incident on video though, which happened in a Church carpark, and is probably why I was subsequently able to shoot lightning from My fingertips? Vid is only 10 seconds but is all the proof I can provide on top of the video I showed shooting lightning (blue force bolts?) from My fingertips in the other thread As for paranormal stuff, I have countless stories, from the golden leprechaun miniture bike riding ghost which was on the road and I ran through such that it csme thru My dash as being one example whereby it was just riding around on My gearstick. I didn't mean to run him over and was yelling to get out of the way as I approached ir but it was just a light entity and was ultimately nothing I needed to concern Myself with.
  16. My New issue I am facing is with My iPhone storage so I can't export edited videos, as I have it set to hold downloaded videos to My photos instead of optimising so if I go off grid I can still have the videos to edit. I have the latest and supposedly greatest 1TB version so who knows how I have used 928GB of photo storage but optimised is only 300GB?
  17. Respect. I refused to join also so I do not blame you and as My wife once said "Amazon sucks", which given She is in close proximity to the rainforest of the same name as a Colombian, coupled with the recent delivery driver commentary in the other thread, I believe Her. Until Youtube verifies My ID so I can livestream there I have no other option.
  18. Also I decided that it is probably easier for Me to broadcast raw footage via Twitch so I became a "Twitchtard" as I coin them. theog_mob Feel free to follow Me on there and shoutout the Oontz and Channel Zero so that I can communicate with you all in real time, and if it is like today whereby I woke up here at Pyramids Beach in Dawesville, I invite you to come for long walks on the beach with Me.
  19. Well if you saw My last Youtube video, then you know I am not the only one who sees or experiences this.
  20. I legit saw a tree that with the nightime illumination from a street light or whatever looked like the green haired Joker himself in a similar context whilst I was fuelling about 10 mins ago. I didn't want to take a photo of it if only because I felf that people would continue to think I am crazy for seeing things like this all the time.
  21. ^ Truth What is worse is having married an alien who seems to be using My asshole like one would use an old rotary telephone from behind the curtain of perceptual reality.
  22. Well as MO, you "Got Me (shirt)" so that moniker was well chosen it seems hahaha
  23. The bridge I burned when I left the Bank was because I had 3 days to work (to finish on a Wednesday of all days) after having to give a month's notice. If I would have had to only give 1 or 2 weeks I wouldn't have needed to tell My manager I wasn't coming in because I was ready to kill Myself. With this said I met said Manager last week at the pub and apologised for leaving them hanging. Her description that the place was "Hell" now as a result of the merger of 2 banks teams and their clients over to the parent bank's system made Me feel justified with My decision to leave as I did.
  24. Given the quantum of digital transactions that occur, can the AI running this simulation cross reference the incidence of ADHD kids being born to parents who smoke cigarettes, and compare to high volume alcohol consumers to see which group of parents afflict their children with attention issues as a result of their inability to not be addicted to drugs.
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