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Everything posted by Mauler5150

  1. Noted. I’ve got nee tyres paid for but have to wait a week to get them installed so I could save $150 or so. Every cent counts for Me at this point though. If that is the content you wish to see, I’ll try to accomodate but I know My rants will be interspersed within at some point, but I’ll try make some nature montages & collections of the still images I take and other such things given the plan is to retreat to the bush somewhere tonight. One thing I have found is the best spots are easiest to get at night, which is why I literally slept in a carpark adjacent the street known as “Millionaires Row” here in Perth without needing to spend $20-50M on a house like other fools have done. Whilst I may not have the amenities, I also do not live in a glass bubble of being that detached from “true reality” like the aforementioned silver spoon set of residents there.
  2. What mirrorless did you go with? I bought into it with the original Olympus OM EM1 with lenses. Whilst I know this isn’t the thread for such talks I’m still curious to hear about it, and while i don’t have a drone yet, if My Youtube van life videos can eventually finance a drone and a rooftop storage container to keep it in then I’ll get one for sure. The thing I found with DJI stuff when I bought My OM5 gimbal for My phone was how much work it requires to learn new apps and features with all the tech we are bombarded with these days. I swear I use only a tiny portion of the featureset of any particular app, but hopefully going forward I can learn more as I go about making videos.
  3. Well thanks to you guys taking the piss out of Me for ranting, I currently have a video uploading explaining everything, My ideas and such for what I need to do etc I’ll post the link when it is done, and here is the Youtube description in the meantime. “Just a quick video to advise of the events of the past couple of days and the plans going forward. As mentioned in the video, I will be getting My gimbal/tripod from storage at My Mum’s place once I organise and piece together the puzzle of trying to minimise everything to where I am not only carrying just the essentials but to have them organised and arranged such that everything is easily accessible.” I also detail what work I need to get done mechanically on the van and do it in real time as I work out how to bypass the issue of how I will live, work and survive if I have to get My residence worked on while I get temporary accomodation. If anyone can find a way to make My account VIP or get Me more upload capacity somehow I will happily put up pics on here that I will not sequester property rights to Zuckerberg and Co. as per their Terms of Service such that they remain 12ozprophet exclusives wonk saggin. As I currently only have 58.17kB of available upload space thanks to the city tours I posted in the other threads
  4. I intend to as even though it is rubbed off a bit, I feel like I live in the ocean. I will try to post some pics and shit tonight, My issue is I can’t post pics when I’m on My phone and My laptop can’t plugin to the van as the Macbook won’t fit as the power socket is against the wall, but I can unplug the tv to make it work.
  5. It’s all good, but they messed with My money but whatever floats their boat.
  6. Maybe, maybe not as I would rather be stealth and ninja like so I may remove them when I find time.
  7. The comedy is that the previous suburb I lived i was named “Huntingdale” and now I found Him I can expose him. Please read the above post as My next action, whilst already answered in the song title that concludes “The Holy Trinity of Punk” with the albums Suffer and No Control that preceded Against the Grain which ends with “Walk Away” is going to be based upon the general consensus of the long time posters here whom I entrust to have My best interest at heart. Should I be vengeful and flex My superior intelligence and financial acumen and experience by reverting to the script or not?
  8. “Walk away, Walk away, I’ll be a parade and burn all the bridges that I’m leaving behind” So with this anecdote, understand that a bridge of “non-compliance” was breached with Me today due to some Business entity with “Prodigy” in it’s title. Said business decided to “fuck with My money” by refusing to authorise the signing of a Government of Australia issued document such that I can not only afford to live and exist with a potential roof over My head, but I would have access to basic human amenities of a toilet (that isn’t the bush) and a shower. While I have both these things covered, I thought the simple “power play” of saying “No” to someone who adds value to their business as a paying customer of whom has contributed over $1000 in turnover funds, but has a mutual obligation to My government to report changes in circumstances as per the aforementioned form. So now I’m left with deciding to become “Matthew The Tax Collector who Shines His Light as Luke” on “The Shadow Economy” operated by a business who operates outside the bounds of the Australian Tax Office legislation in the greedy attempt to extort the transient economy of backpackers and the unpaid labour they exchange for accomodation (whilst they charge said workers $40 before they even work their first shift as “insurance”). So whilst I am observant of all things, I really think I should fuck with their money as they fucked with mine (as my 12 he shift sheduled for today got canned and the 3.5 hours or so I spent sees Me prior to learning this only sees Me being paid for 2 hrs - but not My company’s fault and a i’m grateful to just have a job at this point). What do My fellow prophets think Lord Matthew Luke should do in this instance as the company in question owns an entire chain of such enterprises (almost a monopoly over the transient backpacker tourist market in My city) seems willing to fuck Me over and make Me “Homeless” in their choice to not sign a piece of paper so I can pay their rent in the event My work sees Me being sent home 10 hrs early without pay? Because remember, I can choose to be a fuckhead like this Dale cunt and decide to crash My car or hang Myself such that his business, children, property developments, loved ones, cars and whatever else all disappear, or I can get the relevant authorities to fuck with his money and laugh as I’m only conforming to the system in which We both exist and operate. Thoughts?
