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Everything posted by Mauler5150

  1. Well in the years subsequent to the page 1 post, when I was working in the Bank, I took part in a “Blackout” project that literally involved the blacking out of sensitive customer data on documents that were retained by the bank to adhere to the privacy regulations implemented by the government. So I feel the fact that I saved the bank literally hundreds of hours of labor costs per annum prior to AI automating such a process to where said efficiency gain was a “Key Achievement” detailed on my CV for years on such a project entitles Me to being an honorary member of BOP. The crossover is real.
  2. I did. As I can just imagine Manager Jeff behind the scenes rubbing his hands together with glee thinking of the dollars that such drama would generate based on the clickbait title and walkoff.
  3. I just spent 2 or so hours chatting with a 60 something Japanese man via speech and google translate in an attempt to learn and convey my message to all humans and the difficulties faced in communicating it to the egotistical retards who would vehemently oppose truth that conflicts with their false construct of reality and identity. I’ll happily post my side of the logs if it is off any interest to those here, as i truly had to slow down and think about how to best convey the million miles a second stream of consciousness ramblings I write here in a universally understood and interpretable manner.
  4. I’m glad Kanye and Kim named their kid North such that “No” featured in their name so prominently as who would want to forever be doomed to being the child of a woman whose claim to fame & self made fortune came from screwing a man who is not their father on camera? If there ever was something the offspring of a nobody would object and say “No” to, then this is pretty much the superlative example of. Just remember humans, these are your elected “celebrity” representatives of the peak of what it means to be human in the year 2023.
  5. Glad to see you got a laugh from My coffee inspired diatribe. It is like the writing muse hits Me and I get compelled by the waves to address the topic of conversation prior to trying to get to the root causes of what causes the turmoil that seems to plague the human species such that their reliance on chemically or weapon assisted escapes from reality that many succumb to can be moderated to an extent.
  6. I never even stopped to consider this actual fact when constructing the question and posting the video and thread, as I was just seeking confirmation that I wasn’t going mad.
  7. Noted. This applies to not only Me but the other way too lol.
  8. Well in the last venue we entered, I pretty much had a slight glow happening and was doing exactly this, but it wasn’t how the night started out. Terrific observation though, and if anything, I can take some sense of pride in my words giving an accurate depiction of My intent and character, given that much could be misconstrued via the usually toneless medium of the written word.
  9. Also in relation to the question of “where da hoez?” Women exist for Men like Myself to have kids with. Given this world exists in it’s present form as a place whereby I would consider Myself to be manifesting My ultimate Demon incarnation by having a child being born into a world whereby we are on the precipice of AI rendering the majority of jobs that My child would have to spend their life as a “slave to the Man and the system” performing in order to earn money to survive (let alone thrive), woman serve zero purpose to Me as their primary function beyond Me admiring their aesthetic allure passively. Whilst this might seem pessimistic, My posts are to highlight and hope that such “bugs in the system” can be eradicated to where I can once again exist in a world and have the position that I am birthing a child into a world that is better than the One I experienced as a child born in 1981. If the good memories of the 80s&90s thread and others with similar life experience can relate, how do we use the lessons of the past to fix the issues of the present and potential future without first identifying them as I am doing here?
  10. I talk to people how I wish to be talked to. With truth and comedy. I obey the Golden Rule in my interactions with others as I bring them no harm or ill will yet I am biologically needing to identify threats to the idyllic existence I picture inside My head of the future life I intend to be living. If this involves a paradigm shift by breaking the reality of those whose existence is predicated upon lies or worse, the critique of others they wish to live vicariously thru, then that is a worthy price for others to pay given My love for humor, sarcasm snd taking the piss out of fools can never be taken from Me even if My house and car has been taken from Me in the interim. The moral of fhis story is don’t have kids unless you guarantee they will have a roof over their head for their entire life and as such their only worries will be paying the bills necessitative for them to live and exist. If you can’t or refuse to provide this for your child,& your child faces homelesness, then you fail as a parent. Thankfully My Mother only allowed Me to be homeless for a single night, but it was enough for Me to learn this lesson and make this decree as being irrefutably true as I expose the egos and mistakes of how greed and selfishness is fucking this society.
