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Everything posted by Mauler5150

  1. And as is always the case with the duality of life here in Perth I mean Purgatory, you can't have cats without dogs and in this case I present Maddog Adrian the Mad cunt.
  2. The Catman of Armadale was this crazy old drunk that we saw getting beat over the head with a skateboard as he yelled "You fucking dogs" out front of the fish and chip shop where arcade games were in the 1980s.
  3. In the wake of the passing of the legendary Purple Aki, I am making this thread for you to all post details of the local legend characters that we in 6112 refer to as "Catman" whereby the stories and lore of perhaps what was a single event get Chinese whispered around town such that they become the stuff of legend and renown (for all the wrong reasons). RIP Purple Aki https://rajasdentalcollege.com/purple-aki-died/
  4. Been working 12 hour days so updates have been few and far between so My apologies. Got a video rendering of todays locale, where I make a couple of jokes about the state of things as I watch the conscripted workers get back to assembling My Deathstar Cruiser that I sail the high seas of the 4+5G waves of AtLANtis.
  5. Yet if the rocket you spoke of was launched at night then that is what I witnessed. A good reminder to listen to this song whilst I am at the gym if anything.
  6. I saw the weirdest chem trail ever yesterday, as it was legit like a rocket that was heading directly upwards and directly across the Sun, as it was reminiscent of a crack in the sky, almost like "the Firmament" was fractured and "the Great Flood" was to rain down from the Sky. I am sure there is a verse in the Book of Revelation in respect of this anomaly I witnessed, or it was just the "Hole on the Oz One layer" being manifested into a perceptible form, but I didn't photograph as My phone was in My van charging.
  7. I find it funny how the NPCs in the reality generator of My simulation now spawn in as bats like in the Batman Arkham series of video games due to Me downloading the Dracula VLC skin pack. Rather hilarious all things considered, yet it is what it is.
  8. Since I haven't updated this thread for a while due to working 12 hour days and having a short weekend that only lasted a little in between travelling to see My Mum to do washing and then heading into the bush at a RV parkup place called Wundowie to meet up with My fellow van lifer Mike, I have gotten some footage I should edit together soon to give a visual update. My current gig involves standing at a closed off road letting a few locals drive up to their houses and redirecting others to use adjacent roads. I took it as an opportunity to bust out the MDF panel I bought to practice painting and can control to do some streetside art I can place in My van whilst I am getting paid to do so as in some bizarre twist of fate I am getting paid to entertain Myself by painting and making art for Myself.
  9. Did you go thru a DX phase walking around telling people to "suck it"?
  10. Apologies for the lack of posts lately, I have been doing 12 hour shifts and it has sapped My lofe from Me with the quickness
  11. Well lets just say the latest modification to personalise My van should let you see how much 12oz gets around.
  12. My best friend said the same thing, that I should get on Tiktok and post videos. I have some footage from last week and weekend, short clips of the places I parked up at. Yet the crazy thing was last Sunday morning, just after I made a morning wakeup to view video prior to going into the beachside public carpark toilet I stayed at to piss, only to find the local Ranger crawling thru the carkpark. Before any talks could be made I jumped onto the driver seat and tried to take off only to find my battery was somehow dead (possibly because I exhausted the solar battery?) and needed to give Myself a jump start. If the Ranger got smart I would have just said it was because I used My solar to charge My jumpstarter battery, but I can't believe these residents who think that just because they have money that they own the beach they are lucky enough to be able to afford living next to. My intention for the day prior to making a hasty retreat was to grab rubbish off the beach as My karmic "rent" for staying a couple of nights in the locale (albeit different carparks).
  13. It is expensive to go there and there isn't that much for Me to really go there as I have been over there by both plane and the ferry in the past. As an update, the RAC fucked Me over as I took yesterday off of work (I missed a day's pay as a result) to get the tyres I had to wait a week for them to come out and tell Me the RAC callout guy I had come sell Me a new battery and give Me the tyre quote had ordered the wrong tyres. So after I agreed to reschedule to this Saturday, I now find an email saying they have cancelled and are refunding Me, so who knows how long the money will take to get back to My account so I can get the tyres I would have gotten a week and a half ago.