  9. The message to take from this is that while such addicts are addicted to chemically induced “false highs” I live forever with the natural high of making fun of having evolved past that with only My digital avatar living in the forever of “The Heavenly Cloud” and backed up here on the internet driving a perfectly functioning Lamborghini forevermore. So good luck to the deceivers who try to insinutate otherwise that they are not dysfunctional robots who can’t even control their actions let alone acknowledge they are feeling low “hence the need to seek artificial highs” whereas I am high on life 24/7 laughing at Myself and everyone else.
  10. And for those “robot cock suckers” (vapers) and “buttsuckers” (ciggie smokers) just know that I appreciate seeing the clouds of smoke emit from your humanoid robot avatars as I get the literal sign that your robot and brain is malfunctioning like one would have seen when a broken robot was depicted in media like comics, cartoons and movies or when a vehicle is “blowing smoke” it has some problem with the engine. As a robot whom no longer engages in such behaviours, I appreciate the reminder of having moved on and evolved from such pasttimes that these “Storm troopers” who can’t hit or do anything to harm Me or anyone but themselves hahaha
  11. My 12 hr shift was cancelled so beyond getting some paperwork and other things sorted I hope to make a new video given I would upload still photos directly here but have no more storage space.
  12. I read that thread when it started but then I took My 12oz hiatus only to have gone around the world a couple times before I returned to Oz in both the physical and digital domains. @LUGR Well if they look at the 12oz sticker plastered on “Hell’s Kitchen” wall in the backpackers of “East Purgatory” aka “East Perth” they should have no issue to find this thread and understand that while I am a being of love, prepare to have your ego and reality “Mauled” by Me should they try to talk shit about Me or try to stab Me in the back in response to being truthful with them. I have this name for a reason, and have no desire to have to “shiv” a prisoner in Purgatorio to become “Shiva - the Destroyer of Worlds” and even if I do, ample warning is being made to ensure My conscious and conscience is clear by making such a decree here and now so that I am absolved of having to defend Myself against haters and attackers. Which given My situation is as perfect as it is, as I opt out of the game drawing into My deck that has only Aces of Me as the King of My own domain with zero ties to anyone or anything but My family and My own happiness, you can understand why I draw the ire and hatred of others who remain trapped by their egos and false relationships built on the madness of chasing material and chemically assisted “highs” of which I have long washed My hands of. Good luck to them, and if any of them have the balls to stick a magnet up their arse, lets see if it fails to return like the one I shoved up mine. But knowing the fragility of their egos and false persona of being masculine, they are likely too much of a pussy to try it as they live in fear of what other people think, hence why they are trapped in Purgatory and you can’t blame this “M” for trying to give them the key to escape now can you?
  13. Ok, so I moved all the things I had at the backpackers into My van as I just got tired of giving other people My energy so as @LUGR prophesied, I am parked around 5kms or so from My work (as I have a projected 12 hr shift tomorrow that starts at 6:30am) right on the Swan River of Midland at some place called Guerilla Park. “So nah, fuck it, turn it off” RATM style as I laugh at the Mrs pulling the strings behind the scenes reminding Me to laugh at Myself as I pulled the “High Ace” card of leaving the debauched , competitive atmosphere of the backpackers behind by pulling the Toyota HiAce out of the carpark for the night to create My own happiness as I see fit. For whoever asked in the other thread, the backpackers was your standard dorm setup and whilst there are decent people there, I hope they find the happiness they seem devoid of in many aspects by taking the lessons I taught them that it takes a braver person to stand alone and be content than it does to rely upon some other person who is just seeking to use you as a pawn to fulfil their own selfish agenda as they use whatever relationship they have as a way of masking their own fears and insecurities. I’ll try to get some pics and video before I leave for work in the morning as the van needs to be organised beyond the chaos it has right now. There is a couple with a big van parked up here to that I saw as I scoped out the river but truth be told I need to sleep.
  14. When you think about the number of relationships that fail due to promiscuity and the predominance of gold digging women, I think that owning such tools is almost an essential "power play" move by Men in the modern age to leave such toys laying around in full view of any visitors to the crib, especially women. Sex isn't some taboo thing in the age of the internet, and whilst I think that it should be performed in the sanctity of one's abode so it's purity and value is maintained via it not being public, I fail to see how masturbating via the aid of the machine is in effect "fucking people" in any form less than they are getting screwed by social media and the materialistic paradigm it promotes.