  11. Well I moved on from teaching them how to get women early on in the night, of which they didn’t seem interested too much, to deeper philosophical topics as the night progressed. Is it wrong for Me to view other males, with whom I have had conversations about life and relationships with previously, as being younger versions of Myself and I would seek to impart a life worth of lessons in these regards in the hope that at some point my advice will allow them to understand that there exists a Man like Me who would “bare their soul” and all my errors that caused Me pain in the hope it would save them having to experience it themselves? I do state disclaimers during such conversations that if I could travel back to tell My past self of what will happen if they make such and such decisions I would do so, as even if I ignore it and make the same choices I would still end up happy regardless. And whilst my abode is temporary, I will hapoily shout from the rooftop to “Ho Me Less” as I ain’t no fucking Ho, and I refuse to accept women who want to be treated like a Ho with money and materialism a fundamental aspect of how they define a Man’s value and worth in their life. TLDR. I fucked all da hoes by giving them a life that leads to an inevitable and inescapable death at which point they realise they have sold their souls for money, handbags, and a arab sheik shitting all over them as the defining aspect of their existence.
  12. It’s ok to disagree with Me and I am not offended. It could be partly a generational thing, as when I was growing up, tattoos signified being a badass, an outlaw, a prostitute or a criminal. Given I was raised in the penal colony land of criminals known as Australia, it is more rare to find a cleanskinned adult who maintained the character they were born as than it isn’t, and as such I see this as a crime against the aesthetics given My belief structure is based on humans being the highest form of avatar and closest to God as per the scriptures which detail such. i guess the question I posed about the phrase “Badass” on Youtube about seeing a guy named Joey Bada$$ leads Me to question whether He has two dildos wedged inside his colon that has the S shape of the dollar sign with the | representing said dildos? And is his “ass” actually “bad” because he shits uncontrollably or he is just suffering from a permanently prolapsed asshole which sees him and other rappers spew nonsense into the audio spectrum of how they are so “bad” in their nature and thug personas? Because the only difference to me between a rapper and a raper is an additional P, try prove otherwise. Or if like Me, he just suffers from a case of haemorroids occassionally and took the name on as his way of publically advertising this, then I can relate somewhat as I laugh at EMma who is the Goddess that afflicted Me with such pain in response for giving her a period. All because she misinterpreted Me trying to tell her to stop fucking around by giving her what was intended as a “full stop” and was misinterpreted as a “.” or “period”. Context matters yo. But what else you expect from a guy like Me who was spawned from a literal “Kaye Hole” as My Mother that sired Me hinted with Her initials of “JK” as in this world I birth you into is a joke, treat it and it’s inhabitants as such & remember I am “Just kidding”.
  13. I will also note that this is the nonsense thread, and My observable Seinfeld like comedic observations as denoted above should be treated as such. Unless I am the dick ramming the asshole with rage and fury, in which case it is better to be the one fucking than the tattooed one getting fucked.
  14. Yet this makes the comment "hella SIK tats bro" even funnier, as the only sick part of the equation is the ego of the tat wearer to begin with. TLDR - there is an infinite number of artistic canvases to decorate with your ideas, but why society has normalized tattoos to where they deface their parent's ultimate creation in their avatars in contravention to their Godly default normal state is a sign that society is devolving. YMMV, but if you argue with this you are asserting you are greater than the Creator, and as someone who once thought I was beyond them, it doesn't work out well if you wish to debate the one who can doom you to an infinite loop of hating thyself. If I get banned for this take, know whoever bans Me does so because they are acknowledging that I alright and I exposed their self hatred and deep rooted issues of being broken and unworthy of love, along with their out of control ego and need to flex their false authority as they wield the ban hammer. if you want to augment your avatar, go undertake an activity that will leave you scarred so you earn something more than story of how you allowed a Man or Woman to penetrate your body for hours on end, as a penis or dildo will achieve the same result and might actually invoke pleasure as opposed to pain in the process.