  14. Nope, as I have been a pacifist ever since I inadvertendly had no option but to stab someone when I was 11 in the shin with a lead pencil due to him "George Floyd-ing" Me for no other reason than he was a bully and saw Me sitting with my legs crossed on the floor as I was writing a batting order for our rookieball practice on a clipboard, as an apparently easy target. I think I shared this story on here before, yet after he ignored the 3rd warning to get his shin off of My neck, I stabbed the pencil into his leg and snapped it off John Wick style, decades before Hollywood decided to use a pencil as a signature weapon. This event not only scared Me as to My capacity to hurt other people to where I sought to avoid violence and fighting in the wake of it, yet I also will never have a reason to feel any guilt about My actions in that instance as I did nothing to warrant being put in such a position nor did I not make it clear what the outcome would be with the 2nd and 3rd warnings that were ignored being "Get the fuck off Me cunt or I will stab you", and if anything I hate that this fool has put Me in the predicament whereby I have to live knowing that I hurt someone in this way whereby I was forced into disobeying the Golden Rule of "Do onto others as you would have them do onto you" given I would never wish to be stabbed and would never intentionally stab someone unless I was in a similar predicament whereby a retard chose to put My life in danger. Beyond this, I let My brother take a few hits on Me one time and another where he and his bitch of a woman attacked Me for changing My router settings after he was allowing every junkie that passed thru our place to use the wifi which I was burdened with paying for after he failed to pay half the bill as was agreed when I set it up when we moved back in together as I attempted to get him away from the junkie scum he bought to our place. Anyway, a long post, yet I see those who resort to violence to solve disputes (or otherwise) only do so as they have failed to either accept that they are wrong or are intellectually defeated to where their ego would see them lash out physically due to them being a prisoner to their self perceieved inferiority complex.
  15. I remember the CreamyPotatoe and BOATS accounts.
  16. As a member of this forum. I am now officially an adult as the 18th year anniversary of Me joining up here passed and the crazy thing is I didn't even have any alcohol to commemorate the occassion. So even though I should feel old due to this, I actually feel ancient. That is all.
  17. Onions are horrible. I think I already relayed the slang meaning of "onions" in relation to the bikie scum of My city who turn girls into junkies and the term is used because "What they do to girls will make you cry" (like cutting an onion). With this said coleslaw is good by Me.
  18. Brings back memories of a certain dungeon superthread?
  19. I have used this line before. The truth is more like, a bitch still retains some value, integrity and soul by refusing to fuck whoever is interested in her. A whore is just worthless beyond being something that should be mocked, ridiculed, shamed and humiliated such that they are eradicated from society. This goes for any "bitch" that sells themselves on social media in exchange for a dollar, all truly worthless cunts being they wish to advertise they are as such whilst denying you access to them.
  20. Perhaps so. Or perhaps the ultimate joke is that I would rather the aforementioned "joke" to remain behind said zipper such that no children can be birthed into a world where they will spend the majority of their lives as slaves to the system to get money to buy worthless material goods, all while the potential they fall foul of pimps, drug pushers, organised criminal gangs, liars, thieves, cheaters and murderers? Never mind the rapists I purposefully left off this list as all those wh engage i the above behaviours are "rapists of common decency" and as such need to be classified as such. So who is the One telling the joke or the one being the butt of it given it was "My" zipper being referred to?
  21. Funny that My last wetsuit was one I inherited from a friend which just happened to be a Rip Curl springsuit after his older brother outgrew it. Finished work early today and as it is pissing down rain I think I am going to the gym to shower, wash My hair and train for a bit and decide where I want to go park up for the night as I might not have work tomorrow as I haven't recieved a shift yet. While I could go to Scarborough and things with this spare day off, the weather is shit and there is nowhere to park up around there that I know of unless I went a bit further south to Leighton or something to park up. Yet if you couldn't tell by My last video, I much prefer the beaches further south given they have less people on it. Decisions, decisions really. It does give Me time to figure out what I can delete to free up room to export My other projects to upload to Youtube though.
  22. Truth. My most valuable possession (other than My iCloud) is My passport as it contains the evidence of where I have been and the possession of the memories and stories that go along with the various stamps acquired over the 16 years or so since I got My first passport. If you ever want to determine whether you are happy where you currently live, the best way to tell is to GTFO out there and experience a different country and culture to return with a "truth based" perspective on things. Just My advice, take it for what it is worth.
  23. In following with the theme of this page, I had a Double Fillet of Fish at McDonalds.
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