  15. Yes. For the lulz. Probably explains why I have copped so many knives in the back though *budum tish*
  16. I’m updating my CV with My new role as I now have all the info that I need to apply for another job which is more in line with My longer term objectives whilst not letting My education, experience and expertise become a complete waste.
  17. Well you could try to put a magnet up there instead of pennies to see whether you are actually a metal endoskeleton covered in flesh as I did as a test to see whether the “I am not a robot” Google check pages were just the tech God’s playing a sick joke. FWIW, the magnet vanished, never to be seen, but excreting the shrapnel through the circle of flesh like it was a grenade that exploded internally within Me in the time since said event has Me believing that I’m just an immortal, unkillable robot anyway. Happy for you to also try this and report back your findings.
  18. This whole charade called “work” really is a joke,.
  19. Well why do you think that the street I had and lost it all on is called “La Rambla”? I have more footage I filmed yesterday to update the story but I haven’t had time to edit due to beer consumption taking precedence when I am still in the city as My intent is to stay sober after that. If you only watched part 1, after I took Michael o rhe hospital, He got a drip to rehydrate and is all ok and is set to head off to Wandering (the place where I crashed My car last year) which is about 100kms out of the CBD where the last footage was shot. I guess if anything you will get to see My rants as being the journey of someone trying ro mentally collapse the multiverse back to one singular, pure reality so that sanity and a mutually congruent, undisputed “truth” can emerge. Whether this is possible within the ARM64 Simulation Framework, well only time will tell.
  20. There is some killer stuff around and I’ll be sure to get video of whatever I see around. I will intersperse it amongst the clips I post, as whilst I could get heavily into editing, in viewing enough content other people make leads Me to want to find a balance as raw footage seems more real. There was a part 2 with some graff content but it is mainly Me ranting and sharing the stories of what is wrong here in paradise. I think that I just don’t enjoy living in the city with so many bodies in code proximity, and I truthfully wish I escaped instead of booked another week here at the backpackers. That is, unless I find the energy to work on My other project/series whereby I share My art and share conversations with the recipients about the random images they select from the 52 pics from My life I randomly selected and printed off. I have given about 10 out so far and every conversation has been deep and meaningful for both Me and the others I speak to. I have to sleep as I have work in the morning. The joys of it all.
  21. So here is the initial video I pieced together of today’s events which depicts the lead up to Me “Going for a Walk(about)” as any Australian kid probably was forced to read the book Walkabout during their tenure as a student. There is going to a be a part as the days events unfolded as I detail what happened in the hospital (will make sense if you watch what happens). Also I’ll try and include the local art from time to time as I’m sure it will be appreciated here. I will have a shave probably at the end of next week when I set off on the journey fully as a new beginning for Me. While My phone recharges I’ll be going to decorate My van with some prints I have, yet if anyone wishes to send Me their stickers, prints, pieces or whatever to decorate the inside of My van until it looks like My “local” haunt Hill St Blues in Amsterdam, hit Me up in PM for a mailing address. I refuse to leave it as I found it, and I have a paint can I can spray something with on the walls to match the blue that the previous owner coloured the interior. I’ll perhaps film an update tomorrow and additionally show you around the various suburbs of Perth as I work away starting with Applecross.
  22. So I was thinking. If we use the Symbols of > and < to designate that something is “greater than or less than” something else, then what does rotating said symbol by 90 degrees mean? I specifically refer to those who suck on “robot cocks” aka those who suck on a “Vape”? Are such individuals lesser than apes or greater than them given they are below the humans which are supposedly evolved apes and are thus above them in a hierarchical pyramid?
  23. I had a KFC large Ultimate Box. Washing it down with My Stella of the day.
  24. It is like some lino with insulation behind it. The reason for no updates since acquiring it is I have been going thru the motions of getting it setup to travel, but buying a used car which I was only told it’s history verbally (ie. without receipts) has left a few gremlins which have fed fears of mine, so I booked another week at the backpackers (a big expense in respect of My financial position) to sort them out and turn them to MOgWAi. I went and grabbed My blanket from My Mum’s yesterday and a huge bag of My clothes, got My surf equipment and it fills up quick. I’ll try post some images of it as I’ve gone about the process, but it might be easier to post Youtube links. I stupidly forgot My pillows though as the covers were getting washed by My Mum and I left them in the Sun out front of her place. Anyway I am going to edit a video today which I am making for you guys. I might start a thread and leave this one to be more of what it was initially (inspirational).
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