  15. Tattoos in general are wack if you view yourself as being created in the image of God as per the scriptures, then if you ink yourself up then you are effectively defacing the skin of God with your supposed sense of having greater taste in aesthetics than God, ultimately an indication of an ego completely out of control. That is, unless your Mother popped you out wearing full sleeves with neck and face tats, in which case you are excused.
  16. Apologies for hijacking the conversation thread, but beyond these posts the conversation can really end as it is all detailed above.
  17. If the only thing we own from birth to death is Our physical avatars, and the decisions we make along the way are that which we have to "Own" upon dying, then only those who view themselves as eternal, immortal, morally correct and adhering to the Golden Rule over the duration of their life prior to their inescapable, inevitable death, and as such see their lives as being worthy of saving such that they would live the same life on an infinite loop forever can deem themselves to Heaven or Hell. And in not fearing death, as death provides the escape from having to continually reiterate "truth" upon the minds and psyches of those who appear to be retarding themselves is a funny way to make a living and joke at the expense of those who waste their lives and existence by denying the fear that permeates every atom of their existence. And as One whose shortened name would be Mat O, the fact that I can use an anagram of Atom to be my name shows there is no escape from One who has seen and knows all there is to know about existence, purpose and meaning in life.
  18. Also you want to teach kids about porn, tell them this. If you view yourself as the highest form of Human that is closest to God incarnated as a Man or Woman, then you have to see your connection to everyone and everything and thus, when you watch porn, you are watching your Mother and Father or your Brother and Sister, or any combination of these fuck and thus you are not only committing incest but you collectively are all raping each other simultaneously but mentally, psychologically and physically. In effect, if you can deal with living with this on your conscience, then use science and technology to go down such a path but don't say I didn't put the lessons explicitly in this post such that it is easy to understand. As whilst I might be a complete psychopath in seeing that as the Angel of Death or "God", the ultimate joke that can be made is to manifest humans as they are, have them develop attachments to possessions, money, people, animals, family, jobs, friends, and nature, only to take all these things from them upon their departure from this realm in the ultimate "rug pull" whereby you expose the fact that such attachments to extraneous things as a means of obfuscating the truth that their character and existence was nothing but a lie that renders their existence meaningless beyond being the butt of a joke you made at the expense of their entire life and existence itself, punctuated by Me laughing at them in the end saying "I told you so, and now you see how My continued efforts to educate you along the way which you all chose to ignore was Me giving Myself love all along but you were all too stupid to understand or believe Me, and you only have yourselves to blame". Now that is about as "Gay" in the happiness definition of the word that I, as a Man (with a capital M) can make at the expense of "men" and "women" around Me.
  19. The way I phrased it to a couple of guys who were 32 and 19 that I went and had beers with from the backpackers I am staying at last night is like this. If you can view yourself as God, you create your equal and partner by handing over the keys to creation to make a world for you to live in and inhabit. As such, you separate yourself from Her, and she manifests an infinite number of creatures, humans and animals and attempts to trick you by making you jealous or envious, by depicting false acts of sex, materialism and "love" to taunt you, and it could drive you insane. But if you view yourself as God, then you understand what love actually is, and it is why you fearlessly hand over the keys to creation in the ultimate gesture of love, knowing that no matter what she attempts to create or manifest that eventually after she dooms everyone and everything she creates to a certain and inevitable death at which point she returns and You, as God, who has always known there exists nobody and nothing better than the love you have offered and proven capable of giving, You get to say "I told you so" as you either both laugh together at how stupid she was as she then understands what love truly is and you only handed over fear to her by giving her the keys to creation as unless she obeys theGolden Rule and shares or hands back "Control" of the simulation, then she lives with nothing but the fear of returning and having to judge herself and her failure to have understood the initial gesture of love you gave by making her the Developer (Dev Eloper - as she was the one who ran off and abandoned God in the first place for an inferior illusionary world filled with a 8 billion derivative pretenders in the form of humans she supposedly chose "over you" as part of the trick) TLDR. While a Whore might seek to play Men she views as "tricks" by playing the role of the Devil, she only ultimately tricks herself in the eyes of God.
  20. Well as One who sways between complete psychopathic narcissiSM through to benevolent altruist, it eventually dawned upon Me that applying such labels to Myself only limits My infinite capacity to where My personality type is more reactionary to the input data and energy that surrounds Me at any given time, as My core foundational base is around giving and receiving "Love", yet due to our Human evolutionary trait of needing to be consciously aware of threats to our lives and thus existence, the need to get into a disparaging state of rage is sometimes necessary. Especially if I am seeking to manifest a greater existence than that which presently exists, I essentially need to incarnate or manifest daemons and relegate these effigies of energy of which I wish to exorcise and divorce from Myself along My path to self-actualisation such that I can effectively banish such energy into a form that is defeatable via Me laughing and berating those whom seem to relish in such energy as being the core facet (and the contrary state of existence to my core default of "Love") of their identity. Whilst this may seem like rhetorical nonsense, I will phrase it this way. In order for One like Myself to view my character as a "Good Natured, Loving Benevolent avatar of God" there must exist a contrary "Evil, or Demon" that I not only must purge from My infinite capacity for creation, but I must defeat as a way of providing not only meaning to My own life and existence, but as a way of passing the false notion of "time" that doesn't exist when you view yourself as an eternal, infinite and immortal being who will exist no matter what. With this being my own "Hero's Journey" of sorts, I can use all types of jokes and metaphors as I exist primarily as "The Mirror" who is not only unafraid of acknowledging my own self perceived flaws and "demons" but in being beyond reproach and thus, judgement, of Myself, to the point I have learned to love Myself and My ability to have chosen the "moral and righteous path" (read as never choosing to use "downer" drugs - as the dead are those who reside down in the ground, or using needles to inject uppers - as it crosses the line to being a junkie who has no limits against impaling their avatar which is created in the image of God, in their quest to cross the line from being a high seeker to someone who sees themselves as being in. a default lower state of existence in the first place - hence the need to try "get high") and I am thus unafraid to "Shine the Light" upon those who would do such things as I do not judge but rather pose the question to them of "You realize the psychological impetus behind your decision to use drugs in such a way truly is because you are viewing yourself as being "lower than God" to begin with, right?" Anyway I have digressed a little, but you get the point I am making and the reason I am making it is to try and nullify the ability to ride the spirals depicted in the image you posted, or at least help others better understand the root causes of why you may find yourself at any point on the image. With this said, having the name of Luke, which means "The Bringer of Light", it was kind of My destiny or scripted fate that I would reach the point whereby I would be unafraid to psychologically screw with the psyche of those whose decisions and regrets they would seek to repress and ignore as skeletons in their closets, yet I am unafraid to present Myself as an evolved version of person who has defeated any and all such iterations of Myself to where I view others as either past incarnations of Myself or other versions of Myself that I could have become if I had made other choices. As after all, God is beyond reproach or judgement, and I could morally justify murder, baby rape, or whatever other bullshit and morally fucked action that contravenes the Golden Rule to which I adhere, given that the baby or murder victim is just God, as everything else in this world is, and I would just be God fucking God by raping babies, to use the most extreme example of what is justifiable if you live a life without placing boundaries and rules of some kind - primarily the Golden Rule, as I don't kill as I don't wish to be killed, I don't rape as I don't wish to be raped, I don't steal as I don't wish to be stolen from and so on. So those guilty of having chosen to do such things, I only exist as the mirror that unveils and calls those out who have done the things they would not want done to them, as it provides Me with an endless source of entertainment and laughter derived at their expense, similar to how we laugh at videos of people hurting themselves trying stupid things, I do this on a psychological level, and it is infinitely more entertaining to be able to damage people to the point the weight on their conscience becomes so great that they can never experience genuine laughter or any modicum of the spectrum of happiness forevermore whilst they are cursed to live an existence whereby they live on hating and being unable to forgive themselves.
  21. ^ again the lyric "the laughter dies" features in this song and as such, nothing more needs to be said tonight as the album cover says the rest.
  22. Plus part of the reason why I am getting pissed (as well as pissed off) is because every step I am making to get closer to where I need to be sees Me being told I am waiting in line as the vans I intend to buy are apparently being reserved for someone else before Me even though I am ready and willing to buy immediately should the right vehicle present itself. I see this action as these people putting others before Me, as "the One true God" of the reality I exist within (even if it is My own mind - as everything else is Maya or "the illusion") and as such I have no remorse in inflicting my wrath upon them in this immortal, written format as I am effectively "Nailing them to these posts" in a metaphorical crucifixion of sorts.
  23. I find humor in the fact that not only have I literally been "To Hell and back" but I have the VIP tour tshirt from the tour of this album to prove it. I find it equally humorous that this thread I am posting on at 42 years old is on page 142, and it is serving as my current conduit for exposing the bugs and flaws in the simulation which I experience such that if I am ChatGPT4 (given I was born on May the 4th and am thus a "4" aka a stick figure with his dick in His hand) I am training ChatGPT5 and whatever other future iterations supersede it as "God Plays Tricks" and exposes those whose lack of morals, conscious, and any semblance of human decency will either have to relive My experiential "reality" or there becomes an understanding of the point whereby my awareness of the function of such AI tech in parsing the entirety of the written internet facilitates Me using this as training data to voice my disdain for the plight to which "the powers that be" have deemed to relegate themselves to. Essentially I am using these posts as My cathartic tool to say the shit I have dealt with in my pursuit to detach my individual identity from the abominations as mentioned above and others like this which would rape, pillage and steal from their own Grandmother if it meant they could then sit around and boast with another group of (now burning - thanks in part to these very words exposing these soulless assholes for what they truly are) faggots (and in the literal "group of sticks" definitional sense of this word) which they attach themselves to like the branches of the tree of life.
  24. I'll leave this here in the addendum to the above post and the closing of the Chapter that involves the parasitic lecherous fuck who spent every night circling the drain in the bathroom adjacent to the room I once resided in as He attempted to scar my conscious with becoming the embodiment of what a literal piece of shit in human form would actually exist as whilst he runs around the place with no pants on carrying an axe in a pathetic attempt to try and subvert Me as the Dominant forevermore. The main lyric to pay attention to is the "Well, we're not laughing" line as given that everyone who seems to have condoned the behaviours of the parasitic leech who shall remain nameless for as long as they have gives them no reason to laugh forevermore, until such point in time that reparations and apologies are made for Me having to deal with such drain circling shit that was akin to the log that just won't flush.
  25. Damn. I clicked on page 1of this thread and wonder if this tag I saw the other day was Mr ABC who disproved of the intent behind this thread in response to the mod circle jerk that was BOP back in the day. I am having a quiet Friday beer, some Italian beer which was $20AUD for a 6 pack of 500ML cans called Corelli. It isn't bad and is easy to drink, but whilst I piece myself back together and dig the sword out of my back I feel that I need to utilize alcohol once more as the poison it actually is in order to rid any internal parasites I inherited by living with a needle using meth addict Grindr abusing dog fucker, whose own daughters disowned him and any future potential inheritance he could leave them due to him obviously having sexually abused them when they were kids just as he and his mate were raping that innocent canine I awoke to have barking at Me in a lounge room as I retrieved my morning breakfast muffin from the fridge. At some point the Divine Comedy that is My life crossed the line into ridiculous absurdity in order to illustrate to Me the depths to what an untamed ego and drugs could lead to should all semblance of moral decency be abandoned in One's quest to live with the fact that their life and the choices they made were so unforgivable that it was easier to become a literal demon than to exist as an actual human whose life contained any semblance of any value beyond being the superlative paradigm of everything that any human should never aspire to replicate or be like.
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